Kangz pledge support for cherokee kween

6  2019-07-17 by Tay_Trap


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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if you criticize warren in any capacity, you will be called either a berniebro or a white supremacist within a fucking millisecond lol

If she'd run in 2016 she would have been better than any other candidate. She didn't stink of entrenched establishment as bad as Hillary did. At this point, between the whole grossly insensitive native thing and her tarding out over the last year, I do not think she has a shot.

I find it funny that she's obviously much smarter than Trump, but Orange Daddy dragged the discourse down to his level, and somehow came out on top.

I mean, as one of our resident drama lefties, I think she's fine. She wouldn't be my first choice, but I'd vote for her if she won the primary. I also think she has a decent shot at winning it.

he's obviously much smarter than Trump, but Orange Daddy dragged the discourse down to his level

I'd vote for literally anyone who would go to his level unapologetically and call him a retard to his face on national television tbh. then it's SELL SELL SELL time for dramacoin stocks

Bringing the level of political discussion down to name calling on television is unironically what America actually deserves, being completely in line with how the majority of American's perceive politics. It is also 100% excellent for dramacoin. In a broader perspective, society, government, law etc are all just a bunch of rules that people in a room agree on and there's probably bad ramifications to denigrating them. I really want to see the blue check marks mentally shit themselves in outrage over the R-Slur (and alternately claim it's okay when applied to Trump).

Yeah I'd vote for someone who calls Daddy a retard, so long as they also treat AOC like Meg from the Family Man whenever she blurts out stupid wokey gibber jabber.

I don't have any problem with any of that. still wishing we could find a way to get Biden to throw a punch at Trump as well

Watch, we get into this election cycle and it's going to turn out that The Onion was actually reporting correctly on Biden this whole time.