My date ended poorly

101  2019-07-16 by mydatewentbad_46828

So I asked out a hot girl from my gym, and she agreed to go on a date with me since I'm really charismatic and handsome. She wanted to go to this Italian restaurant which looked stupid since you can't have a nice burger. I told her that I wanted to go to Burger King on my date since I like their food. She was so arrogant and was like "Let's go somewhere nice, I like Italian food". I replied to her by saying "I want Burger King!". An argument commenced due to her immaturity, however, I won the argument and she agreed to go to burger king. I waited outside of my local burger king for 20 minutes and she turned up. We both walked inside and asked her what she wanted. She wanted the "Spicy Crispy Chicken with fries and a water", I told her to get something healthy otherwise she would be obese. She talked back to me and was like "don't tell what I can and can't do". I agreed and I ordered 2x Rodeo King burgers with fries and a frozen coke because I'm the man.

We didn't say anything to each other until 10 minutes of eating and asked her "You wanna have sex after this?". She rudely responded "Not in a million years.". I stormed off and took my burgers with me because i'm a man and told her she ruined my night and that hot girls like her are the reason why i'm like this.

It was a bad night for me overall, I'm just simply a nice guy who offered to take her on a date and she was rude and nasty.


Have you tried fucking dudes? They're less complicated

Based and never catabolic pilled

I heard they reproduce by molesting children -- not unlike clergy -- so it may be too late. Damn shame, since swole homofascist warriors are sure to win the upcoming civil war, crushing breeders (yuck!) as well as hyper-estrogenic trans twigs under their perfectly toned heels. It's only a matter of time!

swole homofascist warriors are sure to win the upcoming civil war, crushing breeders (yuck!) as well as hyper-estrogenic trans twigs under their perfectly toned heels.

WTF I'm gay now.

Homofascists would be the the superior race if they lasted more than a generation and didn't need several generations of societal oppression to reach max homoeroticism.

Soon artificial wombs will be a thing and then a scant few years later, homofascism will lead us to the path of glory (holes) !

Based and gaypilled

What's the point of this shitpost?

To be annoying

I like shitposts. Sometimes its nice to put the drama aside.

It's anti-men. It's meant to make you go, "omg men are so dumb! they really are like that".

^ dumb man

Try cheering up by watching the funny fox tv show Family Man. Check out the sub /r/familyman!

Norton stole chip after seeing Norm at the Bob Sagot roast.

implying I care

I'm not attacking you, its just a hot take Ive never seen before, I remember Norton in the back, he's not laughing or reacting at all, he's just absorbing.

It's a good show... and a better sub!

It is!

Chip, make sure you remind everyone not to post spoilers. We wouldn't want our favorite show to be ruined by interlopers.

I told her to get something healthy otherwise she would be obese.

You did the right thing. She could have had a coronary from that food and you'd have to tearfully explain to her mother how you allowed her little girl to die.

Coulda got laid, though.

wanting gussy


Similar thing happened to me except the sluut forgot her wallet, so I also ended up running home with our (my) burgers.

I think it stopped being a date when you opted for a Burger King.

Women are so entitled.

All women should experience a good Italian.

BK has marina sauce - ergo BK is an Italian restaurant

I said a good Italian.

Italian food is nothing but minced cat food laced in parmesan cheese, it is inferior to every other nations cuisine including Britain

Fair point since I’m not a lover of the lasagna. What about the men?

A degenerative strain of Neanderthals that infests more prosperous nations.

Why don't you just cut it short and admit that you desire dwarf sized hairy men with barrel shaped builds and speech impediments dominating your bussy?

just say it, you want bagle bro to plow all 3.5" up your back hole

She only wants the free meal.

u sound jealous 😏

Only if it was an Italian or Greek.

Why were you at the gym anyways?

Gymmaxing, obviously

Guy heaven gym

Cultivating weight and perving

NTA Foid should have gave anal while shitting the burger in your dick.

NTA, I can’t believe she didn’t want to Have It Your Waytm

Imagine wanting to have sex with a girl who orders a spicy chicken sandwich from Burger King.

alotta girls have a spicy chicken sandwich between their legs

If your tounge starts burning after going down on some chick, that's a bad thing. I'm assuming

In what universe was this not the perfect date?

Too tryhard. Its pathetic how bad some of you morons are at writing


r/drama subscriber

getting laid

Pick one lmao.

We didn't say anything to each other until 10 minutes of eating and asked her "You wanna have sex after this?".

this only works if you have a mouthful of onion rings cause she realizes you're the best she's gonna get and clings to you for dear life.

There are some irregularities... no “hot girl” who goes to the gym eats Burger King, let alone a Spicy Chicken Sandwich. She must be fake or fat. If it was Wendy’s, then yes. Spicy Chicken sandwiches from Wendy’s are to girls what laser pointers are to cats.

D- for the error. C- for story telling. C+ for effort.

Come back again when you’re ready to take the internet more seriously, thanks.

Why the hell did I read this

Why would you want to have sex after eating fastfood when ass play is basically off the table?

Dude, you were rude and nasty.