antifa ICE attacker left behind a world salad manifesto

218  2019-07-15 by Sea_Safe


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. antifa ICE attacker left behind a w... -,

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Jesus. The left can't even manifesto properly either. 😤

Uncle Ted deserves better than this.

Kaczynski was what an actual anarchist looks like, mailing bombs to scientists because he feared technology

*understood technology

They should put an Amazon Alexa in his cell to fuck with him.

They should embed an amazon Alexa in his abdomen

please do not bully daddy teddy or I will mail you slightly irritating poisonous plants

Protect Uncle Ted AT ALL COSTS.

I laughed pretty hard when I watched a documentary about him and the FBI literally grabbed his cabin from the middle of nowhere in Montana and flew it out to a hanger in DC to intimidate him or something.

Why's your name based off mine?

You are a recognized brand now, bb.


No it is based off of Picard and Star Trek Nemesis.



Woke on the cuisinart question

Call it a blender, a dicer, a smoothie maker and it falls off them like water on a raincoat. But call them a Cusinart and watch how they recoil, "I've been found out."

*was retarded


No u

how can one man be so wrong?

Lol shut up you Luddite bitch

You're not God or my father or my boss.


Go take some more antidepressants while you work a meaningless job loser. Someday maybe you can be a fraction as enlightened as Uncle Ted.

I’ve been reading his manifesto and it’s almost frustrating how correct he was about everything. I’ve been lied to.

The chad rightoid mass shooter vs the virgin, chapo, glorified vandaliser.

The virgin slam poetry manifesto vs the Chad The Great Replacement

Maniacs write for other maniacs.

They did in New Zealand.

Is there anything they can do at this point?

Accelerate the collapse

the trouble is that these people aren't even good at accelerationism. They need to sit down and read some nick land or something, damn

Most manifestos don't contain that many "me"s and "I"s. This guy wasn't doing it "for the revolution." He was doing it for his own self-aggrandizement.

He says some variation of "I" or "me" -- 33 times, but only talks about the alleged "victims" only twice ("vulnerable people on our streets" and "brown and non conforming folks afraid to show their faces"). His "enemy" is a nebulous "they," with the exception of the 10th paragraph, where he names eight prominent political/financial/cultural figures, and his list doesn't make any sense considering at least four out of the eight are in favor of open borders.

We even get the current, obligatory virtue-signal about trannies. "My trans comrades have transformed me..." I doubt that's really the case. This guy was probably an enormous faggot before he started wanking it to traps.

If you had asked me before today, I would have told you the only group of people who could possibly be capable of writing anything this self-absorbed would be teenage girls. I think this is just further proof that the lefty-pols need some protein and testosterone, in addition to a hygiene regimen and a muzzle.

I busted up laughing at the trans comrades shit. Nigger none of this has anything to do with trannies! Pure virtue signal.

he was supposedly a tranny

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? Like he identified as an attack helicopter or like he was born with a vag and had this plumbing swapped out 40 years ago?

Where's the troon info? 🤔

you're speaking another language now

Why are trannys the worst mass attackers? There’s been like 4 with a body count of 3

This should be a snappy quote.

The christchurch shooter manifesto was fucking art

All those words, only to set himself on fire and get shot.

Wait don't tell me this retard managed to set himself on fire during the "raid".

This is a hero to Chapos 😂😂😂

This would be like the right celebrating Dallas 40 Chest as some kind of hero instead of a retard that got put down by the most embarrassing round.

Dallas 40 chest?

His name was Clyde that's just too fucking funny!

Fucking Clyde!

Was he taken out with .40 S&W?

Yeah lmfao

Wait what happened? Haven’t seen any news about this.

Which one? The Chapo who 40%ed or the LAPRer who got 40ed in the chest?

both lol

Yeah they both happened

The Chapo who 40%ed or the LAPRer who got 40ed in the chest?

One may be the loneliest number, but forty sounds like its nothing but fun.

I knew about the ice chapo but what happened with the 40% one?

Retard attempted to boogaloo in Dallas, got half a mag off, fumbled and dropped his mag, and got a chest full of .40 Short&Weak

I wonder what he expected

I hope he really believed that he could accomplish something tbh

Too bad he didn't write a manifesto. Would have been hilarious.

