Women discover another patriarchy conspiracy: ... small pockets.

95  2019-07-16 by WreckingYourHome


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Bonus: all the moids whining in the thread that they can't wear purses.

Just have a fanny pack lol

Or just carry a goddamn purse nobody is stopping you.

Common sense is

stylin' af

Wallet, keys, phone, knife/gun. What more does a moid need to carry?

I need a purse to keep my knifegun in though.

not using your prison pocket

can't wear purses.

Why not just carry a satchel? It's basically a purse.

Get one and call it a messenger bag, it's not like it will make people think you're any more of a fag than they already do.

In the UK its become fashionable for the lower classes males to wear a 30cmx30cm satchel dangling from their neck in order to carry assorted marijuana paraphernalia.

Gayest thing Ive seen in years.




Just buy mens pants then???

Women don't want solutions, they just want to complain. It's backed up by peer science at this point.

Life really opens up with this one little fact.

Every problem that women have created for themselves (see: all of them) are actually the fault of men, sweaty.

Women don't own objects they are objects. Facts.


This book (written by a woman) goes through why this is the case. It's worth reading if only to help you interact better with the different sexs. Women generally want empathy/sympathy while men don't care as much and want solutions. Obviously this isn't 100 percent true before some gender studies major from Chapo comes here to whine but knowing this will make a lot more people like you.

"omg that is terrible, now fix it retard"

will that be enough?

Thanks, let's be friends.

See i hate books like this.

Women generally want empathy/sympathy

Not exactly, women want men to solve things for them after ranting for a while

Women want a big hunk to fuck like the Chads on r/Drama

They want a man to solve their problems with the illusion that they did it themselves.

Why is it that moids will never learn that sometimes women just wanna rant? Like just smile and nod nigga it ain't that hard


That sucks



This, but unironically.

If she cant rant at you she'll rant about you, its a simple choice.

It really is. Bussy over gussy, everyday.


Bitches love smiley faces.

Technically its...





I told you that bitch was crazy.

like a dog barking and howling. just copy them. play along with their retardism

his is why i choose bussy

Reason #90381 why bussy >> gussy.




The only woman worth """"listening"""" to is the one that sucks your dick.

Man, hearing women complaining about things for women are more expensive: "Why don't you just buy the male version?"


Man: "Why is Dove's male body-spray more expensive than the female version?"


She's got the point in the 2nd case tho

My favorite argument with feminists is when they bring up girl toys/female razors costing more and seem to have no awareness why.

Hint: Because corporations know women will pay more for pink shit. Every time I tell them to just go buy a male razor, what's the difference, they sperg out and just can't accept it. Feminists in general have a very poor understanding of how markets work. It's why they think teachers make less than engineers because of sexism.

I tried to explain this to a feminist once and she called me a 'date rapist" randomly. It's like her brain was fried from having no response and just reached for the first thing she could.

Yikes stop mansplaining rapist

she called me a 'date rapist"

She ain't wrong 🤷‍♀️

No, no, no. Of course not. That would deprive them of a reason to bitch, which is the only thing foids are good at. It's clearly the fault of the evil men.

Reminder that foids want to take the pockets from your cargo shorts.

Middle class to upper middle class american women, truly the most oppressed women around the globe.

but they already have that built in meat pocket!


If actual pockets were that important, one would think that they would sell more of them.

It’s not just about silhouette though IIRC one reason we don’t have pockets is cause women’s clothes are basically shrunk down versions of men’s. At the turn of the last century we moved from wearing dresses to jeans, shirts, etc. And instead of restructuring those clothes so they work with bigger pockets they just shrunk the patterns.

Women's fashion is literally one of the oldest fields in the history of mankind and this comment is saying that none of them have bothered to make clothing that is functional as well as fashionable?

If they just cloned and shrunk men's clothes why don't women's underwear have dickholes?

Check and mate.

It's current year +4 sweaty, they definitely have dickholes now

none of them have bothered to make clothing that is functional as well as fashionable?

Therein lies the rub: clothing that is functional will make you look like a dyke, because it's functional.

I prefer the tomboys

Women used to wear their pockets under all their skirts. The pockets were an undergarment attached at the waist and women could reach through an open place in the skirt to reach them. It seems when pants become fashionable, no one bothered to come up with a solution.

Oh god, I want to see women searching for wallet under their skirts so much.

Calm down, can't a woman even get her credit card out of her pocket without attracting horn dogs?


Except for men's pants producers

Good, you get the point.

