Turns out Sadie Roberts-Joseph was murdered by one of her black tenants who was late on rent, redditors cope with their original hate crime takes in the comments.

224  2019-07-17 by unrulyfarmhand


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I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Turns out Sadie Roberts-Joseph was ... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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200 ish upvotes shows whats wrong with reddit since the number of people who will remember it as a probable right wing terror attack is magnitudes larger than those who will know the truth

People won't remember her name

It's not like she was in Star Wars or anything

holy fucking based


Just your average redditor MO.

reeeeee, Disney exploits their employees, fuck the rich

Minutes earlier:

perfectly balanced, like a things should be. UnexpectedThanos amirite my fellow redditors? Fuck yeah Avengers BTFOing the box office!


omgee corporations are like, evil and stuff!

Also reddit

isn't it cool that the X-MEN can now be in the AVENGERS?!?!? I love u Disney!

Who else Loves Monopolies am I right?

Even better - duopolies. That way I can get some extra lifefuel in my lifefuel when I hate on DC Comics

isn't it cool that the Luke Skywalkers ghost can now be in the AVENGERS?!?!? I love u Disney!

Original post that left details very vague had 40k updoots.

CNN was on at the gym and they were doing the most disappointed interview with her family. Just completely gassed it was a common murder and not a two week long Conversation

The S E E T H E in that post is palpable, you can tell that they just wish so much it would have been a Ronald Glumpft supporter

I said in our thread on it, it’s going to be some black guy. I don’t disagree this isn’t good drama but it’s not even fun to call anymore. The second there is grainy cell phone footage of a white person negatively speaking to a black person it’s national news. But somehow the average reddit either believes in a giant coverup conspiracy or just likes shitting on mayos so much they have to go signal how it totally was one who killed sweet black granny.

everyone with a functional brain knew it was a nig-nog i mean the crime statistics dont lie. white on black crime is like the unicorn of crime stats... never happens.

If it was a white guy the news would have kept her memory alive for a few months, now instead they’ll metaphorically toss her in a dumpster.

Whenever they blame a mayo for a crime, remember that the statistics don't lie.

Of course all men are scum we know this


Couldn’t have said it better myself

Nothing 👏 to 👏 see 👏 here 👏 folx 👏

Still involves the gender of peace tho. If you want to avoid being blue balled with your assumptions about who committed a crime, just assume moid and you'll practically never be disappointed. Way more reliable than assuming race/ethnicity, politics, or religion.

Yeah, if you want to guess who did anything notable, good or bad, it’s usually moids. The meme gender just doesn’t get as much done.

GOOD point. Day of the mussycide when

I haven't checked, are chapos cheering the death of this landlord? This guy is a hero to them, right?

Their tiny brains are no doubt melting while trying to figure out what the wokest take is.

dead landlord

dead black woman

I'll wait until someone else tells me what to think

Third choice is the best

Search her name in chapo. Almost every comment is accusing “some Mayo chud”

Went to the main chapo thread about it. Replied to a bunch of comments with She was a landlord. Who was murdered by her tenant, who was also black. And a sex offender.. Time to see some omega level cope.

You will just get banned lol 50 post hogs downvoted and a ban.

Probably, but if even just one chapo is butthurt than it was worth it.

Nice, upvoted everything.

Right Wing Terrorist Attacks in 2018: 50 deaths

Antifa: 0



haha wow this madman is going to say it watch out guys haha


The original post on /r/politics was a circle jerk of cultists competing to outdo each other with their white supremacy conspiracy theories, going so far as to float the idea that Vladimir Putin had this chick killed.

I’m not kidding you. A black Roman is murdered and these galaxy brains amongst us think “Vladimir Putin did this”.

Now that the truth is out, they remove the threads as it’s no longer “politics”. These people are living out their D&D fantasies.

Made me laugh


The no ping rule stings extra hard right now.

Yeah couldn’t handle not confronting so I dm’d a few people with links to their comments telling them directly that they’re retarded.

Yeah, that shouldn't end up being ammo used to get this sub shut down.

On a throwaway.

I wish for the balcanization of usa just so i can have my internet cleaned, but their army wont allow it.

That dude seriously quoted HIMSELF on his bizarre russian conspiracy theory. The lack of self-awareness is breathtaking, like a sunrise on a cold winter morn.

The Putin conspiracy theories are the liberal version of QAnon.

A black woman is murdered near her home, and the galaxy brains amongst us think “Vladimir Putin did this!!”

I encourage such batshittery. That's fantastic.

In the 40k upvote /news post someone said “come on guys you really think nazis or kkk did this?”

And the first response was “i bet you don’t believe the holocaust happened either”

I know, i was the person accused of being a holocaust denier :)

You gotta be a conspiracy theorist to believe “nazis” are doing goofy executions of old black ladies in 2019 but also yeah those red cross numbers are fishy.

A 2007 report from the Advocate says Bell pleaded guilty to the sexual battery of a 9-year-old girl. Instead of facing a potential life sentence for aggravated rape, his plea deal allowed him to get out of prison after seven years.

lol 7 years. I wish the legal system was half of the harsh and cruel nightmare that people say it is.

Its only like that for druggies tbh

The only drug I love is the oxytocin hit I get when you talk to me on reddit bb <3



Redditors talk about all these people with drug charges getting life sentences but if you look at the actual published reports, the prisons/jails are basically overflowing due to violent crimes.

Table 12. 55.2% of state prisoners are in for violent crimes, 3.5% possession of drugs. There's probably a significant amount of that 3.5 that pled down from more serious stuff (like my retarded cousin who was a multiple-time offender and was busted for having 2 guns with serials filed off as well as a gigantic quantity of meth who in the end only pled to simple possession).

