Dementia Daddy tells Commie Mommy to go back to her own shithole country

141  2019-07-14 by dramatic_tard


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


  1. Dementia Daddy tells Commie Mommy t... -,

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AOC was born in the US, her Father was born in the US and her mother is from the Puerto Rico. . .the stablest genius folks.


DDF assemble!

Cope force assemble


Whats the difference?

It is the same thing.

1 point (57% upvoted)


For all the tough talk and snowflake shit they really are the biggest snowflakes. I find that far more offensive than being called a nigger or whatever from these inbreds, that's just bantz. But they can never handle the bantz back without being triggered, downvoting, and sending cope to pretend they're in control.

I don't even know if you're talking about lefties or righties but I agree regardless

Plz stop agenda posting

"Leave Daddy alone 😭😭😭😭😭😭"

Idk what you mean by any of this and also your links aren’t working for me


Idk what you mean by any of this

No way?!


tfw you got ebic trolled by a guy who posts on stupidpol and cumtown

is this about AOC or the terrorist lady from Little Somalia?

Little Somalia

not sure if you're referring to Sweden or Bongistan

Worse, Minneapolis.

Hold on now. South Minneapolis, don't lump nordeast in the same category.

>Nordeast Minneapolis

We have a term for that, it's greater St. Paul.

Without the confusing street system.

the one that makes more sense

AOC was born in the US

So she is from a totally broken and crime-infested shithole.

If anything I've learned that Daddy is never wrong, but always retarded.

Ergo she's Puerto Rican and should go back somewhere she's never been.

Maybe this is Trump's way of saying he's going to run for office in Scotland (where his mother is from).

Potato blood yikes

Given the corruption and the recent problematic situation involving the Puerto Rican governor, maybe he's not that off the mark.

Somalia is a total shithole, though. I knew a few came from eastern Africa, and non of them like Somalis.

Just because you're born in the U.S. doesn't mean you're an American. Mahmoud born in France isn't French.

Trump is only second generation. His grandfather was not born in america.

Lets not be retarded now, Daddy was directly talking about Omar who comes from Somalia which may be the shittest country on earth.

Ooo top 10 Trump tweet right der.

Commenters quickly condemned Mr Trump’s comments as racist, some accusing him of xenophobia or “early Hitler”-style talk.

Fucking what. I cannot wait until Daddy really gets started so we can all stop hearing about these "early Hitler" comparisons.

After about 10 million Mexicans (not sure of the Jew-Mexican exchange rate) they'll be screaming "This it LITERALLY late-stage Hitler!" but what then? What happens when Trump exceeds Hitler's kill streak?

Will you people FINALLY say something fucking original?

What I don't get is if we're back to doing the whole concentration camp thing again why can't we start with weebs and gamers

Because weebs and gamers unfortunately make up a majority of Daddy’s base 🤢

As a gamercel please don't lump me in with the weebs

the gypsies got lumped in with the jews and gays. you can get lumped in the weebs because you're functionally no different.

well thats terrible its like reverse eugenics

Our strength consists in our speed and in our brutality. Genghis Khan led millions of women and children to slaughter, with premeditation and a happy heart. History sees in him solely the founder of a state. It's a matter of indifference to me what a weak western European civilization will say about me. I have issued the command, and I'll have anybody who utters but one word of criticism executed by a firing squad, that our war aim does not consist in reaching certain lines, but in the physical destruction of the enemy. Accordingly, I have placed my death's-head formation in readiness, for the present only in the South, with orders to them to send to death mercilessly and without compassion, men, women, and children of Mexican derivation and language. Only thus shall we gain the living space which we need. Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?

Donald J. Trump, 14 July 2019

There's no way he actually said that. No. Way. Holy shit, this guy is basically Hitler. Why aren't more people talking about this?!!

You know, I think I'm starting to like this Trump fella.

