CEO of the 'Yogscast', a British YouTube-gaming company, steps down after coming out as a libertarian. Fans discuss.

224  2019-07-17 by BriefSquirt


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/uj this post is about how /r/drama is now just retards spamming the same shitty memes at each other and then laughing so they can feel like they're part of some super exclusive community. most of the discordcels don't even use the sub anymore bc it's not fun to look at momruepari's latest retarded meme or dumbfucks """ironically""" chasing trappysaruh/whatever other meme tranny happens to be around.

current top post, look at this """drama"""

second one is just "commie mommy did a thing xd"

news articles aren't drama

dude pizzashill lmao


  1. CEO of the 'Yogscast', a British Yo... -,,

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Adult professional gamers. Every single time.

Adult professional gamers

The fact that this is a thing that exists in the real world disgusts me.

We should cancel zoomers.

Western culture lmaooooooo

The social media and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Uncle Ted has never been more right

Thank you for coming to my TED Kaczynski Talk

Bring back natural selection

flosses and dabs on your corpse

The only thing you be flossing is your teeth, zoomer

This just in, kids most want to be what is modeled around them the most. Ergo kids who literally just play games and go to school and jam to beats, want to be those professions. And chinks think they should own the world. Wow. Amazing.

Games geared towards adults is a huge market but these professional gamers tend to be more interested in games geared towards children. Either they are trying to relive their childhood or they are mentally stuck in their adolescence. Or they’re pretending to be into all ages video games because it’s what their prey are into at the moment.

Or they're trying to get money, and realize that kids are fucking easily manipulated and will spend their parents' money on literally the worst shit.

That "easily manipulated" bit overlaps with why they try and have sex with them I think.

It's actually because kids will just leave videos on a playlist forever whether or not they're watching, thus getting way more ad revenue.

I'm going to hijack this comment to link drama about the other yogscast member implicated in all of this.


Why? It's not especially different from being any kind of entertainer.

You are contributing to the death of culture. Please go away.

Seems you have no legitimate point to make, nor do you understand the meaning of the word "culture". That's quite sad.

Why are you trying to pick a fight on a comment from a month ago? Please get fucked, and do it somewhere else.

I simply asked you a question about your assertion and you responded with such hostility, it seems to be you who wanted a fight. I guess you can add self awareness to the basic human concepts that you don't understand. Anyhow, I'll leave you with your monumental ignorance.

lol get fucked kid

Atleast you tried. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Is it something about having a horde of underage fans that turns you into a pedo or is it that pedos gravitate towards these things?

I think it's the latter.

Most likely. It’s the same thing where in high school like 4 of the male teachers are mysteriously, and abruptly quitting half way through the semester.

Okay but that’s people who spend time around nearly legal girls daily and have a way to coerce them with alcohol and good grades. This dude pandered to like 12 year olds

But not just gamers look at all the rich cunts that turn pedo, js it a boredom thing, or were they always pedos trapped in a poor man's body?

I think that the sense of power it gives them is a major motivation.

Yeah but rich people are already powerful.

You can't get decades of jail time for being rich.

You know what would give me a sense of power if I was rich? The fact that I could fuck legal girls/guys and not go to jail and keep spending my vast amount of money on whatever I wanted at any given point.

It's like "I'm rich/famous/whatever the rules don't apply to me". Until suddenly they do, of course.

Maybe they get bored of driving the fastest cars and fucking the hottest women. Eventually they need some new forbidden fruit. Fucking children and getting away with it is the ultimate power move. One guy bought a whole fucking island to do it.

It's like a litmus test, where the career brings the pedo tendencies out of these people. Maybe someone's only 30% pedo, but as soon as they have a bunch of 12-year-olds who want to meet them at VidCon or whatever, all bets are off.

Well I mean it's not like they have overrage groupies. They're taking what they can get.

That nu-male soy grin...every fucking time.

I thought that was the "stuff a dick down my throat" face.

Nah it's the "please let me lick your cum out of my wife" face.

Only the ones who identify as male feminists.

All the other ones are secret alt-right terrorists.

Painful. What a scumbag, hes thrown the entire network into disarray. I'm concerned about what could happen now, hopefully Lewis can weather the storm. Even though Turps has done a lot for the Yogscast, he can fuck off after this.

All Brits are pedophiles, is this really a shock to you?

Fuck off shit troll, I'm a Brit. I'd like to point you to Epstein and not to throw stones in glass houses

Chomo cope

Brits are actually not human, so is it really pedophillia if they're not actually people? 🤔🤔🤔

I'm a Brit.

