Trained lolcow mauls pizzashill.

86  2019-07-15 by Clean_lt_Up_Jannie


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Trained lolcow mauls pizzashill. -,,

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I don’t think this guy has the stamina to argue with pizza, but only time will tell.

Hopefully they at least make it three pages of essays or it wouldn't be the work of pizza

Time will tell nothing. This cretin has been returned to the earth.

If you think he's not replying then you're in for a rude awakening buddy. He's famous for arguing for literal days and never admitting defeat. My advice is that your only hope to actually beat him is to trick him into saying something stupid and then just never let him redirect away from it.

trick him

saying something stupid

I've not seen evidence that trickery would be necessary for this strategy


They fear my power

Post bussy and they'll at least give you a sweet ass flair

True. I cheer for you though, as soon as you are a mod you have surpassed pizza and that might give us some nice coping.

Everyone should, its awe inspiring

so we took the worst, most long-winded obnoxious leftoid retard in this sub and gave him a rightoid counterpart to have gay, 1,000 word, never-ending seriouspost debates with in every thread?

god I hate you people so fucking much

I will make one minor appendage to your PMS outburst;

His counterpart, far from a "rightoid", leans left on nearly all issues - but chooses to support glorious leader Donald Trump due to the left's exploitation of the black community, weak policy on militant Islam, anti-free speech principles and constant advocacy for the removal of gun rights which are an integral part of American Democracy. "rightoid counterpart", in fact, yearns for the day the left is able to produce a candidate that upholds real left leaning principles.

your centrism is very on-brand for this sub, and you seem somewhat less insufferable than pizza... but you're still trying wait too hard

although being a humorless try-hard will probably get you modded here

I find it very interesting that, of all the many criticisms you could make of me in this context, humorless is the adjective you've used.

maybe it's because every post you make reads like it was written by Seb Gorka on a 5-day fent bender.

I'm unfamiliar with this man, but I dislike being compared to someone who looks like a mildly slavic version of David Brent.

Fentanyl users are low energy, I know because they clog the sidewalks around my neighborhood and often need to be manually removed for the safety of themselves and legitimate users of the municipal sidewalks, and when I perform this removal, their attempts to resist me are laughable. I, on the other hand, clearly possess stunning levels of energy.

I am open to unfavorable comparisons to public figures used to lampoon my existence, but this one was very poor and did not satisfy me.

Holy fuck, that was brutal. This needs to be a new Snappy quote

He’s like a snarkier Rogal Dorn.

His counterpart, far from a "rightoid", leans left on nearly all issues

Name one issue you actually lean left on.

if we're talking about the current left which has been hijacked by the mentally ill:

Gay rights, abortion, climate change, police brutality, MMIW, separation of church and state

if we're talking about the real left:

free speech, individual liberties, fundamental incompatibility with theocratic nations and the peoples of those nations who inherit their values, figuring out a way to tax Apple and Amazon, taking responsibility for the suffering and chaos we've caused in Latin America (and ending it by legalizing all narcotics).

Based and centristpilled

What do you think of Tulsi Gabbard?

Excellent candidate, has zero chance to win due to demonization from the left. Though, I would probably still vote Trump over her right now because I think it would be hugely damaging to break the momentum he's built on issues like Iran, China and Islam.

>yearns for the day the left is able to produce a candidate that upholds real left leaning principles.


So you're alt-right then, got it.

This response is very on brand, you witness the best shit to wander in here in a month and your only response is "muh rightoids 🤤🤤🤤"

Pizza didn't even debate him, he was shut down by facts and logic, maybe we have finally eradicated the incel menace

the best shit to wander in here in a month

the only thing he's got going for him is that he's not the same tired old shit (aoc, daddy, chapo, pitbulls, etc) that we rehash over and over again

You left out snallyposts 😤😤😤

You leave our sub's former waifu outta this you heathen

Make some good posts then jesus


I wish there's no good pit drama lately.

