Good Goy Almighty

10  2019-07-17 by thedopestfish


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Good Goy Almighty -,,

  2. -,,

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don't bother me again

otherwise I will answer whatever the hell else I want in low-ball propaganda threads like this one

I also got this thread locked

suck on that

I also got this thread locked

That’s so jewy lol

I am so glad I’m wholly ignorant on the Jew vs sand Jew battle over there. I literally have no idea which sandcels are in the wrong or in the right. I imagine like everything, it’s become a hyperpartisan bickering point between leftoids vs rightoids at this point. Radical centrism wins again

The Jew vs Arab conflict is genuinely the most retarded form of ethnic infighting considering they are all basically the same people. Imo the only conflicts that supersede them in terms of pure autism is the Balkans, India vs Pakistan, and the Hutu vs Tutsi conflict.

God damn humoids are fucking imbecile

I never knew history memes was so based

oy vey!

The neocon Zionism advocates would be more effective if they weren't so blatant in their inconsistency: