r/ukpolitics discusses The Jewish Question

44  2019-07-14 by YesChancellor


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This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. r/ukpolitics discusses The Jewish Q... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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She cute tho

Anarcho-fabulous. Muslim. THFC. Walks like a supermodel. Fucks like a champion. Luxury communism now!

bad case of dumbbitchitis sadly

How can she claim to be Muslim and talk about fucking in the same post? She does know that pre-marital sex is punishable by Islamic court, right?

Why are there muslims who think that Islam is compatible with communism? Same reason as everything else: humans are retarded.

Islam in its purest form is unironically more compatible with economic liberalism than any other religion, while Christianity is much more similar with anarcho-communism.

Realpolitik is a bitch, isn't it?

explain? i thought that Islam was pretty collectivist religion

Islam puts a large emphasis on individual property rights and inheritance law. A lot of Islamic Law is devoted to financial matters. Islam has a mandatory charity, but it is a much lower contribution than Christianity traditionally demands. Islam also has a relatively secular governing structure, with effectively no priest class, instead opting for lay clergy.

individual property rights and inheritance law

tell that to progressives

Get the opinion of r/Islam

How do I erase this sentence from my brain

"Luxury communism"

I can't believe that of all people I'm gonna say this, but.....dis twat needs to read some Marx.

She looks like an Indian boy I went to hs with


That has got to be the ugliest bunch of foids I've ever seen in my life, goddamn.

Bong politics has been centred around the solution to Jewish problem for a while now.

While dancing around the Muslim problem

Bongland doesn't have a Muslim problem it's a caliphate.

It has a mayo problem

For now.

Asian* problem

Why is every bread tube link to an insufferable video?

Because when you eat nothing but bread all day, everything you do will be a stinky shit.

that was poetic bro

Ash takes a very critical position on efforts towards intgeration which she sees as assimilation into "White culture."

lol move to a White country, get confronted by White culture. I hope to God the alt right is correct and Britain white people become minorities and end up an enslaved class. Inshallah

Inshallah indeed my good brother