a drama about a drama - Netflix is removing wrist slitting scene from the show "13 Reasons Why" since parents are concerned about their depressed teenage daughters doing the same

66  2019-07-18 by pok8


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


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It’s pretty crazy that Netflix didn’t consider that a show about everyone feeling bad and talking about a teen girl an heroing might not be a good move. It looks like the “then they will be sorry” fantasy but with Netfux production.

The show was a big hit seams like a success to me.

Well I mean Belle Delphines bathwater was a hit but does Netflix really want to be in that business?

You can order bathwater from any number of Netflix Original Netflix Production STRANGER THINGS made by Netflix, and yes you can even get water from that one girl Drake is creeping on

I would buy Winona's bath water.

actually is vodka

Yeah, because teenagers are stupid. Sell something that validates their retarded thoughts and they'll buy it.

That's pretty much the reason the show is so controversial. And rightfully so. It plays right in to the suicidal fantasies of depressed kids.

Also in season 2 they had the main character run towards and talk down the school shooter. They should have cut out that scene instead.

They should have made main character be a school shooter.

It unironically glorifies suicide and mental illness. In one episode a dude talks to her ghost. And the was even a school shooting plotline where a nerdy kid who had no reason to do it, just randomly decided to grab a gun

It’s pretty crazy that they didn’t show how she went straight to Hell where all the souls of suicides end up.

True. I thought it was purgatory?

I remember back in high school half the music and shit I saw on the internet and tv was about cutting yourself and offing yourself.

yeah man, those avril lavigne songs were deep

What was it like going to high school in 2004.

Pretty based. Taking back Sunday was on the radio and there was no Glumpf or Obummer.

This, but unironically.


Bid daddy Bush got it done

I unironically miss how simple high school was in the 00’s

lol millennialposting

Its all we have in this lonely world

Millennials are boomers

Pretty sure we also had Nick Cage as Ghost Rider. Does that count as capeshit?

I wouldn’t consider it one.

Nah, that's cageshit

Surely this has nothing to do with spiking suicide rates of like last 7 years.

Well this was like 12 years ago so I’d say no.

Pumped Up Kicks starts playing

The main character in that show was an annoying twat. "Waaaah, everything that happened to me is my friends' fault so I'm gonna kill myself."

Yeah I couldn’t watch more that an episode of that shit

It's the ultimate teenage revenge fantasy of making your friends and family bear the guilt of your suicide.

I had to read the book in middle school and damn it was bad.

I’ll get the unedited version on dvd.

these are the same people who bitch about gun control but are bothered about a scene in a shitty tv show

Remember kids, sideways for attention longways for results

Go down the road, not across the street.

Imagine cutting your wrist lol what a pussy just shot yourself like man

foids are bad at suicide like everything else, no surprise there

Except when they accidentally upgrade an attention suicide into the real deal.

Foid: “I'll show them, I'll eat a whole bottle of pills they will freak out lol”

*eats 50 tylenol*

Liver: “oh fugg”

Skin and Eyes: *turns yellow*

Foid: “oh fugg” *dies*

Imagine forcing directors to change their shows so that you don’t have to accidentally tell your kid not to be a pussy in a stern tone because you are an absolute doormat.

They should have her go on /r9k/ and whore herself out to robots for drug money

I’m starting to think the mayocide is never gonna happen at this rate 😭

if someone could be influenced to end their life because of a netflix TV show it wouldn't be a great loss to anyone if they did

Cancel the whole damn thing, show is shit.