Multiple feared dead after man sets fire to an anime studio in japan.

99  2019-07-18 by GoldLeaderLiam


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Multiple feared dead after man sets... -,

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Based and Sentinel

I'm going to interpret this as a declaration of war against the weeb race.

Imagine liking the trash pumped out of kyoanus

Imagine not liking this

if it's waifu related this might be one of the craziest incel weeks ever

According to rumors he posted about it on 2chan before he did it. If you know moonrunes you can go there and witness the weebs collectively shittin themselves.

Archive of the thread courtesy of KF

Is it related to 2chainz?

i downvoted you because that's just dumb

See you in a few days

Imagine telling a joke that's so bad that you get a temp ban from arr drama.

Imagine thinking getting banned from drarma is a noteworthy accomplishment



the person who did it was not only pouring gasoline on the building, he also poured it on people...

Damn that's cold.

i think you mean hot

man that antifa terrorist could learn a thing or two from him.

One tried it this week with some buses, remember?

Uh, yeah. That's what hes talking about.

Saw the that, read a those.

That would require them to actually learn something in order to be competent at it. If they could do that they wouldn't be antifa in the first place.

Hahahahahahahahaha how do you get gasoline poured over you hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha like nigga walk away hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Like just wipe it off

Don't they have TOWELS in Japan??? LMAO

Or better just use a lighter/flame to evaporate the liquid

They targeted weebs!

I am guessing it's the Japanese version of a workplace shooting. But if it's a fan: YIKES!

Nope, according to the police it ain't a former or current employee.

We can only hope this is the beginning of the anime jihad


No u

>when the studio doesn't give your waifu enough screen time

Kyoto, Japan

Goddamn crafty Japanese just scrambling the letters of their capital city, thinking we wouldn't notice.

Kyoto was the original capital though.

Shut up, nerd.

No, Nara

But the To are different

The to in Kyoto(京都) is for city

The to in Tokyo (東京) is for east

The kyo is both capital, so you have the capital city and the Eastern capital, just a coincidence they sound the same to us gaijin.


I think you made me gay just from the contact high.

It's Ok, it's that garbage studio KyoAni.

Moeshitters on suicide watch.

Clannad and the other key stuff was quite good

Moeshitters on suicide watch.

I liked it for the drama. Drawing style looked like they all had severe autism

Good. Everyone knows animes are for libertarians.

weebs rise up

imagine the smell

Anime was a mistake

Is it over for pedos?

I googled the shows the weebs were talking about in the worldnews thread and they were mostly about prepubescent chicks so yes

So in Japan a random guy hates anime so he goes and destroys a studio. But in america there are thousands of people who will insist we live in a dictatorship that's murdering refugees and they do nothing?

Exactly this


Even the Japanese commies are more based than the Mayo commies.
It's not even beginning for mayocels.

Oh the bodypillows widowed in this horrible crime!

How many of the dead are 2d loli waifus?

Absolutely no one saying how good this is.

God damn that's edgy.

Except the commies.

It was a command not an observation.

I would reword it lol because it really sounds like you're complaining that no one is saying this is good.


Based Nasim's yoga force ghost is in absolute shambles, do we know the name of the absolute ghazi that conducted this attack?

Why did the guy do it? What sort of borderline pornography did this studio make?