Schizo weeb breaks up with his imaginary girlfriend 😂

125  2019-07-16 by 600_lbs_of_sin


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Schizo weeb breaks up with his imag... -,,

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She has become rather distant lately, and sometimes it feels as though we are mere friends.

Yesterday, we actually got into a very large, destructive fight, with her becoming very aggressive, and both of us maybe said some things that we cannot take back.

Living with a mental illness can be hard sometimes, and I cannot always br available, mentally and physically.(Schizophrenic).

I know this may come as a surprise, like, how much of a loser do you need to be to break up with a fictional character? But its hurting almost as much as a real breakup. I will be taking a week or so break from dating, for my own mental health and for everybody else's.

Fucking Ronald Reagan for closing so many institutions lol

Thank you Republicans. Very cool.

Honestly i would more so blame the psychiatric boards that convinced both sides that these magic pills would make institutions obsolete but they are obviously to blame as well

Turns out mentally unstable people do not voluntarily take medication much of the time! Who could have fucking seen this coming?

You can see that sentiment rising back then in stuff like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. No one's crazy, they're just "eccentric".

They also created the EPA tho.

Based Nixon.

Nixon only did that to appease environmentalists. He wanted to significantly reduce it's size for his second term.

i mean they really didnt solve anything, jails were more humane

I wasn’t around obviously but my ex spent 7 years(and still does to my knowledge) we could of made them more humane and not turned them into the revolving door nightmare they are now.

tbh they just shouldn't exist, having shitty insane lives on a street is still better than being in one, plus there'd be much less schizo drama

Uhhhh. What. Lol

the thing is their methodology for treatment is based on psychology and psychiatry which are straddling the line between science and pseudoscience

Dude that’s not the case at all. I’m not talking about some retarded treatment. I’m talking about insanely psychotic people. I’m not talking about a AA self health group. Lol. They literally stabilize these people and put them back on the street with a bus ticket.

I’m talking about insanely psychotic people.

yea what the psychtards do for these doesn't work that well either, and it basically just comes down to sedating em so much they're essentially not human anymore. while that's v convenient for me personally, having interacted with a few of these psychotic retards before, i just dont think its worth it for them :/

Right which is why I’m saying we need to bring back actual institutionalization. If you have to go through life insane it may as well be sedated and hopefully in less pain

Even on the danger of being a seriousposting bundle of sticks. Have you ever been to uni? Psychologists are probably the most rigorously scientifically trained of any field. All they learn all day is how to interpret study's and design study's and shit.

I'm a med stundent and all the boring math shit and study design on my doctoral thesis is done by psych students.

gee seems really rigorous that despite doubling suicidal ideation in adolescents, it's still "recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) as a first-line treatment of severe depression " "protective effect dominates after this early period. "

yea all that rigorous scientific training oh man

Oh so you could have just said that you don't know shit.

That's why you never ever ever prescribe ssri to patients with suicidal tendencies. Doing so is grossly negligent. And in a healthcare system that's not completely broken ssri are only prescribed in circumstances in which intense medical observation is guaranteed for the first few days.

R/drama link

Oh yes daddy give me that good science 🤤🤤💦

Plus wtf are you even talking about? The whole field and study of psychology is invalid because SSRI have sidefects??

That's why you never ever ever prescribe ssri to patients with suicidal tendencies. Doing so is grossly negligent.


i definitely don't disagree, but i've seen SSRIs prescribed for people with suicidal tendencies quite literally hundreds of times by professionals, hence my doubt

Plus wtf are you even talking about?

two examples of a broad trend of shit science

medications have side effects? medicine btfo

medication to treat suicide depression cause more suicide depression hm

yeah now where are we supposed to put our wives when we’re sick of them?

Lol like this loser would ever have a wife

But its hurting almost as much as a real breakup. I will be taking a week or so break from dating, for my own mental health and for everybody else's.

How the fuck would he know

I wanna know what they mean by dating, how do you ask out a girl that doesn't exist? what if she ghosts you and then later you see her around town with some Chad?

2d girls only want 2dchaddudes :(

my waifu left me for Johnny Bravo smh

I want him to become the new Chad waifu meme, it would be beautiful

I will be taking a week or so break from dating

Probably takes a week til the next lolicon "anime" body pillow arrives from Japan.

True he will have to settle for loli-hentai until then.

wonder if she was having an affair with the voices in his head

She has become rather distant lately

that’s a sign the meds are working

Yeah, I think this ‘breakup’ diary entry is a farewell letter of sorts to voices in his head and the other enabling schizos on that sub. Hopefully he deletes his account and doesn’t return.

Lol your faith in humanity is cute

Is Your name a dire wolf reference?

you fuckin know it (~):}


Lol what? Posting to r/poker=gambling addiction?

No, posting to r/poker, r/gambiling, and knowing casino movies off the top of your head = gambiling addiction.

Investing so much energy into a fake romance with a fake character is not a sign of a mentally well individual.

Yes, because the sign of a mentally well individual is spending your days browsing random subs dedicated to making fun of people like r/sadcringe, r/bluderyears, r/trashy, and r/cringetopia, leaving random comments on reality tv show subs calling fat people gross for no reason, and going on subs you have no business in to troll and harass people minding their own business and harming nobody.

It's pretty obvious that you need to try and make yourself feel better than random strangers in order to distract yourself from the fact that you're a loser who does nothing but get drunk and flush your money down the drain for a brief high.

What a pathetic existence.

P.S: An obvious typo does not speak to my intelligence or make my sentence any less comprehensible but I suppose that it could be difficult to understand for someone illiterate like you."


Waifu dude brings that fire.


Also 72fool needs to learn to use alt accounts that don't have 6 or so drama subreddits subbed.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Damn haha

What the actual fuck

“They had a very large destructive fight”. I’m going to assume it was a pillow fight.

what in the fuck

sure this is sad but the makeup sex is gonna be 🔥🔥🔥

He’s gonna use both hands and no lube.

they have a fuckin' wiki

holy shit if you cheat on your waifu they permaban you

its over for polygamy-cells

Multiple waifu (Permanent ban) One waifu allowed. If something changes in your relationship and you break up and find someone else, then fine, that's different, but never more than one at a time. Waifuism is a serious commitment and we expect people to treat their waifu like they would a spouse.

Fucking hell. God truly has forsaken this Earth.

we expect people to treat their waifu like they would a spouse.

Lol staying out late at the pub with the lads instead of being home on a Monday is the future for my waifu, apparently.

This is the incel equivalent of a 10th dan black belt.

is this further proof we need bullying?

Leaving your daughteru/sonfu is unacceptable. We consider you to have formally adopted a daughteru or sonfu when you call a character one of those terms with any moderate degree of repetition. If you don't consider them your child, please consider using a different term to describe them.

Alright that's it, time for an EMP to wipe out the Internet.

is that wiki posted ironcially?

Jesus fucking christ

What the fuck am I reading

Take notes my fellow dramanauts, this man truly knows how to write a compelling story

Truly the lolcow to be envious of

Allah has truly left us.

OwO what's this

real schizo hours

Will I get banned if I have a haram of everyone's waifu?

Only if mine isn't in there.

I'm dating her that's why

That sub is a great self esteem booster

Jesus christ, that fucking sub is peak pathetic. They make furries look like normal humans.

Bring Back Bullying


Waifuism is weird as shit but toga is cute and I’ve whacked it to phat anime tiddies before

Should I go flex on his bih?

what an interesting subreddit