In a thread about Japanese war crimes, Chapocels remind us that America is the real villain

46  2019-07-16 by reptilia987


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  1. In a thread about Japanese war crim... -,,

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It's a pretty big leap to compare anything the US did to te Japanese tbh.

Maybe no one thing, but as a whole, America has done way more harm.

Debatable. This isn't even getting into the fact we stopped the Japanese. Had they not been stopped, the horror they unleashed on Asia would have been insane.

/>the horror they unleashed on Asia would have been insane

That’s true but they did stop. And we’ve nonstop interfered globally causing massive harm.

And we’ve nonstop interfered globally causing massive harm

burying commies is never a harm

Do you think that’s all America has done lol?

of course not, 'cause about 1/2 the world would shit the bed if America wasn't there to protect them.

Lol most the times were the ones people need protecting from.

absolute fucking cuck logic dude

if the US wasn't trying to grab something during the cold war, you bet your ass the USSR was intent on turning it into some puppet state shithole

Lol America is the king of turning countries into puppet state shitholes

yes, who could ever forget that time the US propped up north korea or sent military aid to mao zedong

how about you pay a visit to Kyrgyzstan for me, tell me how the locals are?

your stupid mayo ass only thinks this because the US is the only country you have ever known

USSR doing bad things doesn’t mean America doesn’t do them also lmao.

And America is the only country I’ve lived in but I’ve been to plenty including an ex USSR country.

USSR doing bad things doesn’t mean America doesn’t do them also lmao.

way to move goalposts fag.

tbh the only reason why i responded to you in the first place is because your ignorant ass comment about japan, because as an asiancel myself im glad you can just downplay all the genocide rape and torture they did so u can cry about shit that doesnt even personally affect u

I didn’t move goal posts and I’m not downplaying anything. Cry more.

I didn’t move goal posts

whats this then

Maybe no one thing, but as a whole, America has done way more harm.

USSR doing bad things doesn’t mean America doesn’t do them also lmao.

That’s not moving goalposts. I said America has done more harm. You pointed out some harm USSR did. I said that doesn’t take away from what America has done.

so youre really going to argue for tinpot dictators and communist regimes being better for the world than america

nice mayoism

I didn’t say that. Learn to read more and seethe less.

Cause we’re better at it 🇺🇸 get good 😎

you mean dragging despot banana Republics kicking and screaming into the 21st century is a bad thing?

Lol why don’t you look up the history of the term banana republic and United Fruit Company dumbass.

IDGAF what the history of the term is jizzbucket, I'm using its current definition that of a poor country with an economy dependant on exporting a limited resource. dumbass

You’re a fucking moron.

he said to himself

you should Pokemon Go get yourself an education you dumb motherfucker

Lmao you deleted your other comment for this lame burn attempt?

And you are the one that desperately needs an education when you use banana republic in a sentence trying to make America look good you troglodyte.

ok you inbred stupid fuck sack of dog shit hick trash moron crack baby dumbfuck waste of space

Lol seethe more retard

go play with your Pokemons virgin

Go pretend that you’re a soldier and kill the bad guys on path of exile seething incel

I was a soldier 🤷‍♂️

That explains the bootlicking and low iq

Hope your buddies got hit by IEDs, welfare queen

I don't lick the boots I wear them. get your tongue ready. a few of my buddy's were killed and I've been hit three times myself, thanks for asking. not on welfare you dumb bastard

>not on welfare

All soldiers are welfare queens by the nature of their job. And now you probably get disability because you got ptsd when your faggy friends died.

I'm not in anymore as I've said before you illiterate fuck. goddamn what's it like to be you?

>I'm not in anymore

you were still a welfare queen for a little while then. and do you get disability for your ptsd and low iq?

>goddamn what's it like to be you?

pretty good. all my friends are alive and i can watch fireworks without crying

youve got no friends lmfao stop playing

got plenty of them

and none of us have bullet holes or the regret of killing minorities burning a hole in our low iq brain

I've got no regrets you basic bitch

well i don't get welfare or kill people so a lot better than you

I very seriously doubt it 😉

It's not hard to have a better life than a welfare queen. And seeing as you're obviously retarded, I bet you married the fat stupid high school sweetheart you had. She get welfare too?

2700 sqft says otherwise and my wife is fucking banging lmao. again, beside play with pokemans what do you do? pretty easy to throw stones anonymously isn't it you chickenshit little bitch?

what do you do other than fuck your fat dumb wife in a bumfuck town in probably north carolina and get sad when you hear loud noises?

