Chapos on suicide watch, Twitter now actively permabanning Antifa folks praising the ICE attacker who died if you report them

351  2019-07-15 by FearOfBees


This, but unironically.


  1. Chapos on suicide watch, Twitter no... -,

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These people are such professional victims that they can’t understand how praising a failed terrorist and getting banned is anything other than a right wing deep state fascist conspiracy

Its weird to me that people are even praising him. Burning down a prison is an objectively terrible idea if you care about the welfare of the prisoners. If he was successful, mass chaos would ensue and hundreds of innocent lives would be lost. He was literally trying to start a fire in a confined space.

He also failed worse than the fucking incel shooter in Dallas lol

Both failed hard, but this guy wasn't as bad as the magacel. Didn't drop his shit, no weeb sword, and Molotov cocktails are an easy +1

He’s a 69 year old anarchist.

I didn’t think it’s possible but that makes him more of a faggot than a 22 year old incel lol

Also got dropped quick because he thought propane tanks acted like they do in video games lol, this guy is just the definition of a lifetime loser

Molotov cocktails>weeb sword

Easy choice

Yeah but if you fail to torch a building with that molotov that changes

Molotovs don't really ignite buildings, they just create a big fireball and that's it unless you add some additive to increase it's stickiness.

Molotov cumtails incoming.

Just dump a pack of sugar in it lol.

Absolutely, right up until you manage to fail with it.

I'd call them opposite ends of the horseshoe. Equal in failing and being retarded.

This is the correct take

That was an elaborate suicide by cop

But failing makes him a victims, so I can see why he is being praised on Twitter.

If AmeriKKKa really is a fascist state that imprisons anyone who dissents, then why haven't all chapos already done time as political prisoners and grasp basic facts like fire is a bad idea in confined spaces where people are locked up? It almost makes a person 🤔🤔🤔.

One thing I would love to see in their next survey is how many of them have been incarcerated. Since they're such bold revolutionaries who don't rely on their parents' lawyers, surely it must be a pretty high rate.

The same logic can be expanded to reddit as well. If you actually thought that this website was controlled by fascists who support a leader that runs concentration camps, what does it say about you that you continue to use it and contribute to their ad revenue?

To be honest my impression is that reddit is in general much more left. I am as well but love to play devils advocate and at least try to understand where the from my POV sometimes moronic/dangerous/insane positions come from. I want to know the reasoning behind their POV. To help create a more accurate view of the world instead of just my own circle/bubble. Can be quite hard to endure but I think it's worth it. From my experience leaving a tat more nuanced position on political/female/race related issues on this site really isn't appreciated. And on here, I know this is a unpopular opinion, i'll take the downvotes, the left can be just as bad as the right in that regard.

Because Reddit is the #resistance 🥰

I can understand that sentiment. It's just that I am a little worried that resistance, historically speaking tends to also lead to extremist views in factions of that resistance. Perfect propaganda food pushing the more centrist people away. I feel that's counterproductive. Not accusing anyone here or anything. Just worried that signs like not even considering a nuanced view can leads to creating the same kind of isolation echo chamber that leads to for example Islamic or politically inspired terrorism. Resist but don't lose the moral high ground is mainly my point. Don't be hypocritical.

nuanced view can leads to creating the same kind of isolation echo chamber that leads to for example Islamic

Shit, I thought that's what we were trying to do.

Hehe, oke fair enough. Guess because of my work I take signs more seriously then I should on the internet.

Are you a jannie?

Yes, welcome to reddit. This is a website that makes normal democratic voters say "okay, wait, I think trump is an idiot too, but wtf dude". This sub catalogues much of that retardation.

It's not a normal website, and it's not representative of reality, neither of the world, the country, or even dnc voters.

It;s more that it's hard to tell if a subreddit actually wants discussion or just wants to circlejerk/shitpost. Both are fun, don't pretend to be one while you're actually the other.

don't pretend

You aren't my real dad.

I am sorry to break it to you on the internet instead of in person son. Your mom and my long lost love made me promise to never come forward. For your sake.

Succotash, i am your father.

Look at this guy pretending while he says we shouldn't pretend.

Typical politics... do as I say not as I do.

Pretending is a 1st amendment right!

Yeah not high enough to follow what ever you're on about. More interested in what you're on right now then what you have to say. Free next week, been a long time since I have spaced out like that.

Are you for real?

Think about the outcomes.


Best case scenario, they figure the place is destroyed and obviously Drumpf will have to let these poor innocent widdle brown people out into the US, i.e., Catch and Release, what Obama instituted when he threw open the borders in all but name.

