Zoomers are the most pathetic generation lmao.

63  2019-07-16 by Ghdust2


Eat shit


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The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Because not showing things stops them, as everyone knows

You forget that Zoomers have no agency. If they didn't watch it on netflix, they never would have tried to duckduckgo! it.

Zoomers have no agency.

This but unironically.

edit down the only part of the show that didn't glorify suicide

Netflix is down with the mayocide.

As someone who has clinically wanted to die for a while now, the only thing that ever stopped me was the idea of it being painful and the thought of my parents ever finding me.

Good thing they cut out the only scene depicting that shit, lmao.

The still left in the parents finding her

For a lot of the kids who make suicide gestures/have suicidal ideation, that may be a big part of the appeal. Attention, making them pay, seeing that people care, etc. Most teens have the 'fuck you mom and dad!!!' mentality even in healthier situations

Which is why 13 Reason Why is the worst show ever made. They’re literally encouraging people to commit suicide by glorifying it so much.

it's certainly up there as one of the worst

That /r9k/ kid that blasted his fucking head off and got found by his mom is the gold standard of imagery that kept me from doing it myself.

The farther they move away from that standard, the worse it is.

The one with the blue tarp behind him?


He was the one that heralded the end of WPD on Reddit.

Christchurch actually did that, not the r9k kid. The media was so ravenous about censoring Christchurch for some reason that they KO'd several subreddits it got posted to, as well as bot accounts that people used to download/link it or whatever.

Have you recorded a load of sassy, cassette tapes so everyone will know how quirky and unappreciated you are?

Posthumously fucking with people is woman shit. I just want to take the long nap.

Based and cyanide-pilled.

Remember kids, suicide is not only a viable strategy for settling high school drama with absolutely no downside; it's also entirely bad ass.

as someone who has clinically wanted to die


This show was so fucking stupid and I only watched it cause a chick I wanted to fuck liked it.

Why did the gay Hispanic kid and basically everyone else say it was clay’s fault when his tape basically said Hannah loved him? That was some bullshit

Ironic that the only way to properly pull off the mayocide is to make mayos do it. Why won't the subhumans other races pull their own weight for once?

It's racewar jujitsu. Using whitey's legendary kill ratio against himself.

Netflix and kill

Shoulda deleted the whole series.

How dare you! This series single handedly shot up the zoomercide rate almost 30%, we’re now only 3 seasons away from deleting the whole generation

if you off yourself over a netflix show it was you time to go.

The only thing i learned from this is that Corporation really wants to continue making money from depression and suicide so much so that they censor how horrifying it is

This show still glorifies suicide to the max, this will just appease the stupid parents. Netflix is truly based, why would they remove a giant cash cow?

Yeah lol, this is just yet another publicity and an attempt to stay relevant as the 3rd season is coming out apparently.

The show as a whole glorifies suicide because all it teaches is that whole lotta people will talk about you and give you attention that you craved if you kill yourself.

Yeah if they really wanted to make a gritty, realistic, hard hitting show about suicide they'd show people crying for a couple of days and then going out to a party the next weekend as if nothing had happened.

Some zoomers being against partying and fucking should have been the first sign they weren't the saviors people wanted


Imagine feeling sorry for selfish people who kill themselves.

Don't slit your wrists on that edge

Boomer posing as a zoomer, you think you fooled us didn't you.


imagine willfully damning yourself to hell just because you feel sad

I'm sure it's on YouTube

They should have replaced the scene with the one where she cuts it across the street, not up the road, and also overdoses on a deadly ibuprofen+aspirin cocktail to make sure. All successfully of course.

I read this book in middle school. The whole time, I was speculating what the narrator did to be on the list, and I got massive narrative blue balls when she was like “you chill, I just want you to hear.”

Sources say Netflix will also monitor and issue take-downs for any pirated clips that feature the original, unedited scene.

good luck with that

Just upload the Budd Dwyer video and call it a deleted scene, lmao

So, they are keeping all the good parts of suicide (Getting attention, having people care, your bullies get punished), but removing all the bad parts of suicide (The physical pain you might go through while killing yourself, your relatives finding your body and being soulcrushed), and they wonder why this show increased suicide rates?

Bunch of big brains let me tell you