Brave and inspired Foid reinvents stool to block ‘Manspreading.’

146  2019-07-17 by ChaserElm


The only thing more pathetic than this post is how you think people actually actually care.


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Brave and inspired Foid reinvents s... -,

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Id just sit in the foid chair. Actually they both look uncomfortable as fuck ill just stand. Also, wasn't the big issue with man spreading like on public buses and subways? How in the fuck are these practical on public transportation?

Could tesselate them I guess.

Eh I guess but you'd have to put them like back to back in the middle of the aisle and then how would the window seat arrangement look? Awkward af.

Nah, the big issue with man spreading was it was being done by men.

Dude you can just normally on both chairs. Either turn the males chair around or have legs on top of the edges.

That's not good for drama

Nah its because she caught Grandad manspreading in the breakfast nook.

Or you could you know, just pick another chair.

White western foids are the most privileged class in the entire world. Their whining is getting tiresome.

Ex-squeeeze me? I find the term ‘white western foid’ a little distasteful when you could have easily picked ‘gender fascist.’ Tyvm!

gender niggers, even

Right? Imagine thinking you're oppressed because men have balls and dicks that need more space than your gussy

balls and dicks

white men


Men don't need dicks and balls in 2019 you bigot.

Um am I lost? Is this an incel subreddit now?

Lurk more you dumb faggot

When Sharia is implemented there will be no women online. By Allah the future will be glorious.

Insha allah, brother

In the meantime check out my blog


q u a l i t y

He's right tbh.

Yes it is. Roastie BTFO'd.

Um am I lost?

You clearly are, but worry not, for you are now found.

Is this an incel subreddit now?

Incel is a state of mind we are freecels.

I'm a minesweeper personally.

Spend some more time with foids and you'll soon realise there's nothing involuntary about our celibacy. Basic.

Fuck foids but not in the intercourse sense of the word.

he's right tho

Begone, thot

Hi from r/all, I don't understand how that post ended up here. I don't often see incels in the wild anymore so I'm surprised too.

Anyway guys you're pathetic, what do you think is more likely? That your issues come from yourself, or from half of humanity? Get a grip.


A man's legs brushed against mine on the Metro WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Whoever gives out that award obviously doesnt want it to be a renowned award.

Without even reading the article I can tell you it's some pretentious art or art-adjacent award whose committee consisted of a bunch of pretentious hipsters.

Of course it is. 3D architecture and design or something like that. You should look at the pictures of people sitting on it, it looks retarded as fuck. Also now the woman is sitting in a 'manspreading' pose, which makes it even more retarded.

that's what I don't get. Why are they encouraging woman spreading? I thought the whole point was no one should be "spreading" and thus taking up multiple chairs.

The hypocrisy of this is that the only people who routinely take up multiple seats are the morbidly obese, but healthy at every size amirite!?

Yeah... I think I hate sweden more than britain.

the only people who routinely take up multiple seats are the morbidly obese

and women with their (shopping, grocery, carry) bags

doesnt want it to be a renowned award

No but they would like people to care about it at all and for people to care they have to hear about it. Which is why the gave the award to the most retarded thing they could find, and now everyone is talking about it. If they keep this up, it'll be notorious, and eventually "renowned".

Eh, I think there is a difference between 'media renowned' and 'publicly renowned'. This will probably get the renowned in media since media loves 'progressive' things, but most of public will think its retarded. If it manages to gain traction on bigger media outlets it will still be succesful since people will invest in it, so it doesnt really matter what normal people think.

Nobody gives a shit for art awards besides other artists though. Can you name an art award (don't google it) that isn't for writing?

True, I made the mistake and compared it with eg nobel prize in my head.

Sit on it backwards

That's what I was thinking, you can just sit on it backwards then get a nice armrest right near you crotch. It's almost like it was designed to be flipped backwards.

Useful for firewood at least.

I doubt she knows how to varnish and seal them shits so you're probably right.

She should give it a coat of spar urethane, indoors

And make it turn yellow? You sound dumber that the foid.

Jesus Christ, I hope someone beats her with her chair.

I’d just like to take this moment to say great name, great post, and great thought process all in all.


>public transport

Lmao just buy a car like a normal person

Typical europoors.

