virgin vs chad realizes Uncle Ted's chadness

28  2019-07-17 by mayofoidNPC


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That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. virgin vs chad realizes Uncle Ted's... -,,

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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy, then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own society... Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect, antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable.

Happiness isn't real.

Maybe you aren't real




Says the depressed neet.

Because of modern industrial society.

Or people like drugs and they're available now. Just as increased opioid consumption doesn't prove people are physically more in pain, increased anti depressant consumption doesn't prove they are more depressed.



This, nobody takes antidepressants for fun lmao

That wasn't my contention. People dealt with it without medication. Why do you think philosophy has always been concerned with the meaning of life?

Depression is a defining trait of the literati, even now in the developing countries the middle class usually has suicide rates at par with Westerners while the poor tend not to have such problems. Intelligence, not technology or modern civilization is the cause of it.

based and huxleypilled

We truly live in a society

The degree of personal freedom that exists in a society is determined more by the economic and technological structure of the society than by its laws or its form of government. Most of the Indian nations of New England were monarchies, and many of the cities of the Italian Renaissance were controlled by dictators. But in reading about these societies one gets the impression that they allowed far more personal freedom than our society does. In part this was because they lacked efficient mechanisms for enforcing the ruler’s will: There were no modern, well-organised police forces, no rapid long-distance communications, no surveillance cameras, no dossiers of information about the lives of average citizens. Hence it was relatively easy to evade control.

this but unironically.

The internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race