Just because you’re allergic to the sweet, sweet milk these cows provide doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t want a glass

Bruhmis come to Idaho, we'll go camping together and shoot guns and talk about budget red dots for our AR-15s

Brother, let me explain something to you about budget optics.

My AR is currently outfitted with a generic scope that I took off of a crossman pellet gun, which I bought for $30 from a pawn shop, and mounted to my AR with $4 scope rings off of ebay. The stupidest thing about this whole situation is that the fucking thing holds a zero and is accurate as hell.

That's pretty badass. Cabela's has a 3-9x40 on sale this weekend, I was thinking about putting it on my AR for deer season (it's legal here to use .223 on the horned spawns of satan). I have a lot of friends with incredibly expensive pieces of equipment for their ARs and they treat that thing like it's a glass piece of art. Fuck that noise.

I really can't relate to the people that are willing to spend the money that any mid tier and up optic costs. When I first started acquiring guns, I was not even remotely ready to learn how much a reflex sight costs - let alone acogs and the like. My foregrip and backup irons together literally cost 5000% what my whole optic setup costs, and those were cheapo buys too.

Iron-sight gang rise up

A fellow idahocel? We can talk about red dots at the blacks creek range if you ever go. I'm the annoying asshole with the deafening 7.5 inch AR15.

Oh shit, based as fuck. I usually go to the woods or out on Pleasant Valley Rd. I'm not huge on established gun ranges because the Boomer menace is usually out there in full force.

Honestly they aren't that bad, they tolerate my exceptionally annoying guns and rapid fire, only complaint is they wont let you draw a gun from a holster and fire and no magnetic ammo.

Tip on budget optics: vortex viper/venom are awesome and what I have on my AR "pistol"

And I'm at the range most Sunday mornings if you ever want to hang out with a gun nut.

Depends on how early. I have an almost religious aversion to being up before 930am.

Lmao, they open at 10 and i'm there from 10 until around noon.

Well if I show up, you'll recognize me by my long hair, heavy metal t-shirt and palpable discomfort.

I've also got long hair, did we just become best friends?

If you're under the age of 50, very likely.

Lol fags

saying a prayer for the schools and mosques where they live, there's a new bonnie and clyde in town


schools and mosques

Not to worry, I'm a zoomer or millennial based on who you ask.

Shit man, we probably went to the same high school.

AR "pistol"

glares in ATF

You can't prove I bought that brace with the intent to shoulder it.

magnetic ammo

Why would anyone use magnetic bullets and why doesn't the range allow it?

By magnetic I mean bullets that attract a magnet, really cheap ammunition in the most common calibers is occasionally made with steel instead of lead and is cheaper to manufacture. But it is bad for the environment.

If I’m ever back in Moscow ima hit u up

Do it, what reason could you be in Moscow for other than to hit up that hot college bussy?


I won't judge bro

The shitty trampoline place duh

R drama is peak idaho real posting hours

T. Pocattello

Idaho has the perfect mix for dramanauts: fentanyl addicted mega-boomers and chapo-tier college communists.

T. Potatocel

jk, Im just jelly. I want to move to idaho and be a sovcit someday

Just cut to thr chase and fuck already. Everyone knows guns are just a replacement penis.

You're either from a coastal state or from a country that's not America. Either way, you aren't fully human.

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Mods! Annoint this man with powers to abuse immediately!


I am your sword and your shield.

He didn't reply to you even though he's been back online for a while. I can't believe it but you actually defeated him. PM the mods and they'll give you a flair if they don't just mod you immediately.

5,512,684 : 1

(in his opinion)

And this is what pizza responds with:

I take only very specific arguments I know a lot about

He rolled over and exposed his distended nipples like the mutt bitch he is. What an absolute display.

Today has been a good day for the Reich

Pizza has been back online for almost an hour and didn't reply to him. I think we can officially say that pizzashill has conceded the argument and accepts a loss.

Guns belong to the gays.

I can see his efame on one subreddit on a mediocre site is getting to his head, again.