Resetera finds RLM content very problematic

72  2019-07-16 by BAZAKBAL_


It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

If we do not work together, we will all get rekt.

We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

They want to fck with us. SO BE IT.

We have the power of bots like them.


I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.


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Is this from KIA?

Feels more like r/GAMERSRISEUP

There's no way this isn't unironic. The gamergate pasta was unironic

Shit you're right, what a fag I assumed it was ironic like the navy seal oldie

That guys one of the biggest retards I've ever seen

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Resetera finds RLM content very pro... -,

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I have noticed the dog whistles for along while....but the livestream where Rich Evans went on a rant against the women march in DC and against feminism was honestly disturbing.

I think at best it's useless, at worst it's harmful. Why are people protesting.. what are people protesting? When you look at this from the outside, it looks like people are just whining because Trump won and people don't like Trump. It looks very childish. It comes off looking like crybabies having a fit because their person didn't win the election. He fairly won the election. It comes off exactly as childish as when Obama won.. "I wanna see that birth certificate!". I think if you're on the left side of things, you should be looking on the inside right now. This crying about Trump.. once he starts actually doing something stupid in office, then you can drag out the protest signs and protest whatever thing he did you don't like. Right now it just seems childish. Instead of bitching about Trump, the left needs to take a look at itself. Hillary Clinton could not beat a ex reality star orangutan. There's a reason for that. The democratic side of things needs to get its own shit in order. The people you need to win over to get on your side are seeing crybabies. I would not make yourself look bad. And choose your million women marches more clearly and have a clear message about what you're speaking out against. Because this looks like nothing other than "wah we lost the election". Currently it's a reaction to nothing that has happened yet. The march isn't going to keep him from taking office. To me it seems like preaching to the choir and I don't think it's going to do anything useful. There are a lot of people who if they were saner would be on the fence, but they're going to pick an extreme because that's what everybody fucking does now. And you see something like this protest, and that's.. "god look at those crybabies".. I'm with Trump!

Jesus what a nazi!

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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Rich Evans was spot on though

He has tasted the juicy Shaft meat of knowledge.

Rich is literally always right

That's right Jay!

Based endless trash

Only thing they don't find problematic is fucking kids


Its actually more simple than that: Our side good, other side bad.

oh god I've just connected the dots on why those people insists children aren't real people until age 7.


You have been banned from the libertarian subreddit.

Ownership > age of consent laws apparently

The libertarian sees no difference 😤

I am eagerly awaiting the release of The Rise of Skywalker. The gamer alone is capable of thwarting Disney's agenda.

The laugh of that one guy is more than enough reason to not watch their videos.


Imagine being the waste of cum that is a Resetera user. 🤮

A brown stain on their mom's mattress would have been more useful.

i to have seen full metal jacket

I mean you are alive in 2019, of course you have.

Everything that isn't super progressive is problematic. They don't even apologize!!

And I find resetera problematic

Now what.


That gotta be KYS posting

they're screeching about the exact same Rich Evans quote today. I'm beginning to think discord trannies aren't just a meme.


You fool

given how quickly imageboards will screech over any given conspiracy they can come up with, forgive me for being at least initially skeptical.

/tv/s seed and feed formerly resetera

User Banned (duration pending): Drive-by post; long history of similar infractions

User Banned (2 weeks): trolling in a sensitive thread, history of similar infractions

User Banned (1 Week): Dismissing Bigotry

User Banned (3 Days): Drive by, Trolling in a sensitive topic

these are all over that thread lol

The hell is a drive-by post

nryooooom screech

ur a fag, later nerd


enter thread

Post n word

Delete account

But y tho

Literally just to fuck with whatever sad cunt runs a forum like resetera. People like that make enemies.

I got perma banned from ResetEra because I said Scarlett Johansson was hot. Which is.... sexist? Apparently?

I have noticed the dog whistles for along while....but the livestream where Rich Evans went on a rant against the women march in DC

Are people still defending the Louis Farrakhan March?

Only thing you need to know about the guy is his profile picture

Funniest thing is Jack (on the podcast during Rich’s /problematic/ speech) is a massive Commie mommy dickrider... if Rich even went slightly right of centrist, jack would have shut it down...

I am 100 percent sure that they all have different political beliefs, but are still good friends. Like rich makes so many edgy jokes and so does mike, but jack and beardfat are still friends. And we have jay who is totally not gay

So like normal people. As opposed to internet freaks who cancel each other for straying from their personal orthodoxy in any way.

Unironically their biggest appeal is that they're just kinda normal joes. Like, they're a bit goofy and shit, but they're otherwise just kinda normal and authentic dudes in a sea of fucking freaks and shills.

And we have jay who is totally not gay

There was an episode where some cute redhed chick was mugging the shit out of Jay after he went through puberty back in 2014, he didn't even respond to it. Maybe Jay blesses bussy?

Center of the Venn Diagram between dramatards and RLM watchers represent. You're a key constituency to my 2020 hopes - a community near and dear to my heart - and I won't let you down.

What the fuck don't those assholes find problematic

This isn't even shooting fish in a barrel anymore, it's dropping a nuke in there

I'll drop a nuke in ur barrel

The amount of male feminism in that thread is disturbing; I wonder how many unconvicted rapists posted there. Also it's funny they picked on Rich when Mike is the only one who's actually a rightoid. And Jay always tries to put in SJW talking points probably to prevent this shit from happening.

And Jay always tries to put in SJW talking points probably to prevent this shit from happening.

He does?

16 pages of these pathetic losers crying over some youtubers. Truly disgusting and shameful. Wonder how many of them are successful in life? They probably cant get a job due to all the self harm scars

posted by somone with an avatar of lord humongus from mad max.

i'd be prepared to wager this was instigated by rich evans to troll the gibbering mental patients of that site.

You can tell these people have no soul when they're shitting on Rich Evans' perfect laugh.

tfw you will never experience Rich Evans' angelic siren call in person

why live?

his laugh is pure joy transmuted into audio form

it legitimately makes me smile everytime I hear it.

Even though I was a fan (and still don't really 'hate' them), I was personally always a bit bothered by the fact that they mostly reviewed American/English movies. With a few exceptions, anything that strayed too far from the American mainstream didn't seem to warrant their attention. I understand needing to talk about popular movies if you don't want to stay completely niche, but I remember them specifically mocking people for suggesting that they tackle foreign movies at some point.

Watching films that are popular and which the actors speak English is racist


Also anyone who doesn’t watch Star Wars is sexist