r/stupidpol lads show up to lgbt group on campus to shit on identity politics, however all 20 r/stupidpol lads identify as nonbinary

156  2019-07-14 by investment2questions


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Jews did this


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I also read online that some people identify as enby for political reasons... and that's valid

Hoisted with your own petard

I mean that says it. Even if they are identifying as non-binary for political reasons it isn’t invalid so what is the question? They are just looking for validation to be exclusionary. Them seem that they do genuinely see gender as a social construct. If they don’t want them in their group they should give a better reason than gut feelings. Maybe have behavioral standards in their “safe spaces” and kick people out only if they violate them.

Enby is a short form of "non-binary." It is used instead of boy or girl to refer to non-binary people. Some people who identify as non-binary are uncomfortable with the word "enby," however, so many people will ask before using the word to refer to someone.

How the fuck do I go back to before I knew this word existed




easier to say than nonbinary tbqh

can we just call them retards

profligates or degenerates work as well

This but unironically

fuck you, now I know the existence of the word as well.

It's like Arby's ...

Arby . .

R.B. ...

Roast Beef

Destroying ←oids with their retarded arguments is the most based thing I can think of, and it's an American pastime nearly on the level of baseball.

That sounds like too funny of a gag for that group. Plus it didn’t mention anything about them talking about reading theory incessantly.

How quickly can we import more muslims

This. Death to America.

From r/islam lol

Brothers and sisters, this is what liberalism does to a person. He says in the comments even if Allah exists, he wouldn’t worship him because of lgbt.

Does it sound familiar?

Satan did the same thing, he believes in Allah but his ego is so inflated that he willingly chose to disobey. In other words he has chosen hell for himself, just to prove that he is right (that he is better than Adam)

This person here was brainwashed so much to love the lgbt deviants that he chose to disbelieve in Allah in order to fulfill his duty towards the lgbt.

Liberalism is the most dangerous thing for us muslims. Not even nuclear bombs can do this damage.


Bet they can

goddamn I come closer to converting every day.

if only they weren't so smelly and dirty and loud and annoying

May Allah bless us all

I hope to god that this is real

Doubting the Bigly Gay agenda of /r/stupidpol

For shame, Mrs. Snally

I would love it if it pops up in all of the college campuses.

once a word ceases to have any meaning or any parameters it will of course be misused

you follow their logic it would be hard to know whether someone is being sincere or 'faking' because like they said the only thing you need to do is identify as such and if you disagree you'd be called a bigot which the OP is afraid of being called

When you feel uncomfortable due to the presence of a person (or group of people) that is your body picking up on the devious and foul nature of said person(s). My advice, just get out of there and stay far away.

When you make a group based on self identification, but later realize means there is no barrier to entry to any identity so you're left with relying on horoscope level crystal shit to justify your behavior and feelings.

When you feel uncomfortable due to the presence of a person (or group of people) that is your body picking up on the devious and foul nature of said person(s). My advice, just get out of there and stay far away.

Hmm I wonder (((who))) else this can be applied to.

Open borders is actually going to be a problem that solves itself after our Muslim overlords lock this bitch down.

Does this apply if I feel this way around trannies or does it only apply when around conservatives

🔮 ORBS 🔮 is the word your looking for

When you feel uncomfortable due to the presence of a person (or group of people) that is your body picking up on the devious and foul nature of said person(s). My advice, just get out of there and stay far away.

Why do certain impoverished communities take issue with this advice?

You can't tell them they don't identify as non-binary as you have no proof they aren't. If you can tell them that, you are going to get painted as someone that doesn't believe queer people.

since you don't need dysphoria to be trans

She's right and I'm sure some of them are really enby, but I think the majority are faking it.

I also read online that some people id as enby for political reasons like thinking gender is inherently oppressive and that's valid, so maybe that's like what they're doing and I should just shut up?


Go with ur gut gurl. You know this is bullshit. They know this is bullshit. Everyone knows this is bullshit. The emperor has no god damn clothes.

how did we go so fast from "what i wear and how i act is not what makes me a woman" into "i wear dresses therefore i am a woman"

like nigga damn. it's insulting i went through so much effort of transitioning and shit when i coulda just kept my beard and kept going.