Imagine using public transport 😂😂😂 truly the lowest of the low.

I legitimately don't know how you function in America without a car.

There are select spots where it's plenty doable, but besides some forgotten corner of NYC they're all very expensive.

She looks so proud of herself

And those guys look dominated


I wish she'd put me into one of those submission chairs 💦

Smug as can be

She looks so brave.

Yknow, I had forgotten that "Manspreading" was officially in the dictionary. Now Im angry again.

no it's not

if you believe hard enough it will come true

Both these chairs appear to be taking up way too much space.

Seems like an allegory for social justice activism, "solving" (but actually not because you can pick either chair) non-problems at the expense of regular usability.

Just like foids and their purses

I'm rebelling against the system by manspreading and carrying a purse. These giant chairs cannot contain my alphaness.

The womens chair forces them to manspread. The irony is lost on her, ofc

While fucking foids are womanspreading in bed (innuendo intended) taking up all bed space.

Hey baby nice legs when do they womanspread?

Not even in bed. Bagspreading on public transport is much worse

Gilead when?

It’s called mayocide sweaty. The moid and the foid are both guilty in this, and they’re both w-(slur).


Over the past month our students and staff have come together to work tirelessly on its design.

It took more than one person more than a month to glue some wood block onto a stool? Art school is a joke lol.

Aren’t school isn’t a real school or a career.

Multiple people had to work on a pair of chairs that are nothing more than arrows and one with a block in the middle of it.

And they are so brave for doing it!

You realize those Male feminists did all the work as she "coordinated" the project

lol fucking hilarious.

"How many feminists does it take to design a stool?" "Zero, they can just have their beta orbiters do the work and they can step in and take the credit!"

Imagine being a young, inspired engineering student, working on tools to help the disabled, geriatric, or crippled in their day to day lives, and losing out on scholarships and national awards to this fucking dyke.


No, I don't want to imagine that.

Valid point.

Can't wait to shift completely away from the participation award generation, people like this should be mocked and ridiculed.

Of course she went to Brighton uni, these articles right themselves.

Imagine going to a shit uni just because its in the wokest city it the UK. Bet she got rejected from Sussex first lmao.


Trump will win in 2020

What the fuck is a foid


Seriously though what does it mean

female > femoid > foid

wait is this r/incels what the fuck

No, no one here has a problem with non-white women.


White foids = yuck! Non-white women = ok!

Im confused

It’s very simple, one day the only white people left will be the ones burning in hell.

And that’s a good thing

im confused

Female humanoid*>femoid>foid

i think it's more depressing men actually signed off on modeling this shit for the foid

Male rapists feminists will do anything for a perceived chance at gussy.

this is why the west needs sharia law

Aesthetically what is good about this chair? She's doing a whole "3D Design and Craft" degree and, manspreading gimmick aside, this chair looks like that furniture everyone's Gran had at their kitchen table - only thing missing are the gingham handmade seat cushions which get tied to the chair in little bows.

It's not comfortable and has little aesthetic interest so it fails the first two major criteria for designing furniture.

GOOD point

This again? Ladies have bags that take up space too ya know.

No clue why everyone here is whining, this is the greatest gift to dudes. You think any foid is a gonna fuck a guy who sits like that in a chair.

Worthless human creates something equally worthless?

Peak foid nonsense

but why does the female version exist? is there a problem of women not spreading their legs enough?

I don't get why 'people' have worked themselves up over manspeading. How often do you actually see somone spread their legs more than shoulder width apart and how often are you sitting close enough to a stranger for it to matter?

Two bits of wood are cleverly positioned on the seat to physically stop whoever is sitting down from moving their legs apart.


Probably clever for foid standards

Just become a tranny and take HRT to own this foid's retarded chair

As a side bonus they can also be used to quickly assess the Testosterone levels.

Observe Exhibit 1

And who said women can't be scientists?

Imagine being so foid privileged that not only is this one of your biggest worries that you actually build these atrocities but then you call the media blogs on yourself as well

Can't wait until this is CANCELLED for being fatphobic.

Wtf is that small ass back support?

They want me to fall out of the chair, hit my spine on that shit and be on a wheelchair for the rest of my life?

I asked myself why a feminazi would make something that literally proves they have never been for equality then I realized I answered my own question.