Guy's son brings home random stray dog, AITA gets mad he won't let him keep a pet they can't afford

61  2019-07-17 by fieldartillery


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whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. Guy's son brings home random stray ... -,,

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r/amitheasshole is like those newspaper advice columns. Everything written there is fake, but the reactions of the people reading it are unfortunately real

I had to explain to my nephew that AITA and relationship_advice were all just creative writing boards after he kept bringing me "HAVE YOU SEEN THIS YET?!" shock pieces from those subs

I can barely pretend to be entertained when people show me viral videos I've already seen a thousand times, if someone tried to show me a reddit post I don't think I'd pull through

tfw no wise /r/dramaposting cute boomer uncle to molest me 😭


i saw this posted the other day as a real comment, did snappy snap this up? or is it the other way around?

It was originally posted a few months back

lol his username is bye_bye_doggy. Probably a troll but he managed to piss of the redditors.

I look forward to the update post that either completely redeems him or makes everyone even angrier, and is gilded 20 times for some reason.

Probably not going to happen. He got banned for telling someone to fuck off after they called him an idiot and a bad parent.

His contribution to r/drama will be remember o7

Mods didn't even give him a month to get rid of the comment on his own :(

He got banned for telling someone to fuck off after they called him an idiot and a bad parent

Which is fucking asinine if you ask me.

Definitely. Their response was pretty much "don't sink to their level". What a power trip. OP should be able to say "fuck off" to someone agreeing with them without the mods stepping in to ban them over it.

The mods of that subreddit suck donkey dick. People are all over the thread calling him a shitty parent, and when he tells one of them to fuck off, apparently that's ban-worthy?

Also, they have locked two separate threads in the past week for the same reason: people were calling OP "a Karen." It's literally a subreddit where you are encouraged to call OP an asshole, but apparently saying that OP is a Karen is "vitriolic", "toxic", "fucking eviscerating" OP, etc. And yes, those are words used by the mods when locking those threads, and explaining that a person posting on that subreddit isn't inviting people to call them things like "Karen".

Granted, the Karen meme is overused and unfunny, but it shouldn't be worth locking two different threads over. It's hilarious to me that it's fine to call OP an asshole, but when people call OP a Karen, they are crossing a line and "fucking eviscerating" OP. And then in a thread where people actually are calling OP a shitty parent over something so minor and OP dares to tell them to fuck off, OP gets banned for it. Clearly the mods don't care that much about protecting the OPs. They are just allergic to the Karen meme, I guess.

The mods in that sub are the most sensitive pussies on plebbit. I got banned there for this post.
But you know what? They did it for free.

They are Karens, no wonder they hate the meme.

you only have to breathe to piss someone off here

I literally cant think of a reason to post anything in /r/AmItheAsshole except for baiting wokies and people who've never been in a real-life relationship.

What could you get out of that sub legitimately, it just exists for people to grandstand about how evil you are.

he managed to piss of the redditors.

He attacked the only thing they care about more than their pathetic left-wing politics: cute doggos (especially pibbles).

I still resent my mom for taking in my cat to be put down without telling me beforehand. He was peeing in the house and one day he wasn't waiting for me when I got off of school. That was when I was in 3rd grade. I am 29 now. Yea, you don't forget.

Sounds like you’re still not thinking about your son’s feelings. He’s already grown attached to the pup and you’ll forever be the unreasonable bitch who took away his best friend. You’re gonna be dealing with his broken trust and resentment for a looooong time.

Everyday that passes, Redditors somehow manage to raise the bar of being pathetic losers

My dad stepped on my pet worm when I was 5. It’s been thirty years and on every one of his birthdays I tell him how I’m going to put him in one of those homes where they beat you with extension cords.

I know AITA is full of retarded children but this is literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

brb gonna write a fake post about a K9 getting put down so chapos and AITA can duke it out in the comments

Make it a pibble for extra drama

Police pibble

Owned by a ex-marine landlord

Drumpf voter

no. ex-marine landlord made it be put down because it bit a conservative protestor outside his apartment

Nah dont, that'll make the entire story unbelievable.

I wanted to initially say "your house, your rules" but you just taught this kid a real shitty lesson about you: "my rules are my rules, no exceptions."

Wut. That's a perfectly valid lesson.

it's about preparing them for adulthood - where actions have consequences.

Imagine thinking people on reddit who use AITA are prepared for adulthoot

They’re still figuring out this “adulting” thing.

No they arent

lol so tired of adulting already and it's only Monday! HAHAHA!!

His mistake was letting the kids bond with it for so long, should have called animal control straight away. No time to bond, no wasted money, and lesson learned with way less bullshit.

Should have slaughtered it and serve it for dinner tbh, just so the kid knows not to be an annoying brat.

If you believe that people on that sub wouldn't have called OP a heartless asshole for getting rid of the dog right away without giving the kid a chance to put up "lost dog" signs like he wanted, you are naive.

OP was doomed the second he came to reddit while being a person who doesn't like dogs. That whole thread is just people shitting on OP because he doesn't like dogs.

His only mistake was not making the little rugrat kill it with a knife to harden his heart

Making your kids like you so they don't stuff you in a shithole when you are old is a good idea.

being poor


I would say none of the people in there should ever become parents but we all know they aren't breeding.

whenever I see these insane pro-dog takes and comments from (let's be real) foids, I just assume they're all fucking their animals

Foids and feminine men (short, skinny men with beards (hipsters))

but you just taught this kid a real shitty lesson about you: "my rules are my rules, no exceptions."

I mean, yeah. You don't negotiate with fucking 12 year olds unless you want a grandkid in the next 4 years.

should have made it into a real teaching moment and forced the kid to feed it into a woodchipper.

AITA has been getting some high quality bait posts, based.

Should have made the kid kill and eat the dog the second he bought it home. Won't have any more dog-related issues after that.

Some of the replies missed that the OP couldn't afford to keep the pet and will probably be left taking care of it in the future or if the kid goes to college

probably bait but he still got banned for responding to a comment, lots of extreme reactions though with people saying the dad is a straight up sociopath? even if he gave the puppy to the shelter it may not accept a sick puppy and he'd probably get a 'yta' can't really win

not breed of peace

put it down