Limpwristed rat faced videogame journalist expresses solidarity with amazon wage slaves by not playing a children's game for one monday.

116  2019-07-15 by southernretard


Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. Limpwristed rat faced videogame jou... -,

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How will the nintensoy ever recover?

Pedophile stops hitting on children through nintendo games to briefly experience the drudgery of being a minimum wage, easily replaceable cog

did you see this in the replies?

I have a level that promotes unionization.

Fight on behalf of goombas for fair wages and work conditions.

Unionize the Mushroom Factory .

This tweet has convinced me we'll be slaves forever

Yeah but you'll be back on twitch next Monday though

Patrick is such a fucking hypocrite.

mermaid profile pic

My troondar is on high alert


Guy who gets to play video games for his job unironically says "eat the rich".

"Idle Bourgeoisie" in so many words.

Bottom Text

No Mario Maker Mornings tomorrow. Solidarity with the workers at Amazon who are striking. Eat the rich. πŸ‘Š

Because of backstage drama resulting in sexual assault allegations permeating my social circle, I got too shitfaced to throw together some youtube shit.

One less pedo hanging out online with kids is a win in my book.

the definition of "twerp" is just a picture of Patrick Klepek

Klepeck was fired from Giant Bomb for pedophilia.

Big if true

So was he pro or anti

It's over for mariocels

I don't get why being rich is immoral other than pure envy from these idiots. Bill Gates is one of the richest guys on the planet and he's going to save more lives than anyone in human history. Should we eat him?

Commies are retarded more news at 11

does he really get more credit than the people who invented the meds/vaccines he's distributing?

Yeah because inventing something is much different than providing something. I thank the doctor that performed my surgery not the dude who invented the procedure 80 years ago or the guy who came up with the chemical composition of the anastesia.

so you should support the doctor being compensated for his work, not some vast conglomerate that happens to hold the patent for the anaesthesia invented 80 years ago right


I don't know of a surgeon who is not compensated for their work

He's also pouring money into finding new solutions for things like birth control and stopping the spread of malaria.

Ackshully profit is theft as capitalists provide no value to what is created with their capital which is why the USSR was so rich and why China never implemented capitalist reforms to grow their economy.

I heard che guevera or however you say his name once went on a mario maker strike which lasted an entire week (!)

Peak armchair activist.

Holy shit, modern day commies are such useless hipster pussies. It’s pathetic. Stalin is rolling in his grave.