Worst case scenario, a bunch of brown people die and they can blame it on Drumpf. "Brown people dead, look at these photos we somehow got of all the bodies, now Drumpf has to reinstitute catch and release."

If either doesn't work, like they evac the people but do so on the wrong side of the border, then Soros's NGOs sue the shit out of the US Government for breaking the law and deporting amnesty applicants.

In what way was it a failure?

He got iced before he did anything lmao



Other than raising awareness of the problems

The problem being that lefties are completely ineffective at anything? Because that's not a problem, that's just fact

I don’t see anywhere it says their targeting antifa with bans

if you report them

Yeah. Twitter would pick non-binary day to ban non-binary person

Sorry, I’m not sure if all of us got the memo.

The Hallmark store near me didn't even have any Non-Binary Day cards. What a bunch of fascists.

You should fire bomb them

I hope you filed an official complaint with corporate.

Tyrone: "Of course you'd arrest a BLACK person during BLACK history month smh"

Oh sorry, I didn't realise it was black history month, please carry on with your convenience store robbery.

anarcho raver

God I need to find new drugs to enjoy.


Non-binary day?

Pride month was all of June. Give it a fucking rest. It’s one of the seven deadly sins, and it’s showing.

they get a lot more than a month sweaty

What the fuck hahaha. And these are just the 'noteable' ones lol. Rule of the thumb: everything created after 2000 is irrelevant.

I like that they just threw holocaust memorial day on that page because they killed gays. Like that's what any actual person would associate it with.

Technically if you're a black Gypsy communist transgender Jewish woman with Downs', Holocaust Memorial Day is more your holiday than anyone else alive.

Legit I did the math and over 50% of the calendar year is considered an "LGBT awareness period." If people aren't aware of you after six months a year, maybe they're never gonna be aware of you.

Are there any overlapping holidays? Like double gay awareness days?

Yeah March 1st and 31st, May 17th and 22nd, June 12th and 28th, September 23rd, the third Thursday in October, and October 8th and 11th are double gay.

October 26 is Intersex Awareness Day, which takes place during Asexual Awareness Week, which takes place during LGBT History Month - which makes October 26 triple gay; the gayest day of the calendar year.

Thank you, this is awesome!

btw you counted May 17th wrongly because Wikipedia is silly. How did you do that, btw?


I love wrath month!

Mmmmmm, gluttony month

That's just December.

When is lust month? It’s going to be a blasty blast.

i saw a commercial yesterday that said its "minority mental health" month

lmfaoooooooo bitch that ain't a thing

non-binary mental illness day

Nice. Anything that gives me more options to effectively snitch on people, whatever for, I support

Real snitching is whack.

Dry snitching is way better for drama coin.


Snitching is honorable

snitches get bitches

Government sponsored girlfriends under witness protection programs.

Holy shit. Years of the Cold War were spent trying to infiltrate Soviet intelligence, if we just dropped pamphlets saying 'snitches get stitches' their entire secret police service would collapse from a lack of informants.

Whistleblower laws let snitches get riches. 🤑😲😣😌

>glorify terrorist >get banned



That 40% about to become 100%

Tragic, but in nature, there are no rewards or punishments. There are consequences.

I don’t know what this means but it sounds like you should be finishing Winds of Winter

I though Chapos were always on suicide watch.

user reports:
1: i wanted to make this comment, pls delete


1: I wanted a better janitor

Too fucking bad, ComedicSans is our best internet lawyer and you'll be happy with what you get.

>twitter would pick non-binary day to ban a non-binary person

every day i think woke-tards can't make me hate them any more than i already do and every day they surprise me.

Happy belated non-binary day!!!!!!!!!

get the fuck off my lawn

Where’s your Trap-or-Treat spirit old man Dupree?

you mean trick or trick?

Little known fact, Jermaine dupree and da brat are the same person.

you take this back

I can’t hate them because if I did it would mean they’re actually oppressed.



Twitter is a private platform and can ban anyone they want to, sweaty

Yeah twitter would pick nonbinary day to perma-ban nonbinary people

These people think they know more than you and want to dictate to you how things should be.

Imagine thinking non-binaries

a) exist

b) if existing, are actually people

Based and Twitterpilled

It's because your a jack ass. You should already know this, but I got your back

Whats going on big guy


Ehhh I’ll believe twitter is really trying when they start banning blue check marks with antifa connections.

Chapos are always on suicide watch, being 40%ers

He might’ve been an antifa soyboy, but not only was his heart in the right place, Willem was more based than any of us can aspire to be

People love to point out how many people far right and radical islamic terrorists kill but don't consider the idea that they're actually able to kill the people they want to whilst guys like these do jack shit.

chapos are always on suicide watch

lol 40%