AHS keeps us all safe by brigading and spamming a sub that’s been completely inactive for over a year

10  2019-07-16 by modsarelosers6969


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  1. AHS keeps us all safe by brigading ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Check out this based black man who doxxed himself to own the racists


It's funny because they think they are doing good work but I just go there to find new subs full of people who arent tiring wokescolds.

Most of the subreddits they brigade are full of Nazis (even if they're "ironic"). The case linked above is the exception rather the rule.

Hey look you mention how retarded they are and they can't help but prove you right. Every time.

I don't mind letting people know about a dead subreddit.

imagine taking the internet this seriously

good for dramacoin tho