Calling someone Becky is literally mayocide - r/Conservative

70  2019-07-16 by Ghdust2


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Calling someone Becky is literally ... -,,

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Remember when female brapos cancelled “becky” for being misogynistic? 🐴 👞




Conservatives are such fucking snowflakes

God I hope they're kept safe

I want some mayo woman to call one of the kweens like fucking lashaunda or some shit to her face and see what happens.

Fuck this is going to get lit. You have people who think a word is genocide versus people who think a word is physical violence. 🤤🤤🤤

yeah the two aren't comparable at all, fren

Good point. Black people really lose their shit if you call them the gamer word.

As they should.

Why is it that every uppity mayo who says the gamer word in public has zero chance of ever winning to ensuring fight?

the most fragile race once again forced to turn every disagreement into a trial by combat


I love working security at a bar in the south, we get some funny moments.

the most fragile race

because a scrawny 100 lb white boy scampering off like a cartoon character is peak alphaness and definitely not mayo fragility

forced to turn every disagreement into a trial by combat

talk shit get hit

I love working security at a bar in the south, we get some funny moments.

what would be even funnier is your race getting genocided

white boy running

Good, he should come back when he’s a cop, or when he can defend himself properly. No reason to ruin a bright future because a animal slipped its leash.

talk shit get hit

darren “QuickDraw” Wilson wants to know your location

if we got genocided

That sounds like a call to violence, fren.

Good, he should come back when he’s a cop, or when he can defend himself properly.

imagine being such a wussy that you can't fight without hiding behind a badge

No reason to ruin a bright future because a animal slipped its leash.

typically people who say the gamer word in a school setting don't exactly have the brightest future. the fact that he likely has zero concept of social skills to put himself in that kind of situation in the first place and backed by the "see you in juvie bitch" bit doesn't exactly help his case either.

darren “QuickDraw” Wilson wants to know your location

>needing a gun to win a fistfight

That sounds like a call to violence, fren.

mayocide isn't violence, mayocide is doing the world a favor

Unfortunately it just looks like this is going to have to be a “agree to disagree” sort of thing.

Social skills don’t really exist amongst the cultures in the same way. I’m not going to shoot you if you scuff my shoes, just like I don’t expect you to be able to not shoot me in the reverse.

I wish my melanin enriched brothers peace, understanding and hopefully the gift of understanding.

That sounds like a call to violence, fren.

I thought your, "I'm a bouncer in hickville" was your most embarrassing post, but then you went and outdid yourself with this one


look how insanely not mad you are

also what in the absolute fuck is going on with your wrist? shouldn't there be a hand on the other side of that watch?

also the guy on the right looks indian so he's probably a dramatard, too lmao

That’s literally like a black chick hahahahahahahha

Hahahhaha you are my fucking favorite

oh sorry didn't mean to offend

anyways bro this weekend me and the boys are gonna' go hike up stone mountain, then hit the up sweetwater brewery afterwards, there's gonna be a counting crows cover band. you in??

Is Stone Mountain the cool one with all the carvings? I’m not a big beer drinker either and I’m more of a tool fan, got anything up that alley?

I’m more of a tool fan, got anything up that alley?

ah sorry bro I'm not gay but that's sick that you're gay, a frat buddy of mine was gay we called him WetMouth

Just doing my part to keep bussy in demand


mayocide is hilarious and you're displaying mayo fragility if you disagree.

that is all

I'm not white but I find your seething that you try to cover with le mayocide meme very big hilarious

that is all

>getting this butthurt that we simply want your race eradicated from the planet

"hmmm what overused rightoid meme should I pull out my back pocket to own this libtard?"

"oh I got it, he must be" checks notes "SEETHING!"

you're either not white and seething because someone called you a shitskin, or you're white and seething because you were alienated from the trailer park.

someones jealous

because a scrawny 100 lb white boy

that autist was definitely bullied for a long time before it got to this point. Either way it's funny that there is a magic word he can say that sends tyrell to a GED school

shut it whitey


working security at a bar

we all knew you were a loser but it's nice to finally see it confirmed straight from the source

I have mentioned multiple times I pick up shifts occasionally working security for extra cash lol

I used to bounce and the only people who got shitty when I mentioned that are people with obvious insecurities about their physical traits.

