Chapo 'Tranny Chasers' get called out, Chaos soon follows

130  2019-07-16 by GodOfDarknessWine


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Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. Chapo 'Tranny Chasers' get called o... -,,

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be attracted to who you're attracted to (to be clear I'm not including being attracted to anyone who isn't a consenting human adult

So wait...we need consent to be attracted to people now?

it’s called being a decent human being, you bigot.

Be better

Be Best!

do better, let's unpack this, yikes.

You BIGOT! How DARE you not ask for permission before being attracted to someone? It's 2019....

"Excuse me, may I feel attraction towards your body?"

It's as EASY as just ASKING!


I wanna fuck yer butthole

(Starts dancing erotically) "You are not allowed to look"

M'lady, may I have a crumb of coochie?

Something something vox article about how two year olds can consent.

Be more accepting of trans people

That's easy because I'm attracted to trans women

Eww no not like that!


Its ok, you're not a hyperautist like Chapos so it doesn't come off weird when you're attracted to troids.

Speak for yourself beta cuckster.

well, i am a hyperautist so it wouldn't work for me.

it doesn't come off weird when you're attracted to troids.

Genuine question and I know it's not the sub for it, but are you entirely straight otherwise outside being attracted to trans women? I obviously don't care who they bang or date or whatever, I just haven't seen a MtF that I could consider attractive.

No, I'm bi. So that probably has something to do with it.

Cool, one more question and I'll let you go back to your jannie duties. Do you see them as their biological sex or their new sex when you're attracted to them or do you just not really see their gender at all?

I see them as women with a bonus, if that makes sense?

So let's say you are attracted to a pre op who appears female. It's not weird that they have a dick? So you're like attracted to her as a female but then play with their penis?

This is fascinating. I've learned more already than all those horrible Chapo trans threads. Shit, maybe /r/Drama needs monthly trans education hosted by you and trappysaruh.

So let's say you are attracted to a pre op who appears female. It's not weird that they have a dick?

Nah cause I like dick and boobies. It's best of both worlds for me.

So you're like attracted to her as a female but then play with their penis?


This is fascinating. I've learned more already than all those horrible Chapo trans threads. Shit, maybe /r/Drama needs monthly trans education hosted by you and trappysaruh.

You know that's not a bad idea.

Nah cause I like dick and boobies. It's best of both worlds for me.

Shit, I like pizza and I like cigarettes, but I'd still pass on combining those.

It's more like pizza and buffalo chicken. It doesn't seem like it should work together, but it's delicious

For me, it would be more like if someone hid a turd in my ice cream.

For me,

Well good thing I'm not you

See, we can agree on something.


As a straight guy, I can be attracted to very feminine faces, but the thought of a dick flopping around during sex is one of the fastest ways for me nope out during.

So I'd never actually fuck a bussy, but if this wants to blow me, I'm going for it

In your experience, what is the difference between sucking off a MtF and sucking off Eddie Izard

I'd pay to suck off Eddie Izard

Wtf that's not trappy sarah

Trappy doesn't have any face shots, that I'm aware of

Based and anonymouspilled

She has only one pic of her face and she's a sarah sliverman clone

She's so freaking cute 😍😍😍

I'll give here a face shot WAIT NO

That just looks like a sexy femme dude though. Tbh trannies are fucking delusional when they say they can pass, unless they take a Dremel to their bone structure

That just looks like a sexy femme dude though.

I like those too

Quietus, not dissing you for liking some tranny dick, but you can clearly tell that person was a man. There are plenty of hotter examples out there.

Lol I dunno I probably just have weird tastes

He likes men though

Because only passable MtF are those with a lot of money. As getting to the level of passable needs a lot of plastic surgeries.

So when people post "passable" poor MtF then they often hide all the features that would make easily spotted as male.

Even the passable ones look a little off still. Blaire White is probably too 1% of good looking trannies and she stil looks . . . Waxy? Its probably a huge overcompensation with makeup.

Is because your brain recognize somethings is wrong. But looking at her face it's clearly she had surgery on it. Maybe some bone reduction.

What makes good surgery is that you can't detect it though.

I would say minor adjustments.

Check some popular trans porn stars, there is a lot of make up involved to make them look more passable but plenty of them are conventionally attractive.

You can just push the weenus aside like you would broccoli and chow down on ass. Ass is ass. I think churchill said that.

Safety Concerns with Analingus - Toss My Salad Search domain Its symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, and intestinal bleeding. Intestinal parasites: These are microbial organisms that cause intestinal diseases including cryptosporidiosis, dysentery, and giardiasis. Symptoms include diarrhea, fever, and stomach pain. Again, these are spread through oral contact with the fecal matter of an infected person.

