PoC Transformer hates her landwhale co-worker, AITA does not approve

50  2019-07-16 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about β€œblood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. PoC Transformer hates her landwhale... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Is β€œsilverware roller” an actual job title, or some insult restaurant people use?

Na that's an actual job

both really

it means she literally only sits in the back and rolls silverware into napkins, probably because her physical appearance and personality would immediately turn off anyone dining there if she was working front of house.

also, they probably just keep her on because even though she's nasty, it would be a pain in the ass to find someone who would be fine with a job doing just that. Regular servers HATE rolling silverware, mostly because you don't make tips doing that.

also, the black troid is probably just as irritating but only has their job because he can get the restaurant canceled if they don't play ball.

Oh man, I think you cracked the code 🀯

...okay yeah I guess this was pretty obvious...

to well-adjusted normies like us 😎😎😎, but this is r/drama and it's full of austist spergs and aspie troons who haven't been out to eat in public since they soured their relationship with their parents, or even earlier, if they're poorfags


They're all poor, I can smell them through my phone.

It’s a job for people who peaked in high school. It’s all downhill from here.

Found the husband on Grindr

I assume his name was Albert "/r/thathappened" Einstein.

Maybe I could hustle if a woman the size of a truck wasnt always in the way. If you could read properly, I said she tells us everything, so yeah, I have all of her medical info. She is 385lbs, with high blood pressure, IBS, has to stop to use a nebulizer almost every half hour, among a myriad of other things. You would hate her too after 3 years.


you would hate her too after 3 years.

I hate her already.

Yeah she is totally right here. Idk why bother asking topminds.

News about her almost weekly Drs appointments, her medical conditions, her bizarre family (no kids, dog she calls her child, husband of 16 years that is clearly gay. I should know, I found him on grindr)

this part is a bit much, not bad otherwise tho, b+ for believability

That's not even the made up part lmao

Nah, the unnecessary inclusion of black transwoman is what really just gives it away. It's pretty obvious bait considering aita basically decides who's wrong based off largely off of intersections of oppression.

Can a black trans woman be a complete bitch to someone who seems genuinely kind and mentally disabled but also understandably annoying? It seems not, which means either being a fat, mentally disabled woman strikes a chord with aita or it means that they're not woke to the point that they think a trans PoC woman can do no wrong


Bing bing wahoo

I mean how much meaner and more bias can you be

the older i get the clearer it becomes who learned English via reading vs who learned it from watching tv

Holy shit now it makes sense

another words for all intensive porpoises they are only partially literate.

Heil yia

I should have known the nazis would come out to attack a black transwoman to defend a fat white woman.

Some people have never been punched in the face and it shows.

black transwoman

my pokedex doesn't have any info on this. must be from another league.

I assumed that was bait.

Yeah it was, doesn’t mean I’m not retarded

They're both terrible.

Terribly entertaining

that must be a troll post

I would never 😀

not you love. I meant the op on AITA


Wow. This is really good


Jannies just nuked it. 😡😡😡

It gives on in the automod, God bless the robots.

This person is too obnoxious to be real. Gotta be a shitpost.

How dare you sir. She is a strong black independent woman.

Nice work Mike, 100+ comments in 5 hours is solid.

It had 50+ in one, it fell off quick tho 😒

They both strike me as insufferable people.