Widespread and unironic support for vigilante mob violence brought to you by unpopularopinions and TopMinds

25  2019-07-18 by itsnotmyfault


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I'm reminded of a time that someone expressed some mild doubt that beating the shit out of a pedophile would cure them:

Get your logic and reason out of here nerd. Violence solves EVERYTHING. If these guys were his real friends, they would have put him in a wheelchair. There have been multiple studies that demonstrate a strong correlation between getting violently beaten and moral integrity. This former rapist is probably digging wells in Uganda now.

Let me guess, next you're gonna tell me youโ€™re opposed to prison rape... goddamn snowflake.

You're a fucking light weight pussy. You're not a snow flake, you're a fuckin blizzard. Why don't we draw his body into pieces, ground it into beef and serve it to prisoners. Take his skull, form a fucking chain fucking its eyeballs. Then mail his teeth to his family. Only then, will he learn. Everyone will learn and now one will disobey. Bring back the dark ages you fucking nerd bitch. Don't be such a weak, small minded pussy.

Fucking nerdlinger dash one I think you dropped your pussy. Here you go, have it back. They should take this asshole and shove him into an elephant's asshole and throw the elephant into a volcano, then use the lava to build a sculpture of him, cover it in period blood, and launch it into space. Fucking coward doesn't know what real punishment is...

Great exchange.

The goal isn't to "cure" Nazis.

One of my favorite dramanaut writers actually unironically wrote a professional "technically, it's ephebophilia" piece. She then raked in the dramacoin on twitter as conservatives raged, even joking that she touches her (nonexistant) kids, quit twitter due to harassment (for a day), then started making fun of the liberals who were also mad at her

fucking kek m8

Thank you! I'm glad to see that not every on Reddit has their head so far up their ass that they can't tell that the post is not actually about Nazism.

^ nazi spotted

All these Nazi punchers, yet I guarantee that every single one of them is too timid to tell a waiter they got served the wrong food

i feel personally attacked

Get out, Low T

Whats so mind blowing about someone punching another person? it happens over girls every night downtown. Its crazy that it might happen over someone extolling Nazi virtues?

We went to war over that.

You've never punched anyone lmao

We went to war over that.

Imagine thinking the US went to war with the Nazis because they thought the Nazis were just a bunch of mean guys ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I punched someone in tournaments, while coaching boxing, fighting mma, and a few times in self defense, and i say that not to sound cool, but just to point out you dont know wtf you're talking about.

but you missed the whole beginning. i should have said we went to war over much more than that, and it is a long nuanced conversation so i'll remove that part.

Fact remains, punching someone isn't all that rare or surprising. It is done over far less provocative things.

Like I said, you've never punched anyone.

And at least you admit you're a dumb dumb. How do you feel about your people attempting to punch members of the Bubba SS and getting their skulls cracked?

Oh shit, just checked your post history... this is my fault for placating an edgelord and not knowing what forum im in.

Maybe you can internet punch me. Or at least LARP IT, like print my name out and punch that

The lolcow deleted its comments. You see? Do you guys see what happens now when you downvote the lolcows?

I milk too hard ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž

I milk too hard ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž

And you didn't quote comments!

The US went to war with Nazi Germany because A) they were invading our allies and B) Japan attacked the US, dragging us into the war.

Meanwhile the US government was turning away Jewish refugees and large parts of the US were either completely apathetic or outright supportive of the third reich. Not to mention the whole, you know, literally throwing people into internment camps because of their nationality.

Claiming the US went to war to 'fight Nazis for being Nazis' is pretty much an outright fabrication that LARPers use to convince themselves that punching people in the street does fuck all.

The same people believe the USSR went to war with the nazis out of the desire to do good and save the Jews lol

Technically the nazis only invaded the USSR because they found out the USSR was amassing a huge invasion force to catch germany off guard. The german generals knew they're only option was to invade quickly and hope to knock out the Russian government in a fast campaign. Which all of that is true since the USSR was amassing forces to invade and had prepared zero defenses. They were so close to being totally defeated but father winter stepped in and the rest is history forgotten by LARPers.

I canโ€™t tell if this is serious.

A take so hot the Nazis wouldn't have needed winter clothing

Those boys on the beaches of Normandy said the nigger word too ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

we went to war over someone extolling Nazi virtues

Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooom they're talking about societal hegemony again, can't I bomb them yet?

