Libertarians invade r/unpopularopinion

36  2019-07-13 by AlrightGinger


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You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Libertarians invade r/unpopularopin... -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

You're right. I was just upset my unpopularopinion wasn't getting upvoted and I took it all out on you. I'm sorry.

The libertarian... apologizes?




This unironically

thanks zozbot


Every post I link to on Drama gets deleted within the first 15 minutes, I think I might be on to something...

God bless snappy

>Man, I'm in my 50's and high school girls look like half-formed goblins trying (and failing) to look like real people. They're just these weird swarms of giggling oddness.

>Anything under 25 just looks like uncooked dough to me. It's in the face, you can see it.


Is it me, or is this dude protesting just a *little* too hard?

Man, you know what I hate? Molesting children. Fuck, I really hate molesting children man, like man, molesting children is the worst, hate it, not something I would ever do.

In fact, I couldn't even imagine molesting children. Why would someone want to do that?

Every guy on Reddit has some bizarre opinion on women

meme gender indeed

Younger chicks

Weren't they fucking kids lmao

That's what he said

Edit: ok I meant reasonably young. I didn't realize it was like 12 year olds and shit. I was thinking like 16+ my bad


He's genuinely retarded.

one of them was 9 iirc
