Sad redditors blame the America and assorted normal parts of life for being sad. You won’t believe sad thing number 2!

32  2019-07-16 by AProfitableCompany


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I was here before it was cool.

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Sad redditors blame the America and... -,,

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Life expectancy is decreasing in the US and is the lowest against comparable nations.

Gotta love when internet wannabe academics just list random shit like they have any idea what it actually represents. Like there's some insidious plot by the government / republicans / whoeverthefuck to make Americans die. Couldn't be all the useless flyovers shooting Afghan's finest dope straight into their eyeballs for the past ten years, most of whom these same people actively despise because they're all Republicans.

I also love the idea that Orange Man Bad is somehow relevant despite the fact that half of the country always fucking hates whoever the president is while the other half loves them. Like, does reddit just refuse to accept that at least a solid 3rd of the country still loves the guy and another 3rd couldn't care any less either way, which is why they never fucking vote? Because you know if this exact same statistic came out under Obama there's no way in fucking hell they'd chalk it up to the other half thinking something like "Our President is Anti-White, and working against the betterment of the heartland".

I also love the idea that Orange Man Bad is somehow relevant

I can tell you from personal experience that some nontrivial subset of the population will admit on public forums like Reddit and Facebook that the election of Donald Josephine Daddy Trump has made their mental state measurably worse. This sort of thing is so jaw-droppingly stupid that my gut response is to recoil in horror from people like this.

People posting (especially with freuqnecy) about how bad orange man is on Reddit are sad fucking losers, don’t get your panties in a twist about it.

Why we serious posting dawg. Life expectancy decreasing is a good thing, solves a lot of issues.

The mayocide will not be televised. Q

Seems like we need to bring back the thanks Obama

"Thanks Trump"

The American Dream in 2019 is work till you die or you get blessed with that random bullet that ends your life.

I think about this a lot. I honestly believe that even if there was no such thing as the American Dream, 90 iq people that wake up every morning trying to raise a family, fly the flag, work hard, act decent and catch a bit of luck, they will be infinitely better off than the most educated, productive and cosmopolitan of people who believe this retarded garbage with 200+ upvotes and gold.

The American Dream in 2019 is work till you die or you get blessed with that random bullet that ends your life.

They whine while they spend 4+ hours a night watching some kid play video games on twitch.

Stop stalking me.

I definitely don't speak from personal experience. The different is though, I'm not complaining about living in some hellish dystopia like these morons are.

They should be working during those hours fucking millennials

No they should be spending that time doing something that improves their well-being.

Gee I wonder who could be behind the industry that says you must be in hundreds of thousands or education debt in order to be considered “successful” and who also controls the financial industry and the pharmaceutical industry that declares normal frustrations as mental illness that needs pills or surgery to be purchased????

based schizo-poster


Fucking Nazis.

Is there any eurotrash nation worse than the germans, even their language sounds like shit

90 iq people that wake up every morning trying to raise a family, fly the flag, work hard, act decent and catch a bit of luck

have you ever met those people who don't read anything, aren't ever online, don't watch documentaries, etc? they're like fucking golden retrievers, their life is nothing but a hunky-dory, hank hill, maybe if we save up we can buy a boat existence

I'm sincerely jealous of them

maybe if we save up we can buy a boat existence

I'm fucking torn by how simultaneously nice and awful that sounds.

Eh, I believe that being satisfied in life is basically letting the world cuck you. A human should always be looking upwards and wanting more.

It's alright to be cucked the Lord Almighty. He told us the rich man would find it difficult to pass into heaven.

There are still plenty of ways someone can improve themselves or their social position without strictly material wealth.

Oh god these people being depressed because of trump are pathetic

That's a pretty neat look into the mind of the redditor and how they're completely wrong. Ignoring the extremely circular reasoning of the first point (life expectancy is down due to suicides, better kill myself), I guarantee most people killing themselves don't care about the 2nd and 3rd point.

God i'm so sick of Millennial Depression.

These stupid fucking kids are sad at best because they're completely strung out on dopamine. Their stupid internet, video games, streaming, on-demand streaming, and everything else has completely overloaded their tiny little brains with dopamine and now they're at a point where they can't get enough anymore.

Go for a hike with no music or phone and you'll be fine good god


Shut up you gay ass old bitch

Reddit goes to expensive private colleges for shit undergrad degrees with 0 ROI and blames their debt on the system.

Reddit abuses drugs until they are completely desensitized to their body's natural hormone product and wonders why they are depressed.

Reddit is obsesses about every action daddy or some random twitter faggot takes wonders why they are always so anxious.

There's a reason mayo kids lead the suicide rates. Black and hispanic kids usually end up learning from their parents mistakes, but mayos just get worst.