Wakanda has a car auction

36  2019-07-18 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


  1. Wakanda has a car auction - archive.org, archive.today

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Not saying you need to eat only salad or anything but what you've said is reactionary and stupid.


  1. This Post - Outline

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I didn't even know Pajeets lived in South Africa.

Durban has the highest concentration of "sugarcane hackers" outside of India!


Guptas almost took over South Africa

The British shipped them all over their empire in order to form a subservient middle class who were hated by the locals and dependent on the British for protection. In exchange they performed administrative and security for the empire.

Damn, the Brits really knew how to subjugate

“Indians were oppressed but not in a similar way to blacks. You cannot compare the treatment of Indians to blacks during apartheid. Just look at townships like uMlazi and KwaMashu compared to Indian townships,” Mayisela said.


Something something rightoid talking point about Oppression Olympics.


Nah its South Africa

Its over for Kaffir-cells

It's over for wewazkangsunshitcells

The city yesterday said the auction was meant only for women of all races, and it had launched an investigation into why Indians and coloureds were excluded.

translation: someone in academia carried the 1 and pointed out if there's a spike in automotive accidents this would become a case study that'd never go away

White-only cars in South Africa have flamethrowers, so it never evan began for negrocels.

Can you even imagine the shame that must come with being an unironic South African?

It's not that bad, boet.

They're still better tha pajeets, tho.

It used to be a nice place until around the mid 90s. Not sure what happened.