AOC rhetoric out here literally inspiring domestic terrorism.

Did she praise him on Twitter? Would be satisfying to see a blue check mark finally get banned for praising violence.

Did she praise him on Twitter?

she's a wild biddy, but I don't think she's THAT wild

Can you imagine the meltdown if Twitter banned AOC?

Would be great for dramacoin.

Great short term upside. Potential long term downside.

There is never a downside to drama.

The stock market and it's consequences have been a disaster for drama.

no you retard

I know I am, but what are you?

Shit... I fucked that up.

I miss Brenton and his wacky manifesto antics!

Imagine being a 69 year old man and unironically writing this for any reason

We need to lower life expectancy

This could have been prevented

Boomers should be converted to biofuel.

Another reason to support Teddy K, nobody will live to 60 in anprim paradise.

And those that do, will father dozens of over-men, armored against the harsh anprim reality. Ready to die when the first tribe with bigger stick with larger nails in them attacks.

bigger stick with larger nails in them

They should be torn apart by their comrades for this heresy!

Putting nail in stick is weapons technology and is heretical

Why won't every other tribe just go anprim with me and forgo sticks and nails! 😤

they actually usually did if the lions didnt get em

this guy seems like a 'lions get em' type tho

This was good for dramacoin.

Also the guy basically an heroed himself and BTFO every revolutionary larper in existence, with zero casualties.

A real American an hero

Goes to show that, regardless of party affiliation, boomerism is a mental disease

Boomers truly are retarded.

gen x boomer


if you bottom for enough boomer daddies, you become boomer yourself

im a boomer millennial

dont know what i just read but i am terrified

Millennials often forget that Gen X existed between boomers and Millennials.

I hate boomers, but I also keep pesky kids off my lawn... therefore...

Lmao he sounded like an edgy highschooler.

fight me

That's unironically in there. Peak boomer cringe.

Boomer: fight me

ICE boomers: ok

YPJ heroes


People's history of the US


Emma Goldman

Homer Simpson’s head exploded.


militia of YPG

which are Muslim communists

Really makes you think

Also funded and supported by fascist amerikkka

Its funny how he thinks billionaires are benefitting off fascists, when they deliberately curry support from the communists so as to directly oppose fascists.

These people think Joe Rogan is a fascist.

use promo code ROGAN for these jackboots

Jamie, pull up that video on the eternal Jew.

"if i can't dance, i don't want to be in your revolution"

Jesus fucking christ I couldn't read past that. And the fucking degenerate of an anarchist can't even capitalize his I's, the disgusting mother fucker.

George Washington, Mao, Fidel Castro, etc. they were all awesome post-modernist expression dancers. Quite beautiful really.

It's a great look into the psychology of these people. They are so opposed to The System that they even oppose capitalization. What a bunch of retards

See Howard Zinn, "A People's History of the United States"

Literally citing high schooled required reading in his manifesto

The boomers are right about public education

But this guy is 70 years old, he IS a boomer

And yet he went out with a whimper

smh, at least the far right knows how to start a proper bloodbath. Sad!

Tarrant was a normal dude who snapped though, he wasn't a kekistani. He had a gf, job, and was staying in physical shape, said Pakistan was a nice country with good people.

Anarchists and skinheads back in 60's-90's were crackheads and felons but now we're stuck with slam poetry antics and fedora kekistanis

said Pakistan was a nice country with good people.

dirty liar he was

This. Tarant was a normal dude who lost his shit lol. He also was scary good with a AR for a fucking Aussie with no combat experience.

I feel like shooting up a mosque for any reason precludes you from being normal.

Not every kekistani is a neet, and nobody gets memed that retarded overnight.

True... Those Islamist terrorskins who attacked the Bataclan pulled off the slaughter of a slaughters. Make the New Zealand Pulse Nightclub shootings as amateurish.

New Zealand Pulse Nightclub shootings



Well look at you Mr smartypants jokesgetter

Just like all boomers will.

Based boomer 🔥

I know I was right not to read that.

