Blessed Boomer Schizopizza

92  2019-07-15 by baIIrot


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Blessed Boomer Schizopizza -,

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Is there a high-quality framed version I can get?


Please let me know if you find something

He has some pretty dope-ass shit but it seems like they are all compiled into coffee table books. It's like an illustrated version of r/conspiracy.

david dees is the best once or twice a year i get near blackout drunk and email him about how big a fan i am and he sends me the newest art. i think he lives in scandinavia despite being american also he has a carrot-top fro thats colored blood red? anyway hes woke af to the zionist world government that is inoculating all of africa with aids autism vaccines

This shit is bonkers. It's like a schizophrenic, Alex Jones-inspired version of old punk rock flyer art.

I need a David Dees/Ben Garrison collab so bad it hurts.

That's the one thing I never thought of, but now I want it so fucking badly.


Holy shit, thank you for introducing me to this man.

This guy is wild. Also apparently he used to be an artist for Sesame Street or something.

This should be on subreddit background.

How do boomers have better photoshop skills than me

Because these things are made by Zoomers also.

The real boomer was inside them all along.

Both ways

boomers invented photoshop

He used to do illustrations for Sesame Street books


>nothing eluding to seth rich


The actual fuck is this?