I can’t believe that people unironically think that geriatric boomer who runs on kfc and Diet Coke is even semi capable of pulling of Hitler style authoritarianism. He can’t even fill half of his cabinet appointments.

He's simultaneously a complete moron and a strategic master of propaganda capable of pulling off the insane feats Hitler did.

idk how he got to be president, he was a genius or was smart enough to hire genius people to lead his campaign..

genius people to lead his campaign..

TIL Paul Manafort and Carter Page are considered ....


Fentanyl Americans are retards and voted for the candidate they identify with.

No genius required.

Hitler was literally a failed liberal art student cooked up on meth, tbf.

Should have banned art after hitler., Along with meth.

Should have banned art

Based and isis pilled.


إن شاء الله

Iconoclasts out OUT OUT!

Idol worshippers. 🤮🤮🤮

Moses would beat your ass.

Get the fuck out Leo III sympathizer

I can't hear shit from people who lost constantinople.

Venetians are the world's greatest monsters.

Sound like C O P E to me.

Imagine being so irrelevant Napoleon didn't even bother to siege you out.

To be fair, that's pretty clever from them.

Returning the Horses of St. Marks was a bitch move tho. Rightfully looted from looters.

Returning the Horses of St. Mark was a bitch move tho.

The restauration was the biggest mistake france ever had to suffer.

in all fairness some or a lot of that is simply because trump can't run the country like a business/dictator like he thought he would. Doing Hitler things like thinking trading industry to other countries = they will get industry and no longer export food to you(trump level of economic theory), closing off the economy(closing the Mexican border, tariffs on everyone), enacting massive state mandated fraud to pay for an absurdly large army, invading other countries when your fraud is about to collapse to take their money and pay for all of your deficits. Imagine if Trump was able to personally control the federal reserve on a whim. A lot of that shit he would absolutely do if he had the chance, he loves dictators. Maybe not full blown genocide though.

Hitler: Practically abolishes German constitution 1 year into power

Trump: Incapable of using the president's greatest power to accomplish just one of his campaign promises

clearly these two are the same people

Libs owned with facts and logic yet again.

I mean, Hitler ran on amphetamines mixed in with a cocktail of drugs.

Mecha Hitler

like a wolfenstine 3d hitler or a mecha hitler like godzilla?


Trump isn't even cool enough to be Johnny Hitler

During his rise to power Hitler was going to beer halls and kicking the shit out of people. There was almost zero "early Hitler" style talk. But hey facts don't matter.

I get the feeling Daddy is willing to throw down. During the campaign an insane visa overstay went to grab a secret service bro's gun and assassinate Trump. Daddy put them dukes up.

2020 Year Of r/Drama

“go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came”

This is wise advice, Burgerstan is a crime-ridden shithole.

Why does daddy hate America

For real I think the dementia is unironically starting to kick in.

I was in an airport bookstore the other day and glanced at the political section. There were at least 5 different books which were assessing Daddies mental health, shit like '27 Professional Psychologists analyze Trumps Behavior'. Why is everyone so obsessed with diagnosing mental illnesses as if it matters?

I'm assuming when you go to the whitehouse they've installed those speakers in the ceilings you get at doctor's offices and stores, and it just softly plays white power radio. Classics such as

Roses are red and violets are blue and niggers are black, you know that's true


stand up and be counted show the world that you're a man, stand up and be counted, go with the ku klux klan

or even

my eyes have seen the glory of the trampling at the zoo. we've washed ourselves in niggers' blood and all the mongrels too

Are you posting Arghoslent lyrics for the new album? Dude, sweet.


“These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough” - daddy

Is he always right?

based and kikepilled

so when all the brown people are gone can we finally go back to arguing whose really white and isn't? because personally i'm on the fence about counting the Irish, or Eastern Europe, or southern Europe.

Living corpse Pelosi still repeating "Crumpf is racist, diversity is our strength" in (CURRENT_YEAR + 4)

Literal broken records

Um this was to the Somalian you dumb fuck.