Anyone remember that SRD thread with the galaxy brain take that you should ask someone for their consent before jerking off to them?

I began follow that advice daily and it has really taken my woman-respecting to new levels.

Listen, I have a theory about that post. It sounds like a post of a non passing trans being jelly that some men do find passing trans women attractive and not because of a fetish, just because they pass good enough to look like cis women.

Hence all this "chasers = bad" cope post.

That and demonizing male libidinal response is what's hot on the streets.

I think they're referring to lolbertians.

lmao she thinks she’s people


The thread was all good, the transgender members posting there selfies, stories and struggles were amazing and the commentators who validated, supported and wholesome compliments were also cool. What I meant by my comment (and I should have made it more clear soz) was the amount of thirsty folks who looked to be on the prowl lol. Also the amount of jokes on this sub that probably come from a place of acceptance and solidarity towards the trans community, but come off as fetishizing Transgender women is way too high.

Btw I'm a cis guy so I may be totally wrong with all of this, in which case please point out what perspective I'm missing ❤️

God they're just so fucking gay

I was just reading that and debating whether today's the day I join the 40%

You're going to beat the shit out of your wife?

I thought that was 60%

But he could do both lmao.

In that "study" the female cops were actually more likely to be domestic abusers than the men.

the cop-defendertm has logged on

ugh, i cant wait until we forcibly log out all these janny lickers

Cops are awesome. If you're a cop you get to drive fast, shoot poor people and you do it for monetary compensation.

I'm out of the loop, what do you mean by "I'll join the 40%"?

I am guessing the trans suicide rate statistic

I'm not here 40% for my country - I'm here to make the other guy 40% for his.

It's amazing how you can detect how much strength someone puts into holding their wrist just from the way they write

do you mind explaining this giga-iq comment, it's too intelligent for me to understand

He's calling them limp wristed.

Calling them big gay


lol 3 three things you can count on- death, taxes, and chapos being dumb. they just don't get it. 😂🤣😂👎

Tony, I'm going to say the N word

So are trans people that only like straights chasers too nothing wrong with liking attractive ones especially when most of them look so ugly

We already get incels on the right calling us traps and shemales.

Are trannies still trying to adopt the term "traps" for the sole reason of self-victimization?

It appears people in this sub have, shamefully, been having a smidgen of fun every now and then and only being super serious and overbearing 90% of the time. I'm going to need you all to bump those numbers up.

if you want some fun drama r/Meettransgirls is a honeypot sub to fuck with chasers

T girls are just like real girls

With thirsty guys wanting to meet em

T girls are just like real girls

The feminine penis makes them superior

This, but unironically

who said it was ironic

This cope never gets old.

Look I posted this looking for someone who also wanted the same thing, that’s the point of posting it and no just cuz that’s what I want doesn’t mean ima treat u like a object all y’all ppl so sensitive and y’all wonder why y’all suicide rate is going up

Its like when that somali refugee rapes an 87 year old grandma in that sub

Tfw Chapo is a bunch of dudes wanting to fuck dudes in dresses

Did you ever think it was anything different?

Well I used to think it was just cryposting losers.

Now I realize that it's both

They want to shove their hot juicy cocks into another man's beautiful asshole.

"Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch / On their knees wanting to suck cowboy cocks"

Ram ranch really rocks

damn I had no idea chapos were actually based

Imagine being such a homo that in a sub full of homos in dresses looking to fuck other homos in dresses you still manage to strike out. I used to advocate for mayocide but lately I think chapocide will actually kill more Mayo losers than actual mayocide. At least with chapocide well have 40 percent less people to kill 🤔

What’s it about anime and degenerate behavior?

What’s it about breathing and consuming oxygen?

Well trans women can complain like real women. "All these beta losers keep trying to fuck me, this is basically bigotry"

Asking for a friend, how do u show someone you view them as a full human but you're also specifically into how they are? Like, if you were really into a particular ethnic minority, is it possible/valid to engage with that specific "into"-ness without fetishising? Sorry if dumb question

without fetishizing

Jesus just compliment the features you like in a not fucking creepy way. If there is a mutual attraction this is literally one of the first fucking parts of flirting

There's zero non-creepy way to say "hey I really like how Chinese you look".

I’m into bugs

You got a fucking problem with that? Play Hollow Knight.

That line would work fantastically in China

Unironically people will ask you "so do you like Chinese girls~" and there is only one right answer ("yes, I think you're cute"), but that's only when you've actually begun some kind of relationship with them. Everybody finds it creepy if you open with "I've got what you might call a case of the yellow fever baybee".