Sorry that you're a pedophile have you considered castration? And how jealous are you of Epstein on a scale of 9 to 10?

you really are a poor troll lmao, your post history is the epitome of an edgy 15 year old.

Are you hoping I am 15 years old? You know, since you're a Brit.

i'm sure you'll find some sort of other purpose in life instead of praising Fascism and telling others to have their families die in a car crash

Yeah, whatever, I hope your family dies in an automobile wreck. Real talk.

By the way, who are your other favorite pedophile YouTubers besides Jogcast?

Please daddy bong, tell me when we get cctvs on every streetcorner. My body is ready.

He can't be that bad of a troll if provoked you into complaining about his trolling.

That was pretty good actually ngl. But the rest was weak


You right now ->😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬😭😭😭😭

Fuck off shit troll, I'm a Brit.

Damn, when did pedos got so brave to admit it in public?

Bongland is the home of the pedophile acceptance movement

5 of the same jokes, burgers have no bantz

Did you just make an account to call me burger?

Yes I was recently banned and it needed to be said.

Well then, you're wrong sweatie.

I'm a Brit.

What's it like living as a libertarian? Do you go to a support group or something?

I'm a Brit.

👏 Stop 👏 fucking 👏 kids. 👏

I don't know if you're new to this sub or not man, but if you are then don't take what people say here too seriously.

I'm dead serious

havent watched them since they stopped doing tekkit tbh so i dont even know who this guy actually is

CEO of the Yogscast, was one of the reasons they expanded and did a bunch of things in recent years. Became part of a lot of videos, well liked by fans.

ouch, yeah that's gonna be absolutely brutal. i can only imagine how they're handling this privately, but god damn i don't envy everyone else in the yogscast rn

Its thrown a lot of things in disarry, the Jingle Jam ect and the position being quite important. The only thing is Lewis has dealt with this exceptionally well, he seems to be doing well leading the company through this

so lewis is currently acting as ceo then?

Also this shouldn't throw jingle jam too badly off as that's half a year off, right?

Unlikely, we don't know yet whats happening with the position. Yea but the jingle jam takes all year to prepare, getting companies to donate games and such. Turps and Lewis did the majority of the work for it, and with this and the Caff firing for similiar situation, theres the possibility some companies wont want to donate their games or pull their games from the Jingle Jam due to this

wait somebody else was a pedo too? wtf

thats a fair assessment though, it'll defiintely hurt their donations

Not sure about the pedo part, by definitely harrasing women. Yep, and there’s YogCon in a couple of weeks too which isn’t great timing

Brits are pedophiles by default

>implying they aren't all pedos

There are rumors that sjin is one too.

Turps more like Tops little kids

Didn't you see the subtext in all their content?

Painful. What a scumbag,

Get the fuck outta here or learn to speak the language.

Tbh I had no idea what this subreddit was, I saw it on the other discussion page and thought it was like a livestream fail for other forms of drama


Lmao imagine actually caring about this.

Women were a mistake.

Repeal the 19th Amendment.

The less “let’s play” streamers the better. This type of news unironically improves the standard of living for every faggot.

A big blow to the community for sure, especially with Yog con coming up. But most of the actual subreddit is in agreement with Turps stepping down. What makes it worse is that Turps had to scrub a creator from the cast a few weeks ago for similar, but probably more serious allegations. Turps was also very well liked as a personality and CEO so this might be more devastating than Yogventures


They scammed their audience on Kickstarter then tried to shift blame

To be fair, they were scammed by the game developer. Not that they handled it in all the best ways but it was kind of established that it was out of the hands of the company

I had completely forgotten about that controversy.

they didnt intentionally scam their audience, they got scammed by the developers (kind of) and then handled the situation poorly

They lost most of that money because the game devs were retarded and then had to meet all the backer promises other than the game itself, not a very good scam

Anyone who makes a Con about themselves is guaranteed to crash and burn

Because RTX is a tremendous failure

TO be honest it should've been obviously just by (looking at the other guy)[] that he was a male feminist

Fucking bongs are all fucking libertarians holy shit. They should just make Jimmy Savile the PM-for-life and be done with it.

"All Brits are pedos"

> Burger president and his best friend are pedos

> Most of Hollywood exposed as pedos

> Thousands of allegations against Prominent burger celebrities

What did the burger mean by this?

Other people also being pedos doesn't mean Brits aren't still pedos. Whataboutism is the weakest cope, try a new slant sweaty.

