horseshoe theory (not that they're wrong tho)

61  2019-07-17 by mayofoidNPC


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This comment from the linked PropagandaPosters thread:

Who the fuck cares? Who cares about all the Liberal contraptions of the separation of power when the working class has none at all?

Holeeeeee fuck.

Where’s the PP thread?

what the fuck is 'propagandaposters'


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. horseshoe theory (not that they're ... -,,

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Horseshoe law.

Poor tankies just can't handle any criticism of China Daddy. Which is funny because China is communist in the same way that tankies are capable of critical thought.

That's what I don't get. China isn't even anything approaching communist anymore, yet these stupid fucks are going to defend it as though proving communism works depends on it. Communism already failed in China you fucking morons, and what it has turned into now is some sort of authoritarian hellhole.

They hide behind "anti-imperialism", even though China is one of the most imperialist nations on the planet.

Belt and Road lmao

The funny thing about Pooh Bear's grand idea is that China has been taking on way most of the risk, and terms of ownership of many of the sub projects are murky at best. This is a house of cards that might literally set China back 20 years while the rest of the world benefits from the improvements.

it’s all so tiresome

Exactly. And underneath it all, the truth is they’re just reactionary idiots who think that because US-style capitalism and imperialism is bad, that means it’s so-called opposite or rival, China, must automatically be good. It’s a childish, black-and-white way of thinking that only makes those problems even harder to discuss honestly.

Because chinas arguably successful at quashing dissent and are economically prosperous so it would benefit their cause if the can convince enough edgy teenagers that it’s successful communism.

Liberals have been telling me they are executing them and burying them in mass graves too.

They actually believe China is 1940's Nazi Germany right now.

Now excuse me while I tee about the us death camps

They got do close to being self aware then instantly leaped back into the pit of cognitive dissonance

Vocational schools to prevent Islamic extremism and to give Uighurs proper education.

Idk. This sounds like a dog whistle for concentration camp

Forcing children into different schools to teach their culture away is literally cited in the 1948 genocide Convention as one of the five examples of genocide too lmao

Yeah but it’s big Glumpf doing it so.... if the chinks or Obummer do it then it’s fun camp. Is Rongle Glumpf does it those it’s evil 😤

desegregation is literally genocide

This is forced.

So was desegregation

That’s different


Only applicable if they have a culture though.

lol who gives a shit about a genocide convention anyway if people aren't dying then it really isn't a "genocide" maybe a culturecide

It is. But concentration camp and death camp aren’t the same thing. They are trying to strip them of their cultural identity and make them secular Chinese nationalists.Not trying to kill them. (Still sketchy of course.) They can be pretty rough for any one that resistant, wouldn’t be surprised if people have died but so far it isn’t in mass. There have been reports of torture. They are also separating some children and parents. If the parents are taken to the “training centers” the children are put in the care of their schools which work like orphanages during off hours in some parts of China.

He moral of the story is don’t live in China.

Crazy how a fifth of the world fucked up this very simple rule.

Funny how people are going absolutely mental at the US internments, but with China it's just "a bit sketchy".

I didn’t say it was only a bit sketchy.

On one hand we have a rehabilitative model for terrorists/extremists, where language/legal/vocational education is provided as an alternative to jail for criminal acts. People can leave on weekends etc to see family and take care of personal affairs.

On the other hand we have children who are not provided basic neccesities like toothpaste because they crossed a border for a better life because the country they are trying to get into has destabilized the region for decades.

I literally cannot tell the difference between these things.

Lol cope


Imagine white knighting Winnie the Despot this hard. He’s not gonna fuck you lol.

Imagine not knowing anything about China and spouting off like you do. Xi is dope though.

As a nazbol, will you guys please get your shit together.

Start working out. Train with firearms, get a fucking haircut etc

If you want to 🐎 👞 these anarchists with me and team up that’s fine but I’m not doing it with a bunch of uggos.

Imagine not knowing anything about China and spouting off like you do

He said, failing to note the irony

I mean i know quite a bit but this sub is about circlejerking so I'm sure you don't care.

increasingly authoritarian dictators that remove their own term limits are dope though

Imagine thinking president of the party is anything but a ceremonial role.

