Cuck takes his wife and her new husband on vacation with him

67  2019-07-18 by Chomsky_Minaj


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You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


  1. Cuck takes his wife and her new hus... -,,

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Seems like a nice dude and I wish their families the best

But why the fuck would you post about it?

Fuck if I know

Wanting to be degraded it's a fetish

To bait retards.

its causal conversation isn't that the whole point.

Do all them go into detail about their live like a relationship post i feel sorry for his lack of friends

I don't know I don't spend time on that sub

Look sweatie, some people aren't retarded and it's easy for them to type a few paragraphs.

I aint doing that for free yikes

He'd make a good drama mod.

lol not a cuck he just needs an extra person to handle his autist son on a vacation.

I wish I had two dads.



Florence Stanley was a national treasure.

This but unironically. He's Gonna be doin great yurop heroin in a hostel with 17 year olds while they watch the kids and no one will complain since he bankrolled it. Truly a Chad move, making them watch children while you fuck nodded out heroin addicts

since he bankrolled it

Didn’t read the post but he actually paying for it? How does that not make him even more of a cuck, he could’ve just gone by himself

He couldn't have gone by himself, he'd be abandoning his autistic son

Is it really a vacation if you bring the thing you're vacationing from?

Yes because he'll be in a hostel doing heroin while ex and chud get stuck with the autist

Well I hope that's the case

LMAO he’s gonna be sipping margaritas on the beach while his wife and her new slampiece have to babysit the kid.

Based and redpilled.

This is my take: if it’s to get a free babysitter for the tard, it’s understandable. Guy is still a huge faggot, but who wants to go on vacation with a literal retard? The temptation murder it would be too great

Why he do this

I'd say this was a larp when the account is 8 years old so its just a loser

He should get the new husband pregnant.

How is he a cuck if someone else is taking care of his kids?


Its meta cucking.



Eskimo brothers

Can you imagine lawls and phedre bangin in the backseat of this thing?

How ugly is phedre? I’ve seen the high res of lawlz and I can’t imagine anything but a desperate, greasy, fat, hairy chick being down with that.

lol he even says hes been seeing someone else for an year. Rightoid bait falls apart.

the other man is literally helping raise his kid LMAO


Peak mayo culture. Why are whitoids such cucks?

Honestly that’s kind of sweet.

He's not the cuck in this Larp..