“It’s over for Daddy!” says r/Politics for the billionth time. But one user points out that Twitter isn’t that important. Politicels proceed to COPE and SEETHE.

20  2019-07-16 by ResistingDaddyDrumpf


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Whatever your opinion on the retard is, everyone has to admit that he’s just been invincible so far and everything people thinks will take him down, doesn't.

It's amazing. I've never seen Hubris be used as an inherent, unconquerable strength before. He's like 3.5 years running now talking crazy shit and never apologizing. Some real Super Male Vitality

The last few years for trump have been like The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret where he’s just as stupid but everything works out instead of spirals like it should.

It can't be said enough, but all of the delicious drama is literally in people's heads, out in the real world in the sunshine everything is exactly like it was 2 years ago.

It really is strange, I want to say he's dumb but look where he got and continues to get. Is it because he's just as retarded as his supporters?

It’s because most of the country is retarded and congress just wants a republican; they don’t care if he’s a moron. He gave them two Supreme Court justices. That makes all his retardation worth it.

It really is strange

He discovered how to defeat wokies: Just never apologize to their dumb asses.

God bless St. Donald uWu

Trump is a retarded dementia patient. It baffles me that they can’t defeat him.

Yes, baffling. Baffling.

Holy shit drama sure is just the_donald now huh?

So much agenda posting.

The S E E T H E is coming from within the drama subreddit!

I don’t support Trump. I think he’s a retard. I just think r/politics is retarded also.

Is this a lolcow? Should I upvote it?

have sex

Some how the homos in that sub are more annoying than chapocels, even though I’m sure most of them are chapocels

I dont think many of them are chapos. They are more smug and annoying than chapos.

Yea actually now that you say that the chapos have a distinctly obnoxious and abrasive stench to their comments. These people just come off as smug big brained theory readers

I am amusing myself today by asking Twitter morons how they know which "four women of color" he was talking about. After all, he only ever referred to them as Congresswomen who hate America.

It's a weird feeling. I cannot imagine how he could keep escalating through next November, and yet I know he is going to.

People still unironically say "Faux News," lmao.