Did you know party secretary, the role that actually matters, never had term limits.

You would know this if you like... took 1 min on wikipedia. But let's circlejerk instead.

its okay because it was always completely authoritarian

Yup it's ok that you're ignorant because you're still ignorant. Cool.

Merkel has been in power how many years? Germany so authoritarian.

You don't understand how a system works so it must be scary.

forced re-education camps where your culture and identity are wiped away and you must submit or be crushed by the state


summer camp at the border where kids can hang out and play games with your esses, get away from their parents, and have IceBae give them showers daily. oh and you can literally turn around and leave forever at any time

Lmao except your description is a lie. Funny how Americans suddenly care about Muslim lives after decades of bombing them. I guess since you guys fund uyghur extremism it's kind of a waste to not lie about it and pretend you care.

So you don’t give a fuck about the ones we bombed? Based.

Bruh, i get you like to be an edgy whatever on reddit. At least make an attempt at coherence.


thinks I’m being edgy

I’m not sure why what I’m saying is hard to comprehend, we are on the same team lol.

Your average tankie knows more about this shit than you do fam.

But muh satellite pictures. Cool talk.

I’m not complaining about it. What the fuck are you not getting moron.

Jesus never mind friendship with my red fash boys ended. You’re too fucking dense

Muh red fash. Lolollllolololol. Tankiesr dunb and read books n stuff. Why can't they just let people shit propaganda down their throsts liek th rest of us haha. Reddddfasch hahaha.

You are literally retarded. It’s a fucking compliment. What the fuck do you not get that I’m a National Bolshevik lol

If you're not going to eat my ass I literally don't care.

I told you. Go work out, get in shape, prove its worth it. Then we can talk.

Did you not just read the last fucking comment? Are you illiterate?

Idk. Are you still in drama seething after having the honor of budget chapo hurt?

You can’t even leave can you?

Oh Fuck you’re a leaf holy shit Hahahahah

That tongue is still not on my bussy.

I can’t reach you from here you syrup nigger

You aint even try shut the fuck up.

Have you seen our mods? All we do is tongue bussy and trussy.

You too busy typing. Each of those letters coulda been time spent between some ass cheeks. Step up that tongue game.

Since when do I need my hands to work my mouth

You only have so much brain to allocate. Do what you're good at. Work the tongue.

Oh so now I’m good at it? I’m improving considering before I wasn’t trying.

I can see ur innate abilities.

A visionary. My man.


just bc you read the table of contents of the state and revolution doesnt mean you know what you’re talking about

Yas kkkween go off.

Funny how Americans suddenly cared about Muslims

lol i never cared and still dont

schools in general are like a dog whistle for concentration camps

FUCK homework and FUCK teachers

Tankies are actually dumber than holocaust deniers.

Deniers have the excuse that they weren’t around and proof couldn’t theoretically be fabricated or purposely exaggerated over time.

Tankies can literally go see this live and they don’t believe it.

Holocuast deniers also blame starvation and disease for all the deaths, gulag deniers claim it wasn't real communism, and even if it was the kulaks deserved it

Literally this lol. In comparison holocaust deniers are somehow more reasonable than chaos

“Bad things happened and they died but not why you think”

Is somehow less fucked than

“They didn’t it’s bullshit muhh 109 million!’

Rightoids be like: It didn't happen and if it happened it was a good thing


Leftoids be like: THE EXACT SAME THING

tankies are just nazis with low-t

Whenever there's Chinaman boots to suck on, chapocels are always there to oblige

The tankie idiots do that so much it’s embarrassing. It‘d be funny if it weren’t so sad.

The social-democrats, socialists, and anarchists, on the other hand, all generally agree that the tankies are fucking stupid & China is an authoritarian nightmare that should NOT be imitated. Just because western nations have done shady imperialist crap doesn’t mean that non-western nations like China are devoid of guilt. Both can be and are shitty in their own unique ways - a distinction which is sadly lost on the tankies, who are basically the short bus kids of Chapo. The rest of us try to discourage and ignore them where possible.

(Edit: Not trying to take things too seriously, I’m just sick of being associated with morons who think the Soviets did nothing wrong because we’re both technically on the political left.)