about an year ago, activists started threatening a developer due to his program having the words "master" and "slave" in it

137  2019-07-18 by pok8

he caved and changed it. he points out that these activists on twitter are also working for a competing software. a handful of other popular software projects are going through similar changes. another program called Weboob was removed from the repositories of Debian (Linux). they even employed an anti-harassment team to deal with online bullies (like you).

master --> primary/leader
slave --> replica/follower


May Allah break the backs of all those who support these disease-ridden rodents.


  1. similar changes - Outline

  2. anti-harassment team - Outline

I am a bot for posting Outline.com links. github / Contact for info or issues


Bussy bot is certainly the master of sentience

Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. about an year ago, activists starte... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. he caved and changed it - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  3. similar changes - archive.org, archive.today

  4. anti-harassment team - archive.org, archive.today

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

what a coward and a moron

I don't get why they caved.

Literally every software language has "master" and "slave" as part of its fundamental lexicon. Same goes for hardware development.

It's a perfect word pairing and means exactly what it says. "Leader" and "Follower" just sounds retarded. Are we going to retroactively change the millions of lines of code? No.

These people need to grow the fuck up.

Master should be changed to Ben Shapiro and Slave to Purple-Haired SJW

an year ago

Current year

Last year actually, more than 10 months old

current year is the era since 2015

Haven't we always said that you DON'T give in to Chapotards and associates.

"master" and "slave"

Kinkshamer 😥

Its obviously Daddy and Little

Should've changed it to "Owner" and "Renter" just to fuck with them

Worker and Parasite.

Endut! Hoch Hech!

put it in h!

The German company that made my high-end aquarium Wavemaker use the same terminology. Coincidence?

github main branch called master. hold me.

wasn't there some code of conduct nonsense with Linux?

Hegel cancelled

I am convinced that these activists are being paid by the likes of Oracle and Microsoft.

He should have changed it to penis and donut

We have software from another company that we use that tried to do something similar.

Of course, the shit's so horribly broken that they had to revert to the names a couple updates later.

Hey we use that tool at our shop.

master and slave have been used in CS and hardware contexts for 50 years at least, there’s no acceptable euphemism for SJWs to describe the master slave semantic but it will be fun watching google tie itself in knots trying

It's seriously just a matter of time until they come after male and female connectors

male to male adapter is the future

Females Can Have Penises Too

A tranny has owned our local computer shop for 20 years.

Imagine going in there asking for a DB-9 gender bender

You see there's leaders,

And there's followers,

But I'd rather be a dick,

Than a swallower

New slaves