Imagine referencing Zinn unironically as any kind of thorough or honest historian. Dude basically claimed a tiny handful of meaningless anecdotes as sources for his politically convenient victim narratives and every union commie teacher in the US scrambled to make it the Holy Bible of their curricula.

audio manifesto

Avant-garde tier gay

I got banned on for pointing this out, but it's worth noting that even the NZ shooter had proper typesetting, unlike this thing.

I mean, this guy dieing just proved the "Great Replacement" is a GOOD thing.

here it is, in brown and non conforming folks afraid to show their faces for fear of the police/ migra/ proud boys/ the boss/ beckies...


Is Becky Stacy’s mom?

Becky is the daughter. Her mom Karen was a Stacy but settled for Beta Kyle the accountant so Becky couldn’t ascend to Stacyhood. This is why she is so wicked.

Becky (or $BECKY) is a stock index of the top 100 companies catering to white women.

It includes Starbucks, Lululemon, Ulta, Etsy, and more

Excuse me but I want to speak to your manager

settling for Becky instead of Stacey

Ooooohh no no no nooooo hahah 😂😂😂


Literally what did he mean by this?

All this for a 0/1 KD. What a loser lmao

His entire life led up to an attempted homocide of 150 undocumented immigrants.

"i'm helping"

👴🏻🧨🧨🧨 👉🏻 👶🏾👶🏽👶🏾👶🏾👶🏽👶🏾

beware the centrist

The weak fear the strong

Based and kratocracypilled

How so?

of course this retard referenced the YPG/J

That’s the name of my autobiography

I'm not sure what's worse, this retard's good awful spelling and grammar that makes even mine look eloquent or the pure weapons grade autism contained within this shit heap. Fuck me, a giant meteor needs to wipe us out ASAP

it never even began for boomer grammercels


Surely reddit will ban any link of this manifesto like they did with the christchurch one, right? Right?

The PewDiePie shooter actually got stuff done though. This one is just hyper embarrassing

He still didn’t come close to meeting or exceeding the Bataclan terror attacks in both numbers and brutality.

He flew solo though

He did not have the blessings of Allah pbuh

Did they ban the Poway synagogue shooter’s manifesto? I’ve heard he copy-pasted whole sections from Tarrant’s manifesto with just a few words changed. Haven’t read either so wouldn’t know.

The left can’t aim

Well he was trained in Pakistan like the rest of the Crazy whIte supremAcists.

Probably not, since this dude failed so hard.

I still don't get how he was planning to rescue immigrant children by burning down the building they are crammed into lmao

geriatric anarchist has retarded idea


boomer being retarded


Not to support the loser but the firebombing wasn't aimed where the esteemed visiters were being kept. Boomer Zoomer threw it at the buses and shit that the facility used to deport the rejects.

I had heard (this information may be wrong though) that he had been aiming at some gas tank outside or some shit which if it had exploded due to his fuckery it would have killed everyone there.

"i'm helping"

👴🏻🧨🧨🧨 👉🏻👉🏻 🏢 👶🏾👶🏽👶🏾👶🏾👶🏽👶🏾🏢

The bar set by previous hilarious manifestos was far too high it seems

I am Antifa

I have disavowed all organizations

Pick one you fucking boomer even the arms spaghetti shooter had the sense to not bring a manifesto that bad

That's not even inconsistent lmao. There is no wider antifa to affiliate yourself with, it's a set of tactics and a rallying cry.

Too bad he died. He would have made for a great guest on Oprah.

imagine being so anti-capitalist you eschew all capital letters

fucking woque

This is a sweet hot take, thank you cumrade.

Do we have any confirmation that this is his real manifesto or is this another "le troll" by CA refugees?

this came from the social justice mastodon / fediverse, where he posted and it was reposted by the entire SJW crowd. it's real

ummm... wow... Idk why I didn't expect to cry so much while reading that. had to stop after almost every sentence to gather my composure.

This is also some great drama


George Soros


People who refuse to use capital letters should be have a [CENSORED] put in their [CENSORED] until they [CENSORED].

this reads like something a 12 year old that just broke up with their first girlfriend would write

The virgin ice attacker vs the Chad unabomber

You STILL can't drop a 1lb package in the mail with stamps on it.

Dude has a legacy.