Look at all the shower fantasy exchanges, how pathetic. I'd bet my own beating heart that none of these people have ever spoken with a white nationalist in their life. If they had then they'd know that a fuck ton of them are big and violent, and literally just ascribe to the culture because they want to beat the shit out of limp wristed soyboys. They're exactly like the antifa larpers except they wear gas masks instead of bandanas and can actually fight.

I mean there is nothing wrong with beating some dumb Nazi or proud boy LARPer but don't act shocked or surprised if they try to punch back.

there is nothing wrong with beating some dumb Nazi or proud boy LARPer

I mean, you risk turning the larper into an actual violent revolutionary. "Do not inflict wounds from which the enemy can recover." Half assed violence gets you nowhere, either resolve conflicts peacefully or shoot dissidents in the back of the head, the limp-wristed middle-ground is just a recipe for escalation



Why allow enemy that wishes to kill everybody to regroup instead of dealing the coup de grรขce?

yes there is, you fucking sped. feel absolutely free to catch an assault charge for smacking some fent american, i'm gonna leave the retards to fight each other in the mudpits that are protests while I do other shit with my time.

I mean there is nothing wrong with beating some dumb Nazi or proud boy LARPer

The person doing the โ€œbeatingโ€ (more likely getting the beating, letโ€™s be real here) to the Proud Boy LARPers are usually dumb commie LARPers themselves, so everyone involved is retarded.

paradox of tolerance being constantly cited & misused

goddamn I bet poor k poppers grave is spinning fast enough to power a city rn

I just tell commies that technically the paradox of tolerance means any violence I inflict against them is self defense considering they wish to use force to displace me and change my way of life. They have so little idea of what popper actually meant they didnโ€™t have a response.

It gets even crazier. In the TopMinds thread someone says

Any time a fascist speaks, we risk another Christchurch. Fascist speech is inherently violent, so stopping it with violence is a necessary evil.

Edit: In case it wasn't clear, exhaust nonviolent methods first. This better from the utilitarian and teleological perspective. The majority of fascist speech can be suppressed by non violent means.




Followed immediately by someone paradox of tolerencing.


I'm kind of awed by how happy people are to just ignore everything legal scholars from the ACLU have ever said about free speech, including for Nazis marching through the streets of a town that's like 50% holocaust survivors. Obviously redditors know better than the people that literally wrote the book (and the law) on protecting the rights of minorities.

Also thinking the concept of free speech and the first amendment are synonyms.

Or even worse, posting that gay xkcd comic "showing you the door".


Idgaf if a fiat to the face changes your ideology. I care that you shut the fuck up about that shit in public.



What did he mean by this???

Fiat to the face, my guy is calling for vehicular manslaughter

Smh someone just got 420 blaze its in prison for that. Donโ€™t sink to their level.

Imagine using an Italian hatchback/crossover to run someone over.

Like FFS, have some dignity and use an American SUV or a German saloon.

Imagine driving a car that weights 30 pounds

Not to 15 of those pounds are bags of pasta they put behind the door panels to make sure the car won't take off during strong wind.

Boxes of pasta is actually the intellectual way to add weight to something

it does seem to be a very undignified way to go out. if I'm getting run over with something it better be industrial

Imagine my shock when there is another nazi cope post in r/unpopularopinion ๐Ÿ˜ฑ. Itโ€™s turned so alt right itโ€™s like the Tim pool of subreddits


I'm sure you of all people can appreciate the fact that wanting to kill a group of people that you consider a threat to public well-being is not a crime.

Also, since you're an ex-GamerGater, you know best of all that people NEVER change their problematic beliefs by words alone. Not punching all Gamers in 2014 was the reason Trump won.

Did you just call all Nazi's Gamers and vice versa? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Where's the lie?

Yes, it is not a crime, but that doesn't mean that it is moral or acceptable behavior and should be tolerated. And how is wanting to kill (or even just hurt) a group of people not intrinsically a treat to their wellbeing (and society at large)?

Chapo-tier jokes

Daddy Stalin told me from beyond the grave to come over and call you all the G word.

Can we agree that the illegals deserve to be in detention centers?

If by illegals you mean Gamers and by detention centers you mean detention centers. Yes. Lock the Gamers up.

If illegals are gamers, then I support oppression

Illegals are not Gamers, but Gamers are illegals.

Oppress them both, just to be safe

By Allah, if you are insinuating I am a g*mer I will strike you down.



Reddit: โ€œWe only wanna kill Nazis, why do you have a problem with that?โ€

Also Reddit: โ€œIf ten people are living in the same landmass as a Nazi, you have eleven Nazisโ€.

