It's starting. MATCH ME!!

45  2019-07-14 by Welcome_to_Brotact


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. It's starting. MATCH ME!! -,,

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Somebody grab TheReasonBernieWon just to annoy the baristas when Sanders cucks to the establishment again. Inb4 brainlets claim Mommy isnt running in a Joe Biden skin suit.

It's mine



has everybody invested in dramacoin yet? because i predict a boom

I have a large drama position, myself

People on money betting sites put Trump to Sanders chance ratio 11-1

That's because they're expecting him to get cucked in the primaries himself. Harris, Warren and Biden are much ahead

lol looks like the dems are fucked again if they have harris at the top

Look you have to admit that Trump losing to a Jewish Socialist would be really good for Dramacoin

Uhh sweatie no one loses with boiny sandas, society absorbs the loss and distributes the cope amongst the poors

The little thread of bernouts coping about the economy is hilarious.

Goes from: This is a post recession recovery Trump has nothing to do with it and the tax cuts did absolutely nothing to effect it, to RECESSION IN 2020 100%, to okay maybe some slowing growth, to A GOOD ECONOMY DOES NOT MEAN THE PEOPLE ARE GOOD AND IS A WORTHLESS METRIC

Seriouspost for a second, these pre-primary polls aren't very accurate, besides showing which candidates have a better edge against Trump.