So he totally jerks it to this, right?

391  2019-07-16 by Ghdust2


This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. So he totally jerks it to this, rig... -,

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Totally. Notice how he draws them both as monsters but still gives them cleavage and gives AOC a nice ass

gives AOC a nice ass

Is the only way she can get a decent one tbh. 🤭

All her ass is on her chest

"Jamie pull up that video of her dancing sexily on that rooftop in Boston"



Conservatards literally btfo'd by commie Mammy's bouncing utters.

Wow it looks like a coked-up audition for the disney channel

You would, and if you wouldn’t then you’re either gay or a pedophile.

Thats so Massive Cope.

He's a man of culture.

Drawing unnecessarily sexualized and fetishistic caricatures -- straw man arguments so study a fart from HRC could knock them over -- is the highest form of flattery, really.

Please note that he also includes her many teeths 😍 🍆💦

gives aoc a nice ass


yeah lol that's a fucking leg

You don't appreciate this piece of art

God i wish that was me

Don’t let your dreams be dreams

Is this ben's monster girl fetish comimg out

Did you forget all the BRAAAPS comics with Hillary?

He's a man with many fetishes.

As is tradition...

tfw you will never have a futa Pelosi predator gf 😞

Monster bussy 😭

Mussy? Menis?

Pronounced MEENIS

You aren't jerking off to this?

Who wouldn't?

Haha imagine breaking out all of predator peloci's teeth and throat fucking her until you bust a fat nut in that mouth haha wouldn't that be funny?

keep talking 😩🍆💦

Then using the mix of blood, semen, and mucus as lube to work in alien AOC's girl bussy

Isn't that still called Santorum?

Santorum is blood, semen, and lube

Close tho

Fucking amateur hour over here

I always forget the poop. Now that I think about that, it was kind of a self own by gays to admit that vile ooze is such a common occurrence in their lifestyle.

What the fuck, Ben.

The man has a predator/alien fetish.

Should I search for his Ao3 account?

Ben "stop the real aliens" Garrison confirmed for next Aliens vs Predator sequel.

I wish I could go back to alien AOC's home country with her 🤤🤤🤤

You don't?

There is a disturbing lack of labels on this, are we sure its even Ben?

Nuke it from orbit. Only way to be sure.

Needs more brap. I dunno if you remember his election comics but Garrison is a confirmed brapaholic with how he drew Hillary's caboose.

Ben should get into drawing porn. Him, Stonetoss and Shad would make a great trio.

That would be quite possibly the greatest porn ever

Ben writes it, shad makes the characters, and pebblethrow can sit in his rubbish bin supervising the whole thing.

Stonetoss drawings are basic af tho

The higher art is on the public performance plane where they're are able to live off as irl lol cows with very limited artistic talent.

Well I sure as hell do

They're about to touch tips, does that make them gay?

As far as he jerks it to this, what do you think the stuff dripping off of AOC's tail buttplug is?

He's a complete and utter smeghead

I am.

i came

I know I do

What does that symbol on the end of her tongue 👅 represent? What did Ben mean by this? 🤔

Whoever loses we win



👏 If you agree

Haha, Ben Garrison is simply too good for us. Love his work! :)

I am euphoric. Boys, he’s going to do it. He’s going to beat the Muslims to death with the Jews. What a Time to be alive.

Political comics are the epitome of Boomer Humour.

I mean got you gotta give it to him, he makes full use of the medium. Regardless of what you think of the subject, the art and presentation is what a political cartoon should look like, caricaturish and exagurated with tons of visual metaphor.

Missed opportunity to have Trump as a Colonial Marine screaming “IF YOU DONT LIKE IT GO BACK TO YOUR HOMEWORLD”

How am I supposed to know which is which if they aren’t labeled?