Yup. I literally posted a pic just now on the inside of my office. If he thinks he’s going to upset me because I get paid 30 dollars a hour cash+ tips to hang out with my friends for 5 hours once a week, I’m not sure what he’s going for. It pays my car payment and keeps me from going out twice a week lol

People who resent bouncers without realizing that they are a huge part of the reason that you had a good time at the bar. Thankless job, some are dicks for sure tho.

Yup lol. This guy is weirdly obsessed with me. I’m not sure what’s wrong with him. He just went to “dunk on me” by calling my coworker a Indian dramatard when in fact it’s a black woman.

I don’t think he’s well.

As retarded as it gets here, at least it's a place where people of all alignments can hurl slurs at each other without the reportfag ideology taking the wheel.

That’s why I’m here lol it’s fucking hilarious.

> wearing jeans and a meme watch to your ugly-ass modular suburban office park and thinking it will impress drama neets

I will bet all my sorosbux you own a messenger bag

Remember that time you called my black female coworker a Indian dude?

Hey look, I think it’s a gay design too. I’m sorry it upsets you I like to make a few extra bucks picking up shifts at the bar with my friends for cash. I’m sorry you are so upset/obsessed with me. The watch was also a gift but it’s actually very convenient.

Yang bucks? I’m in

I didn’t mean to upset you, I don’t believe we have E met before today but I hope the rest of the day goes ok

same to you, tell the black lady I said 'sup

She’s very nice, she’s my counter part team lead and I love working with her. We come from very different projects and backgrounds so we always sit in on each other meetings and bounce ideas off each other.

you obviously havent been on chans if you think theres no videos of black people getting beaten up

Lmao of course that woke black chick is a single mom

They call us Becky, we call them Blacky. Simple.

78%. Upvoted

Every time we’re right. They’re pussys.

You are gay and never right.

I get downvoted to hell in this sub on the dumbest shit I’m pretty sure it’s AHS at this point

I just realized we need a name for a female tryone, how about Diamond?

It’s always been shaniqua.

or lashawnda

or laquifa


it would be spelled like dyemonnde or some shit

🎶Shine bright like a dyemonnde🎶

In the 90's it was always sha-naynay

It's the equivalent of calling a black man Leroy.

He's not wrong. That's why it's funny.

Leroy? How bout Jamal?

I prefer Tyrone, but everyone has their pet name.

you gotta add an old presidents name and a number like jamal washington the third


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Conservatism confirmed new counterculture.




Conservatism exists as a wall for white people to run into before they get too far to the right and start giving a shit about their own self interest.

The correct term is Stacy

It's the equivalent of calling a black man Leroy.

Is that even really a thing? Like it might have been years ago, but these days its names like Tyrone that are stereotyped.

The only association I have with the name "Leroy", is the "Leeroy Jenkins" meme. Maybe it's a boomer thing.

Typically it's
"Tyrone" for black Americans.
"Jamal" for black migrants, mainly Somalian. Any peak black name for black women. (Laquisha, Shaniqua)

Muhammad is best for Somali's

Yeah, imagine thinking "Leroy" is an insult. He's pretty much the baddest man in the whole downtown. I call black men "King Kong," but only while they're fucking my wife.

I will personally campaign for Trump if he starts calling every black person Tyrone or Laqueesha and references this as proof it's somehow not racist

Imagine if he references Obama as "that Tyrone" in a speech. God, my drama boner would be so hard it'd hurt.

Obama is more of a Wendell.

imagine being this mayo

You think he can spell it

The leftists think because Trump did it first that makes it a pass

Translation: it's only ok when a republican does it


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I’d like to speak with your manager

mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad mayos mad

Fired a guy in January for the same thing, was calling all the white guys Elliott.

Mayo fragility lmao

Becky is truly the nigger of current year. 😞

mayos want oppression points so bad