Yikes um sweaty, nonces should throw stones in glass houses


Speak American if you want anyone to give a shit about what you're saying, kiddy-diddler.

The Chad nonce vs the virgin kiddy fiddler, American slang is embarrassing think I’ll stick to speaking bongistani sweaty

American slang is embarrassing

lol you poor bongs are so easily embarrassed by shit that doesn't matter but so defensive about things that matter like the fact that pedophilia seems to be a cultural pillar for you.

If you want to talk about cultural pillars you might want to take a look at your gun violence, drug use, shitty healthcare etc etc

You watch a pedo-run minecraft channel for children I don't want to hear any lectures from you on "culture".

I can understand why you get flustered :). It must be hard knowing you live in the country with the worst banter in the world

It must be hard knowing you live in the country with the worst banter in the world

It's funny to see the weird bongistani pride in "top bantz" because you're all really bad at it. I mean, I get why. It's because you have nothing to be proud about as a country but it's just weird that y'all picked "bantz" as your hill to die on because legit you are not good at it. Your top lads got BTFO by a purple-haired lesbian with the personality of beef jerky you should all be ashamed and keep your nationality in the closet with your kid fucking.

Mother of cope look at this size of this sperg post😂😂

lol is that all you got? You're up and down this thread getting bodied by genuinely reprehensible dramatards and all you got is calling someone a sperg? Do better, for your own sake if no one else's.

Yeah man I’m getting bodied by triggered out of breath burgers frantically downvoting with their tubby fingers, chill out before you have a heart arrack mate 😂

You're getting bodied because you're not amusing dawg. Your insults aren't funny or really that insulting. They're generic as fuck. If I wanted weak-ass milquetoast shitflinging I'd go on /r/blackpeopletwitter or something. You're getting bodied because you're not good at this. At all. Like we're all here to talk shit but the shit you're talking is the saddest little baby turd. Step up your game fuckstain.

Your on strings replying to shit I don’t care about calling me a baby turd lol I’m not being bodied ‘dawg’

I don’t care about calling me a baby turd

lol I think you do. You seem awfully cope-heavy for someone who doesn't care.

Oh you got me mate yeah baby turd really got to me, great banter! Scathing

youre publicly outing yourself as an angry redditor. i cannot think of anything more gay

lol apathy isn't better than anger unless you're just an empty shell of a person, which hey you do you I guess.

jesus christ just accept you're all virgins and be done with it

don't project so hard it's a bad look

the classic "NO U" defence


works everytime

putting malt vinegar on french fries isnt culture

But what if colonize a bunch of other places and try to import shitty versions of their culture, that counts right???

Better cultural pedophilia than institutional pedophilia inshallah

Bongs embarrassed that America is infinitely better, but aren't embarrassed about being pedos.

Really gets the noggin joggin

It's easier to make a list of British ex-colonies that aren't infested with pedos.

Falkland islands boom win UK 1 US 0 fuck off yanks


(only because penguins can't be pedophiles)

Fuck they know about the penguins FUCK

As per usual the Burgers took a British institution and turned it into a multi-million dollar industry. You just can't compete with the American spirit.

Ya but burger pedos aren't nearly as lame as bong pedos so burgers win.


Most of Hollywood exposed as pedos

calm it with with the antisemitism, goy

Burger president

Former President.

Any evidence that trump is a pedo?

I didn't realize they were a "gaming company". I had assumed it was just a gaming channel.

mandatory r/ZweiRama shoutout

What about r/Familyman

It's a good community!

He asked adults to send noodz, and for some reason has to quit.

The worst thing is the responses, lots of people seem happy to immediately cancel this guy who's probably given them hours of free entertainment over the last few years.

All men are guilty rapist

Now I understand thanks

Cancelling any YouTuber is a good thing

According to the Twitter user who revealed and reported this, the victims were underage at the time

From a quick skim of the thread the youngest seemed to be 17, which is legal in the UK.

Not for soliciting nudes, that is child porn


Yeah all our laws are really weird. For example you’re allowed to smoke at any age, but only in public once you’re 16 BUT police can confiscate and stuff you have on you until you’re 18

It's the same way in the US in every state that has an age of consent under 18.

The UK actually used to only ban nudity if the girls were over 16. Then newspapers (pretty sure it was the sun, I'm too bored to look it up but fuck the sun) literally started running campaigns where they would post clothed of big titty 15 year olds who had a birthday coming up and be like "Just 6 days till you get to see these tits!" They raised it to 18 not long after.

Of course it was the bloody Sun.

