YouTuber Joon the King made a mini-documentary about LowTierGod (aka the black Darksyde Phil). LTG had it taken down for copyright infringement and is threatening to sue him.

9  2019-07-17 by JohnWoo4


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. YouTuber Joon the King made a mini-... -,

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Literally who?

LTG is one of the biggest lolcows in the fighting game community. He's up there with DSP and Jordie Jordan. Watch Lowkey Eli's videos. It's hilarious.

lol ive never heard of any on them. Care to link some choice favorites?

Here's a video of LTG acting like an idiot.

And here's one of Jordie Jordan acting like an idiot.

And here's a comprehensive documentary about Darksyde Phil.

It’s this the guy that rage quits all the time and makes fun of cripples on twitter when they beat him? Just when I thought g*mers couldn’t be bigger homos.

LTG is super insecure about his sexuality too. He calles everyone f*ggots but he also threatens to ejaculate on his toll's faces.