Remember that women also commonly complain about workplace dresscodes when they have a much larger variety of office appropriate clothing options than men, and at least in my experience many offices are so lax about what the women wear that the dresscode for them might as well be "don't wear sweats or flip flops".

I wear a suit to work, the women I work with wear pants/jeans and shirts. What's funny is that every 4-6 months the whole front office gets pulled into a meeting to "address dress code professionalism," where the regional manager says everyone needs to be dressed more professionally, as he stares at a room of men in suits

What's even funnier is that this is in leafland, and the last time he addressed the problem directly there was an immediate cry of sexism

the regional manager says everyone needs to be dressed more professionally, as he stares at a room of men in suits

He wants moids in assless chaps, sweaty.

If actual pockets were that important, one would think that they would sell more of them.

They do but only nerds wear cargos

Fun fact, this is actually evidence of a matriarchy. This is essentially forcing the men to carry things for the women, like the beasts of burden they are.

Read my essay about this on /r/MGTOW .

please tell me this is ironic

Of course not. You saw last week how air conditioning is sexist? Ridiculous.

The reason for air conditioning is that men are given an oppressive dress code, and somehow women have to make it into a way that they're oppressed. When meanwhile they're the ones with the freedom to dress appropriately for the weather, while the men toil away for their wives at home to spend their hard earned money.


This is another essay I have up in /r/MGTOW

Also, as a dude I've been shamed out of wearing cargo pants. I got rid of mine, it was easier than dealing with the constant comments. I get fewer on cargo shorts, fortunately.

Somehow, I feel like the type of person that gets bullied out of wearing certain clothes doesn't really rock cargo pants 🤔

My cargo shorts are cool, comfortable, and can store everything

Yeah I have multiple, especially in summer they're awesome as you don't wear jackets or hoodies but still can put so much shit in them.

Not to mention that unless you're an idiot that goes for stupid colors or pairs them with clothes that do not fit, they look good. I know, because I was retarded enough to buy black-grey digi camo ones and they look awful with anything but winter shoes and jackets.

I mix my cargo pants and shorts, but I never match them

Women hate cargo pants for literally 0 reason.

They fugly 🤷‍♀️

men’s pants pockets are basically the pockets of our dreams.

Oh yeah. Nothing better than pockets which discretely empty half their contents into the backseat of some taxi you'll never see again.

bitches whine about having no pockets meanwhile they nonstop roast guys for wearing cargo shorts

This why women hate cargo pants so much. Pocket envy.

If some designer made foid jeans with functional pockets no one would buy them. Are they so incapable of independent thought that they believe men decide all women fashion trends?

Are they so incapable of independent thought that they believe men decide all women fashion trends?

Unironically yes. See all of the women who complain they can only wear a dress once because of men when in reality no man would give a shit or probably even notice if a woman wore the same dress every weekend.

Just a theory but seeing complaints of small pockets and non-functional drawstrings is from the rise of fast fashion and people buying the cheapest possible clothes that are the most stylish. You cut corners on shit they know people won’t care about.

I see women use their back pockets for phones pretty much always. I’ve seen how fucking huge their wallets are too. If you truly want pockets, seek out some quality denim.

Remember, dramanauts, the reason why women have small pockets in their jeans is because women have displayed such an overwhelming preference for small pockets that companies don't bother with large-pocketed jeans because it's a waste of money. Large pockets means poorer aesthetic fit and women tend to prefer aesthetics to functionality.

Either that or Levi's is so fucking set on reinforcing female gender roles in pocket size that they give up millions in lost revenue every year to keep such patriarchal standards.

From what I see as long as the back pocket can hold a phone the foids will be ok with it.

Unironically, probably. The problem with pockets is they make jeans look bulky, especially when they're filled to the brim. A phone is flat enough to likely change that, so if they made jeans that had pockets specifically designed that most phones would fit reasonably well and no bigger they could do pretty well.

That said, just speculation. If they did do well I would be really interested to see if phone manufacturers started pushing for thinner phones for the purpose of minimizing how much they bulk up the newly popular jeans pockets.

It's really odd how, since this problem affects only and all women, no female entrepreneur has decided to make a brand of jeans that fixes this problem

Right? You'd think someone out there would have taken it upon themselves to solve one of the most common complains about women's clothing.

Just make a company that's literally called Pockets, blatantly copy other stores' styles, add pockets, and raise the price by $15.

While the sheer inconvenience of not being able to keep your belongings in your pocket may seem like a small issue, it is one that women have faced for centuries.

oh, the horror ~

Foids are lucky that men give them any pockets at all. We can go back to fake pockets if they're not happy with small ones.