Everybody finds it creepy if you open with "I've got what you might call a case of the yellow fever baybee".

Yeah because you keep using the most autistic line possible as an example. You're saying you can't compliment a womans body because screaming "I LUV DEM TIDDAYS!" is weird

but that's only when you've actually begun some kind of relationship with them.

No, telling a Chinese girl in China you think Chinese girls are cute would be totally fine as a pickup line

Yeah because you keep using the most autistic line possible as an example

I think you need to actually read the original comment, my friend.

No, telling a Chinese girl in China you think Chinese girls are cute would be totally fine as a pickup line

I'll take your word for it, then. I only have experience with Chinese students in the west, who all make fun of the random non-Chinese guys who say things like "you know I've always liked the fact you look Chinese", but I do know they've self-selected themselves to be different from most Chinese people.

If you know chinese students in the west who hangout with anyone except other chinese students in the west, im skeptical they were actually chinese students in the west.

I study Chinese, so I'm friends with a tonne. Most of them are actually very eager to make friends with westerners, it's just so much easier for them to end up sticking to Chinese social groups.

I will say that all the girls I've ended up dating were westaboos. If you remove the guys who're studying business or accounting, you're left with the weirdoes who went to the west to study a degree which doesn't exist in China (e.g. museum and gallery curation).

Most of them are actually very eager to make friends with westerners

Most of them are autistic as fuck and feel little need to mingle with locals.

I study Chinese

Im sorry for your loss

It's a combination of not feeling comfortable speaking English, not feeling comfortable as a Chinese person in England, and being surrounded with a billion Chinese people they can just talk to in Chinese instead. It's bloody stupid, I think, but it's also how most English people act when they go over to China to study the language so...

Im sorry for your loss

Don't be. I'm the kind of retard who's studying Chinese for literary reasons, not economic ones (Chinese is actually a bad language to learn if you want to make money, contrary to the stereotype). I just want to be able to read Chinese books.

it's also how most English people act when they go over to China to study the language so...

Eh, depends, a lot of em end up serial dating and get pretty good at the language that way

Chinese is actually a bad language to learn if you want to make money, contrary to the stereotype

Absolutely is. I passed HSK 6 in college and nobody have a shit

I just want to be able to read Chinese books.


This is shit I expect in shit subs like r/niceguys or r/braincels have this imbeciles ever talked to atleast their mom in their life?

90% of the shit on r/niceguys is completly made up

Thats why I said.they were shit subs.

No, their moms are chud-lites.

What it I told you soyboy was basically like the N word?

Is this real? I cant tell anymore

Please don't aay the s-word. 😤😤😤


S-andro stolen the skull helmet


Burrrrrpppp Morty I need trans Dick morty. The femenin penis burrrrpppp morty. We need it.

Chapo "humor"

Why are sjws so fucking bad at humor

Because they try to make everything pc, but the point of a joke is to be not pc.

Comorbid mental illness, autism, gender issues.

Its a lot to juggle when making "jokes"

Srs was funny for a little while.

They are by definition, humorless.

It'd fit into this sub unnoticed


In their defense, I do find the memes of Marx talking about gamers pretty funny


That sounds like something Rick would say before making Morty lick his balls yet again.

I am trans.

And given i am 28 and havent had a date in a decade, i could handle being fetishized a little lmao. Girl has needs.

Literally cannot make this shit up.

Eww an incel

There's only two ways a woman can be an incel

  1. You're larping

  2. You are in the literal bottom 10% of attractiveness.

They're trans so probably 2

they’re trans

So definitely LARPing.

He's not a woman lmao. Lots of trannies are incels.


  1. Larping

Having lurked on femcel communities for a billion years because their salt and sadness fuels my boners:

About two thirds of 'em can get sex pretty easily, and they know this. What they can't secure is an actual boyfriend. It's easy enough to find some sad fuck of a man to slap his penor into your vagoo, but a lot harder to find a man you'd actually want to wake up next to who isn't already taken.

About a third of 'em are the truly ugly few who can't even get sex, or at least think they are. In truth, most of them just have mental conditions (anxiety etc.) which prevent them from socialising normally.

it's not an especially rare phenomenon - the femcels get bitter about it but most women experience it, old friend of mine used to complain a lot about men being trash but i'd just be thinking like you've got awful fucking hygiene and you dress up as a fucking cartoon witch and talk about casting spells on people ffs, surely you realise that the only people who are fucking you are people who literally couldn't give the slightest fuck as to what they're fucking?! I mean, come on!