Crazy straight people vying for oppression cred, that's how. Activists have created a nutterbutter social hierarchy where the more """oppressed""" you are the more power you have in progressive circles, so... here we are.

If Bussy gives ultimate power, and I get all the bussy... Then does that make me a god?

Nah bruh, the lines are constantly advancing. Gay men are cancelled now, didn't you hear?

What's a gay to a god? What's a god to a trannie beaver?

White gay males are the KKK of the LGBT world

idk m8 white lesbians will give em a run for their money

only if they are TERFS especially gold star TERFS

All lesbians are TERFs as per current woketard dogma.

Gay men are cancelled as fuck, but at least they ain't got Shreks demonstrating in the streets waving baseball bats covered in barbed wire while wearing blood-spattered "I punch fags" shirts.

Bussy has 0 oppresion points.

Trussy has 1.

Gussy has -1.

Looks like my spirit wrote checks my religion is going to bounce 😮

Not just vying for cred, but terrified of getting cancelled if they fail to prove their allegiance to the ideology.

It won't be long before I can start identifying as a toilet seat in the ladies' room and everyone will be too afraid not to sit down when they open the cubicle door.

Capitalism has found the most efficient and cheap way to change gender. It's what Adam Smith would have wanted.

gender is inherently oppressive

>tfw fucking racist cisheteronormative nature is oppressing me again 😠😠😠

“You don’t need to have gender dysphoria to be trans. “

Isn’t that the core point point of trannydom? Just what are the Jews trying to do here?

The doctor Jews are in it for the surgery grift 🤑

Why would you get surgery or even HRT if you don't have dysphoria?

The points buddy. I'm a high masters rank victim already. Pretty sure by six months I could have a profitable twitch stream.

Too bad that in an effort to make the game more casual-friendly they removed equipment checks and most of the corresponding grind, so now you get more points for being a demisexual panromantic enby than a fully transitioned transwoman.

Pay-to-win isn't bad if you have the capital. Chapos btfo's yet again...

i definitely know some who have done it. the whole trans area really makes absolutely no sense

uninteresting mayo foids are reclassifying what counts as transness so they can substitute that for a personality.

How uninteresting do you have to be to reduce yourself to that level?

I thought nerd is as uninteresting as a person could get, but holy shit I am wrong over here.

How uninteresting do you have to be to reduce yourself to that level?

Being a mayo

It was but I guess they think that the DSM removing trannydom from gender dysphoria means they're both different and not an attempt to state that being transexual isn't a mental illness.

When you feel uncomfortable due to the presence of a person (or group of people) that is your body picking up on the devious and foul nature of said person(s). My advice, just get out of there and stay far away.

Who said it: a tranny or a stormfronter?


Wtf is stormfront

The OG literal neo-Nazi forum. Its founding in 1996 marked the start of the Zoomer generation.

Always trust your intuition.

When you feel uncomfortable due to the presence of a person (or group of people) that is your body picking up on the devious and foul nature of said person(s). My advice, just get out of there and stay far away.

I'm gonna suggest that relying on a 21 year-old's tranny intuition might not be the best course of action

take the knife

Imagine caring about any of this shit? What do these people do when they leave university?

Serve coffee, wait tables, cashier, prostitution

Patreon, Twitch, Kik/Snapshot/Instagram

LMAO at all that "queers". Liking tranny cock or being pegged doesn't make you special enough to warrant a new label. It just makes you a bit of a fag.

Always trust your intuition.


When you feel uncomfortable due to the presence of a person (or group of people) that is your body picking up on the devious and foul nature of said person(s).

I know it's trite to point out the insane hypocrisy and bigotry of wokescolds, but jesus fucking christ. It's mind-bottling.

I did this. It was me, the cis non-binary idpoling anti-idpol stupidpol lad organizer. My pronouns are he/them.

and yet again the asktg mods refuse to clean up the commie garbage from the trans community.

how the fuck did we get to this point

What the fuck

God I fucking love the new old left.

but not everyone who claims to be trans is trans

Why do so called trans allies think they can get away with this shit?

Trans women are women.

Any cis man can be a trans woman at will.

These facts go hand in hand and are already established as human rights.

I'm also a cis lesbian

So what in the FUCK is a cis lesbian?