The UK actually used to only ban nudity if the girls were over 16

This is a typo right

Seems like a pile of laws that were implemented at different points in time but never reconciled.

External hr team has to report to police

If her accusations were true, why isn't he under arrest already?

Whilst not solid, there is chance that the public accusations made by that girl were false as Lewis has officially stated that some of the accusations were false

We don't know many of the details as most evidence is still private and will probably stay as such. So people should stop speculating. All we know right now is that not all accusations were real and that no one was underage when UK law is analysed

Don't your tabloid print topless pics of 16-year-olds?

On her Twitter she said he didn't know she was 17 at the time

Wow that's such a good defense, let me look up that part of the law on statutory rape and child pornography what's it says your totes good if you cross your heart double pinkie swear didn't know they were that young...

Hmmmm that's so strange, looks like I can't find it, it seems to just say that you go to jail for several decades, whomp whomp. That can't be right, anybody else know where this section of the law is? I may have overlooked something, very sorry if so.

Might just want to double check on this stuff in the future before you make a boo boo and rape a child. That might be a couple fewer nuts you can get in your life, but it's better safe than sorry.

If her evidence was true then he would already be in police custody as an external hr team analysed the evidence and would thus have to report him if it were true

Additionally Lewis has stated that some of the accusations were false whilst others were true

Basically, as he isn't under arrest, no one was underage. And some of the accusations were false

That is all the facts we know. Anything else is based on private analysis from other women who came forward privately. We also know that it wasn't excessive enough for him to be fired as he chose to step down himself

People need to stop spreading speculation that has no basis apart from one person on Twitter who no one knows is a true victim or a false victim


statutory rape

Imagine being that American lmao

sorry that you can't get prime pussy dude

Thanks watermark but I'm not the guy the thread is about so I don't know why you're talking to me. Was just stating a fact big boy

This is what I gather lol. And not just adults apparently, it was girls he personally knew already. Good shit.

The problem is hes the CEO and sent a creepy ass unsolicited video of him jerkin his dick to multiple fans. Not exactly the guy you want as the CEO of a company that's already had like 3 prior instances of allegations (ridgedog, sjin, caff)

Ridge doesn't have allegations, that was just a case of him falling in love with one of his mods, and another mod who thought she had a chance harassing her and threatening suicide. He's still living with that one mod and their kids, so I'd definitely call that one consensual!

He's still an arrogant dick for other reasons, but not a creep.

For some reason I thought the fan was underage but I can't find anything to support that

The reason people dislike him is because he left his wife and child to go to Norway where he impregnated a fan.

Where's the evidence of this video?

Just a reminder that most information is private and most of what you are refreshing is pure speculation. It's best to stay neutral on this

All we know for definite is that he flirted in a sort of creepy way, no one was under age and some of the accusations were false. If anything were extreme then the external hr team would put him forward for firing. As he stepped down on his own and didn't have to step down as CEO, it won't be as severe as you state, but still not the correct behaviour by someone who should be a CEO

where's the evidence of this video?

You think they're going to post a video of turps jacking off?

Most information is private

No one was under age

What you are referencing is pure speculation

You're literally making stuff up

The allegations came out and then were confirmed by the cofounder of the company, the things I mentioned come directly from the 2 accusors, what else needs to be said?

As he stepped down on his own

"Stepping down" is also known as "leaving before you have to put your coworkers in the awkward position of firing you"

No but an official statement would suffice about there just being an indecent video. Jf such a video existed then the external hr team would force for a CEO contract termination. As he stepped down, this wasn't the case and thus validity of such a videos existence is put into question

He said that some of the accusations were false. Under UK law, if a girl was underage, Turps would be in custody right now. Nothing I said in that sentence was false, you can see my comments for more details. Also there were more than two accusers, one was a girl who went public instead of directly to the hr team and said she was 17 and posted dodgy evidence, the other was a girl who responded to the first agreeing that she was the underage one and then not posting and evidence. The majority of accusers did so privately to Lewis and the hr team. And again, lots of the accusations were false. Throw in the UK law and it puts into question the validity of the two public accusers

Lewis and Simon hold all control in the company. If the hr team forced for contract termination, Lewis would comply. As this wasn't the case and he wasn't even asked to leave, but instead did so himself, it is correct to believe as such

Again, check my comments for info. Although the comments probably now number around 50, you can use the highly upvoted ones as a good reference

He sounds like an idea Reddit powermod and content rehoster

Most top comments now seem to be sad that someone they respected has fucked up so badly

It reminds me of the drama a few years back about Polygon's Nick Robinson, when him DMing a few girls cost him his job along with being vilified on Twitter. It seemed massively blown out of proportion.