Looks like taxes are paying for your welfare so you can play path of exile all day while your fat wife goes to school.

fat wife: wrong she is fine af
live in NC: wrong I live in GA
loud noises: wrong I don't have PTSD
welfare: wrong I have a career
wife in school: right

1 out of 5 ain't bad. again, what do you do? at this point I'm guessing nothing scared ass little boy. you're a net detriment to society, my taxes I pay allow you to survive. without me you'd be dead

my taxes

you mean the money that comes from your welfare check and disability? That comes from my taxes? Gee thanks.

what do you not understand about the word career? oh wait, of course you don't know what a fucking job is lmao

I know what the word means but I don't trust ex welfare queens when they lie and say they have a job. I know you're getting neetbux from your ptsd. It's okay though, you're forced to live in Georgia with a fatty so I'm not mad about it.

I'm posting under my real name you dumb motherfucker everything I've said is pretty easily verified if you are as stupid as you've demonstrated here today. you on the other hand are a chickenshit with no life or job. I can say whatever about your sorry ass and you've not refuted any of it. absolutely pathetic.

why don't you just post pictures of your mansion and trophy wife since you want to dox yourself welfare queen

posting under my own name isn't doxxing myself you absolute imbecile

holy shit is this your ugly ass wife?

lol no I don't have a twitter. again, what's your job besides being an insufferable pain in the ass?

yeah that's me like back when people used Yahoo so maybe 10 years ago

as soon as i see your trophy wife and mansion

nah I've given you enough. it's time to reciprocate

yeah she has lost weight since then, let's see yours 😉

you : wrong she is fine af

that picture :


let's see you lmao

well i could never compare to you and your fine wife

is she an actress?

I'm sure you couldn't and that's not a joke

i'm sure you're serious mr army man.

i know you guys all think the fatty that blew you in highschool is wife material

but now you got three ugly ass kids and you're stuck with the tubby

still not posting anything


does the little one have down's syndrome or fetal alcohol syndrome?

nah he is always making crazy faces like that. it's impossible to get him to take a normal picture. shoot me a message over FB since you're already there

you wanna meet up and let me fuck your fat wife or what?

like your pathetic incel ass would know what to do with it. and since you are still snooping I know you found better pictures of her so why don't you just stop fucking playing games little bitch boy. put up or shut up

like your pathetic incel ass would know what to do with it.

dig through the fat until you find the pussy? i'd imagine it goes something like that

your daughter is kinda cute tho =]

put up or shut up

What’s age of consent in Georgia

Does your daughter have an Instagram?

your kids are even uglier

again, lmao let's see you. this is hilarious

Please Allende deserved it. He shouldn't have personally requested KGB money.

They didnt stop, we stopped them

Lol okay

I agree we stopped them dumbass

America has actually never done any harm to anyone

I once hit my knee on an American rock.

You deserved it. It also didn't happen


And not a big deal anyway!

Fuck with this nonsense pajeet

What in the world makes you think I’m indian lmao

Poor sentence structure, a hint of curry, reflexive Anti-Americanism, insanely thin and wispy mustache

My sentence structure is fine and my moustache is neither thin nor wispy. And from my experience Indians don’t really hate America.

And from my experience Indians don’t really hate America.

Well then why didn't they vote for Donald Josephine Trump in larger numbers?

Because they know shit belongs in the street not in the White House

Based OverSwaminarayan

Honestly in all of world history USAs reign as global "empire". Has been one of the most peaceful, permissive and free reigns in all of human history. The world will be wishing for America's awesomeness once it is China's turn to take the reigns

Def agree on the China part. And they are taking over. Starting with Africa.

Africa deserves it tho.

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the whole nuke thing was questionable

lmao did dis dude just did dis?

Nah, you right, if the Soviets invaded Japan and were a bunch of shit heads we might have even more ammunition against the commies.

WWII was the last war we decisively won. It was decisive because of the nuclear bombs and the fire bombing runs.

We should take a look back in history at what actually wins wars and apply it to our future wartime strategy.

Okay, Zoomer. Settle down and let George H.W. smack some bitches out of Kuwait again.

Lol zoomer, try again. Gen X ftw

You wrote this title as though you think that people of color have agency.

Thanks to modern science, we know that is not the case.