Disgraced QUCK SerialBrain2 has finally gone full schitzo and jumped the shark

60  2019-07-18 by charming_tatum


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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My favorite part besides the interdimensional travel and alien skin walkers is this lil tidbit


My favorite part besides the interdimensional travel and alien skin walkers is this lil tidbit

I wasn't going to read all his crazy bullshit but you just convinced me

Hes so far off the rails its comical. What makes it even funnier is that most of the commenters are gis sockpuppets

Each riddle looks like a deep dive in an endless ocean in search of different types of seafood that, when assembled, will be appetizing enough to arouse the guests' desire to go fishing themselves.

jesus these analogies are intense

That unironically sounds like something a Dagon-worshipping fishman might say.

That's funny because that was my 2nd favorite quote

Both sides.

Before Trump and Q. I tried my best to research what I could on the net. Concerning Chemtrails, GMO's, Fluoride, UFO's, aliens, shape shifters, reptilians, greys, etc.

The alien rabbit hole is a very devious and dangerous one. It drew me away from God. I don't want to go down that road again.

Flat Earth, seeing the Sun and Moon in the same sky. Antarctica and the common treaty. Van Allen belts, the moon landings and radiation. The firmament.

Princess Di, died on my wedding night. Come to find out many years later, she knew something or seen something that spooked her. They killed her. JFK they killed him.

Back then the internet was filled with the Queen of England was a reptilian shape shifter. She was old when I was a kid, will she ever die?

I always had a inner hate for the CIA. The same for the Masons/Shriners, Obama, HRC and many other politicians and CEO's. Back in those days, I was buying as many Guns as I could get my hands on.

Even with all the decodes, SB2's insight, there are just so many un-answered questions.

To this day, I have always hated SECRETS. I totally understand why people would want to raid the Area 51. Reveal it, or blow it off the map.

If Heaven has SECRETS, I don't want to go.

t. The ramblings of a schizo boomer

"They" are daaaaa JOOOOS

Amen brother

finally gone

Finally? r/drama unanimously declared this guy schizo like a year ago when he went Nostradumbass and posted 20,000 word interpretations of Q's "breadcrumbs."

The dude was always a whack job. Shoulda seen the SB2 circlejerk back when thegreatawakening was still around. He'd post some absolute gibberish and every reply was "OMG you are so smart, I don't understand a word you wrote which must mean it's deep and insightful". It's telling that he only posts in the one place he can't be held accountable for his insanity.