Lot of douches do it with women, like they'll try these vomit inducing pick-up routines in their vulgar little sports-fashion ensembles then wonder why the only chicks they meet are out to get their night paid for... it's like what game did you think you were playing?!

Second and third tier women should live as concubines to desirable men and their first-tier wives IMO

Communism ruined China. They used to do this as a matter of course. Now my chances as a desirable white male are relegated to cheating on my prostitute.

implying the bottom 10% have trouble getting dates

cope, maybe not with chad but definitely brad

Who wants to bet the last time she had a date, she was still a he

Your mom taking you to Applebee's for your 18th birthday doesn't constitute a date, regardless if she stopped talking to you for using the $150 birthday money for hrt.

and havent had a date in a decade

Wtf that's kinda depressing. Incels --> Tranny

Definitely sound's like something a chick would say 😒

An incel male woman. Yikes.

I feel sorry for non passing trans. They look like freaks.

joining leftist orgs for the primary purpose of preying on vulnerable non-men.

So, preying on chapos?

posts on hotties for trump

Google Tiffany tumbles

Fucking trannies can't face reality.

Honestly? IMO there is no way, because if you are specifically into something about them that's solely based on physical traits, that IS fetishization, and I don't know anyone who wants that

Oh no, not being attracted to physical traits! That's basically full-fledged naziism.

lmao @ that slapfight in the comments about whether people are "allowed" to be attracted or not attracted to someone based on what genitals they have.

ahem Hello lovely lady. My pronouns are he/him/his. Don’t worry, I’m not like those other cis white men haha. Cis get the bullet! Mayocide! Hehe. You should check out my reddit account. I’ve gotten a lot of karma from owning tankies and doing funny bits. But sometimes I can be a bit of a goofball troll too. Yesterday, I went on the_donald and told those chuds to post hog and they banned me haha! A subreddit enforcing its rules, priceless! Sounds like they need a safe space. Not that there is anything wrong with safe spaces though! I think I’m a lot like the twitter account dril when I troll the chuds. Have you heard of dril? That’s D-R-I-L. It’s a pretty crazy twitter account that says silly stuff that you can repeat verbatim to own people. Corncob haha! You should look it up. It’s dumb but hilarious. Whoops sorry, I shouldn’t be using ableist words like dumb. How careless of me. Anywho, have you ever heard of a band called death grips? PRETTY PRETTY NINE MOTHERFUCKER! Haha that’s a death grip lyric reference. Whoops, now everyone is staring at me because I used my outside voice hehe. What’s that? You need to go to the bathroom? If you’d like, I could follow you to make sure no chuds give you any trouble for going in your preferred bathroom because that is my chivalrous duty. Wait, where are you going?! Just a pint of mouthfeel before you go? Please ma’am, might I just have a microwatt of girldick?

That sub is pure concentrated soy at this point. They used to have a good meme every 20 or so posts but even those days are long gone

tranny chasers are just down low bottoms, don't @ me

I didn't know people were buying "trans cutie" pics lol. Way worse than gamergirl water

People kidding themselves if they think white boys aren't joining leftist orgs for the primary purpose of preying on vulnerable non-men.

only the white ones tho

So I really don't get this. If you are attracted to trans people they accuse you of being a chaser but if you aren't attracted to them then you are transphobic?

Is this basically the equivalent of gay dudes only going after straight men and then getting butthurt when they are rejected?

its all about the penis. if ur attracted to tgirls because of it then ur CANCELLED. if u have any pattern that even hints at u liking her penis (only looking for tgirls not cisgirls) then ur CANCELLED. if u've ever posted in a trans gonewild thread then ur CANCELLED.

Did you see Jim has a new wrestling persona?

So they want people who dislike their penis? I know some don't like their junk handled due to dysphoria but what about the ones that do want their penis touched? Do they really want to date people who don't like their penis?

its a pathological need to be treated 100% as a girl in every way conceivable right down to the chromosomes

Yeah he has a new persona. I didn’t know he did political stuff I just watch his video game stuff.

The Fent Is Too Damn High!

"Hey guys, maybe we are all a bunch of sad weirdos and that is reflected in our dumb politics?"


Learn to speel Jesus fuck.

At the end of it all, we want to be treated just like cis girls. You don't check someone's genitals before you decide whether you're attracted to them or not.

As if you need to ask 😂😂😂

Trannies: Why doesn't anyone want to fuck us?

Chapos: Heeeeeeeeey....

Trannies: Stop fetishizing us, weirdo.