The virgin menace invades insane post

24  2019-07-16 by Alicesnakebae


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. The virgin menace invades insane po... -,,

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Braincels are so sad

It’s funny how this became an incel thing, when we all know for a fact it was some jiving darkie that punched her

Try again, mayo.

“The man who punched Ms Walsh was described as white, about 5ft 8ins tall, and wearing a pink t-shirt.”

about 5ft 8ins tall

Oh no...

There's a lot of "never learning" going on here, and I think I know why

about 5ft 8ins tall

Oh no...

You're so close to be woke...

Just like that guy is so close to being human

It's been a tough week

Oh, shit. Well, he was probably late for a business meeting

look at all this honkey cope

Imagine taking guff off a Mexican. 🤢🤢🤮

Please don't be a manlet.... Please don't be a manlet.... Oh fuck, not again

Despite what Wikipedia says, the incel movement is racially inclusive.

Incels are terrorist every single one of them

Remember to have sex regular to avoid becoming a monster

Went to their subs to see their take on the bagel manlet and most of them seemed Indian or Asian. Lots of memes about white women auto-rejecting "currycels"

well yh. U think the balding indian janitors getting any pussy?

Janitors are Mexican

this is more like 2nd generation educated dudes making 80k in their IT job who can't get laid


That's two different people??

I think the first one is just her after a 4 hour makeup session

I know its a boring point that's been made a million times already, but why do women do this?

Because they’re stupid and men are stupid

Dating the same girl for a long time, I’d personally rather see all her pimples and blemishes than wait an extra 30 minutes to get ready

Dating the same girl for a long time, I’d personally rather see all her pimples and blemishes than wait an extra 30 minutes to get ready

If your brain doesn't naturally develop a snapchat filter that covers up those pimples do you really love her? 🤔

I think the Before also has a filter on it.

Men going their own way. Just another incel sub. Eventually they'll all just resort to being the world's angriest gay community.

Ain't wrong

They should just take the T pill become the GF


Seems like a pretty good solution too.

Nothing earns respect like violence. /s

These people have never even been adjacent to a physical fight.

>asked to join the communist party

>"sorry not interested"

>gets punched in the face

this is a new low chapocels wtf


seriously thou

She told the Manchester Evening News: “I’d taken my shoes off and this guy came over and said ‘I like your feet’. I just said OK and we tried to walk away.

“They kept walking behind trying to talk to me. Eventually, I turned around and said ‘I’m sorry, I’m not interested’.”

footfags 🤮 not even once

To be fair, she should be punched for that make-up job.

I know she's got a black eye, but she looks like two completely different people.
-1144 points

I know she's got a black eye, but she looks like two completely different people.

Men going their own way

until dinner's ready, cuz mommy made your favorite lasagna