Was kind of a shame since he had an entertaining Youtube series on the Polygon channel, along with the McElroys.

They regurgitate this "Position of power" thing, and make it seem as though the rules are these days, if you're even slightly famous, and try to use that fame to get attention from girls, they'll burn you at the stake for it.

How about people in bands using their position of power to sleep with fans? That's fine.

Being a YouTuber is like being a personal mentor with the way they act.

Turps doesn't seem like a bad bloke, best of luck to him, will be a shame to see him go.

Especially these days

Good, foidfuckers should be oppressed more

Position of power

That shit is fucking retarded. Apparently if a man becomes successful he is no longer allowed to fuck or else he's "abusing his power".

It's just the typical moron blue hair response to everything: take a specific phrase for specific situations (e.g. teacher/student or boss/employee) and then apply it to literally everything. Yeah, I'm totally sure some dumbass Polygon contributor has "power" over adult women in their own homes in the exact same way the CEO has power to fire an employee who refuses to give him a blowie in his office.

See also: trigger, gaslight, incel, etc.

How about people in bands using their position of power to sleep with fans? That's fine.

Actually no. There was a bunch of drama about this last year where people were trying to paint adult women in the 90s as victims because they showed up to concerts trying to sleep with the band and the band members slept with them.

Iirc Robinson's thing was to do with women in the games industry, and him partially leveraging his "journalist" position. It was a bad look for Polygon as an outlet for sure.

Iirc Robinson's thing was to do with women in the games industry

It wasn't.

damn I forget these guys exist even though I used to watch them religiously back when Minecraft YouTube shit was first blowing up

ngl shadow of israphel was pretty epic for a gamer kid like me

Well at least the /r/drama mods know where to start if they want a new purge.

K, zoomer

Sorry sweaty but zoomers run this sub dab

Fucking rip shadow of israphel

honestly big f

Na the best was making the jafa factory and shit

They’re still quite funny, I only really watch them for ttt

TIP/Today I played is a series I've enjoyed, but I imagine that won't continue now without Turps.

"I'm going to fuck little girls. . . In MineCraft 😈"

It looks like it's not even first time some of them was outed as libertarian, lmao. Anyway, I'm surprised yogscast is even still a thing, I haven't heard of it in like 10 years?

Holy shit, at the risk of sounding like a gamer I actually used to watch the Yogscast when I was a kid so this actually hits close to home

How the fuck is Yogscast still a thing?

Large company now, make most of their money through channel consultancy for people like rtgames, callmekevin, vannoss etc.

The gaming stuff is mainly cause they enjoy it and it gives their members more personal income (although they do also still make decent money from the gaming side as well)

Damn I watched these guys as a kid so much. Strange to see it all come tumbling down. Sjin is probably next too and Simon will probably have another breakdown. It's over for yogcels

I'm actually surprised at how knowledgeable this sub is on the Yogscast.

Everyone here is a zoomer who watched them play tekkit as little babies

I'll embarrassingly admit to being a millennial who was studying in the city they're based in, found them through Guild Wars 2 closed beta footage, thought it was cool to support a local act, and kinda just became a regular to their channel (and Sips).

I wouldn't even really call their stuff high quality content, these days they just stick to TTT and GTA, while I preferred them trying out different games. (Today I played was good for that, rip)

That said, I still can't help but check in occasionally.

It's kind of pathetic... so exactly as expected.

Keep in mind the yogscast has had like five members fired after sex scandals

Oh yeah, I forgot about Ridgedog

Sjin had some drama, which probably would have had worst results for him if it happened in the current climate.

In fact, I googled it, and it looks like he's under investigation in this as well.

This could really affect the future of the channel.

If a old core member like sjin gets outed then it's going to start ruining their yogscast brand/name.

Might see companies pull out of their charity stuff or video makers leave the yogscastclike what happened with channel awesome.

I watched sips as a kid, he’s pretty cool

Why does yogscast have a ceo



lmao nigga you aint a fucking CEO

Their company has 60 employees as well as another company that does consultancy for large YouTube channels. They probably make a lot of money from that just looking at their publically available monetary documents

Pretty embarrassed by the fact that anyone here even knows who these retards are

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole

Diggy diggy hole

brothers of the mine

>even knowing who any of these pissbottlers are

E-celeb subreddits are like refined cancer.

lol this is what happens when you hire a bunch of tumblr feminists for your company and have no hr