56%cels cope as time-traveling Viking plunders high yellow black qt

91  2019-07-14 by clairmint


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. 56%cels cope as time-traveling Viki... - archive.org, archive.today

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Why won't the uggos just let the attractive people be happy? I swear, bigotry against the beautiful will be the last accepted prejudice.

That is basically r/braincels:

"We don't hate all women (except when we do), we just hate attractive people."

...yeah, this is unironically worse. This fucking IQ 70 subreddit makes me SEETHE!

Someday man will see the folly in our idealism and send the ugly people into chattel slavery. Alas.

I know people generally think that beautiful people are rude and conceited but tbh I think the most attractive people I've ever met were also the nicest, and the shittiest people I've ever met were pretty ugly.

Malcolm X would unironically be opposed to this shit. A lot of people don’t know that he wanted separation. He just made a distinction between a separation between equals, and segregation, which according to him is an unequal separation, based on ideas of racial superiority.

Malcolm was right and will be right for a while.

He had high hopes for black people....

No he’s not. The bit where conservautists go all “muh based black man” for Malcom X is embarrassing.

Don’t you people ever get tired of knowing what’s best for (insert inferior people)?

as a lib, I’m always thinking about how dumb nigs are and that’s why they shouldn’t be segregated

I think we got ourselves a cutter.

As a conservative, I'm always looking for based black men in maga hats to upload their pictures to the_donald so my girl and I can get off.

Malcolm was right

He had high hopes for black people


Weed, dude

Dawg how did the wokecels lap the alt rights racism?

It's against whitey so it's okay


Racial fetishization is still racism


yeah she's hot but their mixed race babies are going to look weird!!

Even though just by appearances you can tell she's pretty mixed.

all this to say #BrownIsBeautiful #MayocideCan'tComeSoonEnough

She's whiter than I am. That fucking bitch!!! She better let me in the ethnostate 😡

Mixed race babies turn into fucking gorgeous adults, I don't know what these guys are smoking. Like when if the parents are ugly their child can turn out attractive.

El Goblina look proves this to be untrue. The only rule is that attractive peoples' kids end up attractive adults.

The only rule is that attractive peoples' kids end up attractive adults.

Not even this is true. A 10/10 Chad and a 10/10 Stacy can still have dull 4/10 children.

The DNA gets randomly recombined. Of course better DNA increases the chance of good looking offspring, but if someone is already a 10/10, chances are that you won't get another 10/10 if you throw the dices (DNA) again.

Sorry for the serious post, btw, kind strangers.

A 10/10 Chad and a 10/10 Stacy can still have dull 4/10 children.

Can, but prob not

Sorry for the serious post


Mixed race babies turn into fucking gorgeous adults

obligatory reply

That's a little kid retard. 80% of little kids already look like goblins. Almost certain it grows up good looking.


Yes. He looks much better than his dad.

In my experience, it seems like mixed babies only come out as one extreme or the other. Either they get the best features of both races or the worst.

Goblina-cels RISE UP

Its always sad you know the black people getting upset by this often ignore the chocolate delights around them for 🤢 mayo gussy but get upset when a black girl is happy with her man

You always see black men seethe about black women who marry out, even if they'd never consider these women in the first place (skinny, mayo-assed, dark skin and/or nerdy chicks like Aisha Tyler types).

Black women do this a lot too tbh (with "soft" or alt-y guys).

What is the 56% part?

She’s mixed

Is that Vanessa Morgan?

What did her seats smell like?


incorporating weak mayo genes into your anti-colonizer gene pool


They’re just attractive sweaty, now hold the door open for them

am i supposed to know who these are

What does 56% refer to?

Uggos of both races seething, I love it

lol and they call mayos fragile when they triggered by BBC porn