At what point have the alt right gone too far? Separating toddlers from their parents, keeping no records of who they belong to, losing a bunch of these kids and sticking the rest in concentration camps- 8 dead in a year. At what point is comparing them to Nazis acceptable, and at what point is punching then acceptable? First gas chamber wasn't fired up until 10 years after the first camp opened. Do we need to see hundreds die at once, thousands? At what point does decking these fuckers become acceptable to the centrists? They've already crossed the line, how much further should they be allowed to go before we clean house?

There be way too many people coming into the country than facilities can cope with and government agencies being incompetent at record keeping are neither the fault of any specific political group.

Have you tried not being a hysterical retard?

There's a really simple way not to get sent to detention centers for illegals ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Why didn't those babies just crawl away from the border

Just like they crawled to the border

At what point does decking these fuckers become acceptable to the centrists?

Oh, you're going to stop the imaginary Nazi horde with your hammy little fists eh? So what happens when those "Nazi concentration camp guards" arrest your pathetic ass, assuming they don't shoot you in the face instead?

Also, why is it a "concentration camp" now, but the exact same system was a "detainment centre" prior to 2016? Really activates the ole almonds.

What does punching a nazi have to do with closing detention centers? You think if we punch enough of them all the problems in America will go away?

My problem with this kind thinking is you aren't actually doing anything except trying to look like a revolutionary. Like if someone didnt punch that nazi yesterday then we'd have the fourth reich in a week. Sure.

Forget the fact that violence spreads violence. Forget the fact that when people are attacked they double down on their beliefs. Forget the fact that by advocating a violent agenda you're forcing people to choose sides who would otherwise be an ally. Forget all of that and just ask yourself what does punching a nazi actually accomplish?

"Punch a nazi" kind of thinking is strengthening the alt right and nationalist agenda. You are playing into their hands. If you cant see that then thats on you but we are not on the precipice of genocide.

If you want to protest detention centers then get involved. Write your senators, vote for people who are going to inact change, support peaceful protests, donate. Inciting violence does not change things for the better. Sharing memes and glorifying violence doesnt make you a resistance fighter. Fantasizing about punching a nazi doesnt make you a hero.

Look at all those Naziโ€™s In this thread.

10 Naziโ€™s walked Into my BAR. I reload and 10 more walk In.

There is a 0% chance you could lift a BAR

They only weigh ~20lbs. Itโ€™s not that hard to lift.

He's a gaymer and actual child lmao, there is a less than 0% chance he could lift one

Whatโ€™s wrong Nazi bitch boi

Lmao cope. Battlefield is the closest to a confrontation you've ever been in

Talk big game for some fat Nazi that wonโ€™t ever leave his mothers basement.

Donโ€™t over old your brain going over my comment history chud.

Why am I a Nazi? Because I'm making fun of a string bean socialist child? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Dude you are literally retarded. The way you type, the way you respond to criticism is exactly how people with Down syndrome react. Did a "Nazi" punch you so hard you dropped 30 IQ points?

Nazi dog, youโ€™ll be put down soon.


Literal children can lift 20lbs. Actually aiming and firing a 20lb 30-06 rifle is another matter.

Children maybe, but a malnourished and neglected skinnyfat gaymer child? I have doubts.

Definitely not the ones who needed to buy a special tool to open their soylent bottles.

doesnโ€™t even know bars weigh 45 lbs

Post lifts

Currently, top comment

Nazi: I want to kill, rape, enslave and destroy.

You: Hang on a minute mate, have you really thought that through though?

Nazi: You're right man, I shouldn't do that. My bad.

Half of that thread came a little when they read this.

I'm gonna say unpopular

yea this shit is insane, you've literally got people marching through the streets killing people, going on mass shooting sprees, running protesters over with cars an... oh, you're talking about antifa, not the literal fucking nazis? oh... *oh nooooooooooooo*

so if theyre running people over and going on shooting sprees what exactly do you think some faggot punching them is going to do? leftoids are doing a good job of trying to remove the civility that is extremely advantageous to them, and nothing more.

they're running people over and going on shooting sprees

leftoids are doing a good job of trying to remove civility

lmao ok

he did it first mom

Top Minds I understand, but Unpopular Opinions isn't usually that terrible.

I'm guessing a brigade took place?

Almost definitely.



Theres a captain america cover where he punches hitler

A giant american flag punching Hitler is literally the most American thing of all time. The only thing thatd be better is if he had an eagle with hin