Does antifa have at LEAST one badass?! Just one? Or not even a badass just someone who’s actually physically exerted themselves a few times in their lives or had some sort of hardship outside of mom forcing them to get a job at the pretzel stand in the mall after dropping out of college? Apparently he beat his girlfriend up so that’s kinda badass I guess but this guy still looks like he cusses his mom out when she won’t give him money for coffee at the local anarchist ™️ meetup

May the bike lock professor? Rightoids certainly whined about him for a while.

He was a cuck though because he tatted out his buddies and did no time

not based

That guy looks like a living guy fawkes mask. I mean I’m setting the bar at ground height so I guess he counts.

my trans comrades have transformed me, soldifying my conviction that we will be guided to a dreamed of future by those most marginalized among us today.

trappysurah did this

What the fuck does anything have to do with Vietnamtrannies, Walter2019?!!?

I'm a black and white thinker

Yeah no shit

evil says one life is worth more than another

>t. geriatric anarcho-raver

Retard couldn't even be bothered to capitalize his letters smh 🙄

"beware the centrist"

Unbaste and bluepilled

TL;DR Leftie C O P E

beware the centrist

uh oh

this is my clear opportunity to make a difference

ya dun goofed and now u dead.

Beware the centrist

I'm out.

This reminds me of that rudi Kipling curry poetry.

“J-j-just don’t capitalize words and it’s art!!!”

Reminds me of Tom Disch's fictional confessional poet Joycelin Schrager.

based Jungle Book Daddy

The chad manifesto predicted this garbage manifesto, Ted, come back.

"I am antifa"

How many levels of larp are you on my dude

is a loving romantic revolutionary

gets bodied while trying to set fire to an internment camps with innocents inside

So he thinks he is in a good marginalized group fighting against the big evil goverment controlled by evil immoral all-powerful rich people, and only he and his group knows the truth, but evil violent hooligans supported by the evil goverment attack and silence every truth-knower on the streets, so he and his group is justified using any violence against anyone they deem evil. This pattern is familar ... like when the redpilled alt-righters fight against the marxist jewish pedophile deep state contoroling the goverment funded by George Soros and the Clintons who molest and sacrafice children to the devil in a basement of a pizzeria, and only the redpilled truthers know it, but they are constantly under attack by antifa with bikelocks, so its totally fine to make terror attacks against the deep state. Yeah leftists and rightists are pretty much the same thing in different clothes.

Ok. Hispanic here. Am I the only one who feels that being called "brown" is just weird as fuck? Especially coming from someone who supposedly cares so much about me?

I can't wait until progressives start calling Asians "yellow" and Natives "red" so that we make it full-circle back to early 1900s racist lingo.

It’s actually consistent, they care about you because they see you as the Other.

Don’t worry, eventually you will be considered a Euro Colonizer with a tan and maybe a native war bride great grandma, but for now you are the PoC.

Most Americans would be shocked to learn that “Mexico” (that’s what they call everything south of Texas) are multicultural societies with whites, blacks, indios, Asians, and even Jews.

It’s easier just to put on a sombrero and roll with it

audio manifesto:

Wow, still up for anyone who wants quaint boomer solo guitar music.

Remember when a Quck tried to shoot up a pizza place to save children (That weren't there, because only a retard believes in Pizzagate).

Why the fuck would you take a page out of that playbook?

Isn't this word soup propaganda supporting violence? Will it get people and subreddits shutdown on reddit? Remember how reddit handled the discussion around the christchurst shooter.

Wtf. When did this happen? Where are the /r/news and /r/politics sperg out threads?

Lemme know if you find out what happens. This post is the first I'm hearing of this.

Welp, all information I know about this incident I know from this sub, soooo......

👏🏿 LEFTIES 👏🏿 CAN'T 👏🏿 MEME 👏🏿

Chapo personified. Its like watching fat matt christman, the human embodiment of a XXL stained hoodie you left in your trunk after wearing it in the rain and now its musty, crying about love and solidarity after saying he wants to kill a bunch problematic rich people.

Can someone explain who this is?

check the news. some chapotard tranny just tried to terror attack an ICE detainment camp and got killed

Wait, what happened?