Liberal cope incoming

Isn't it something around like 80% of violent crimes are committed by someone who is the same race as their victim? Like for everyone, white, black, and everything else? Was it really just the "Prominent Black Activist" label that had reddit frothing at the mouth with conspiracy theories?

Stop, the fact that black-on-black crime is statistically a much bigger danger to blacks than dump supporters is a racist fact and should not be said.

That’s for white peoples for black it’s 90 something lol

Well that and look at the New Orleans demographic and it was pretty easy to guess what the perp was.

Wait! There is still a way to blame white people, I just know it!

Drama is slowly turning into a right wing shock jock fm radio station.

The problem is leftoids have upped the campaign of nonsense.

We still have qtards, pizzagaters and DDF, but the average faggot redditor makes themselves such a hilarious(if not low hanging) target you can’t but help and pick it.

I wish there was more to being right wing than mouth breathing heavily on minorities. Rightoids are only capable of one emotion and it’s seethe everything else is just a satellite to cover it: pride, projection, scheming, virtue signaling, leveraging, shock and awe. Rightoids they’re strangers in a strange land because they don’t know how strange being one dimensional is.

You aren’t wrong. Reddit got rid of all the esoteric and super Spergy rightoid dens. If you wade into t_d you know what u get everytime so it’s gets boring

It doesn’t get just boring boring, there’s also no variation. You won’t get into a debate but the company there is rife with bad karma. There’s more to being a conservative than hating darkies and swishy folk, right? Right? It’s hard to believe anyone could wallow in such violent and terrible karma without getting splashed on by others.

Rightoids are strange every word they choose, every piece of clothing, every video game they play is all done for the sake of ethnic pride. Tribalism is utterly unAmerican. Adult humans failing to grasp that paradox among their other actions makes them less than.

tribalism is utterly unamerican

I don’t think that’s very true. I mean on board with most of what I’m saying but the melting pot meme is a meme lol

Do we need an ethno-state, heh heh? Are we sneaking that in here. Tribalism is ugly. Endorsing it bring out ugliness. Tribalism in action is a shared psychosis.

I just mean hilariously the only people who don’t really massively play into tribalism are whites. But, what I was speaking of was the US was a ethnostate for most all of its history.

You could argue a Anglo/Germanic ethnostate or pan European, but effectively it was

I also don’t necessarily see in group preference as insane or shared psychosis. I wouldn’t really apply it to Jews, African Americans, Coptic Christians, ad infinitum. That’s just sort of how the world works, nothing intrinsically psychotic about it.

When it comes to your first piece of bait... I mean sentence, I wouldn’t know, I’m not in everyone’s heads. The rest is the rabbit hole. I can’t imagine you not understand how dull you are.

What do you mean? I’m objectively dating what I believe to be facts, I minored in history, I’m no expert but I remember immigration law especially super well because the Italian side of my family remembers being banned and hence the refusal of many new wave Italians to speak anything but English.

I think you are reading into this something more than there is to it simply because I’m trying to kindly point out that what you are saying isn’t exactly true. It’s like when some genius points to the Statue of Liberty and says “see what we were founded on!”

The way this reads. It’s like you are your LARP character or something.



You have way too much invested in whatever silly little world view you want to believe. I genuinely figure someone like you would actually want know what they were talking about when you definitely serious posted.

I mean “tribalism is the most unamerican thing ever” isn’t bait, it’s as reddit as anime and a awful sex life.

Oh the _Projection_Calm down babe, you’re the only one who brought their debate suit to the college party. You’re l being ironic in r/drama but not in a fun way.

Lol. I was actually curious if you believed any of what you posted and I wanted to see. It’s clear you don’t though so well done 🎣

I’m being ideologically pure to the subreddit.

I will dive into serious posting on dead or old posts. Hell half our posts are pure leftoid/rigntoid agenda on new, i try and keep it where people won’t see

good to know.

I'm the last to post, I stole the win right under both your noses.

A winner is you.

Hey don't do that.

but it’s my fantasy

Stop being a jerk!

oh yeah, that’s so hot!


Hey! He started it!!!! this is just like grammar school again! Last time I do anyone a favor.

No, they just banned all of the rightoid subs except t_d, and making fun of trumpcels on reddit is for basic bitch retards. There's no one left to bully except commies and capetards.


We aren't getting a lot of capseshitter stuff sadly 😏.

Basically punching up is more fun.

Long way of saying you aren’t a centrist.


We did it reddit!

Jeez. They went totally radio silent on this when they found out who killed her.

Remember this shit?

It's the same thing over and over again.

Or this,

this one was by far my fave. Kadar made like 200k in bitcoin extortion at 16 years old.

Lol she started a gofundme and turned her dead daughter into like $80k, iirc she was friends with the killer on facebook.

Oh dope. The radical right have one less body in their pile! Average reditor after finding out.

Wasn't Jussie (lmao) was it?

Reminds me of the time Rosa Parks was beaten by a home invader when she was 81 yo.


“It be ya own niggas”

He looks exactly like what you'd expect, wow.

This reminds me of when I was a teen and Rosa Parks got her ass beat. A lot of people assumed it was the KKK.

Turned out to just be a Basketball-American who wanted liquor money because that's who's around when you live in a shitty part of Detroit.

lmao, crying about fox news comments

"Probably stuffed in the trunk by an African-American"


Turns out fox news commenters were right. Too funny.


According to half of reddiors, apparently violent racists. The other half, violent gang bangers.


Nobody is trying to cover it up. They just don't give a shit if it wasn't a trump supporter.

Anyone with half a brain could've told you that this was some stupid shit over money.