Jap women confirming what we already know.

152  2019-07-18 by Pizzashillsmom


Since when is promotion of gangbang considered as "sexual threat"?


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I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




  1. Jap women confirming what we alread... - archive.org, archive.today

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just because they all look and fuck like unwilling 12 year olds doesn’t mean every nipoid is a loli 😤

Based and sentient pilled

Hapas on suicide watch.

I dare one of you guys to post this to aznidenity


annnnnnnnnd its gone


lol that sub is one of the few on Reddit that's in a constant state of meltdown.

/r/politics since Daddy became a thing

Let's not give too much undue credit.

Yeah, I don't know if /r/politics is a meltdown as much as a masochistic delusion realm where thousands conduct a parallel reality every day just to give themselves cognitive dissonance when they leave their house to cash their $orosbux

Does politics have actual posters or just posting bots replying to each other

/r/politics is Twitter but Reddit sucks at monetization.

:realizing: :-O

It's literally just /r/incels for asians, I'm amazed it's lasted so long without getting banned

It’s more than incels

It comes with much more self loathing and much more directed hate towards specific groups

Like they fuckin hate Asian women lol

Like they fuckin hate Asian women lol

What's their gameplan if they ever have a daughter

Same thing they’ve been doing for decades, chuck it in a dumpster and try for a boy.


They're retards. Ching chong couples are everywhere in Sydney, and Korean women most of the time like effeminate weak Korean men.

lol This place sounds great, I've never really gotten into aznidentity stuff because I didn't know what it was about. Time to go schadenfreude spelunking.

I just took a peek. You can literally feel the anger coming through the screen.



Why inflict being a manlet on someone? Have they no shame?

Hate her

Not gonna happen.


Trade it for funko pops

Especially any of the asian female celebrities it seems

I dont think reddit bans poc related subs.

r/incels with a slight touch of feminist bs.

Lmao please

do you one better

Just waiting for the seethe

"A sub for racism in the dating market"

I believe that's called preferences and sexual attraction

I just tried but one of you motherfuckers already submitted it two hours ago.

They don't have Big Pennies



Why are they squinting? It’s not even bright out.

Me chinese

Me have fun

Me eat cat

Yum yum yum


Me chinese, me play joke Me go peepee in your coke

Me japanese, me so smart Me no drink the peepee part

Me chinese, me play trick Me put hot sauce on my dick.

yeesh I can never get over how some asian women just live life with teeth like the girl on the right.

is there like some kinda braces stigma there? I mean, i guess they're kind of is here, but you do it as a kid and reap the rewards as an adult.

Jacked up teeth is seen as cute in Japan and some girls do it on purpose:



I wonder why🤔🤔

oh god it's the fang-tan fetish brought to real life, of course.

this is now my least favorite thing about nips

He even encourages the former group into his clinic with a half-price discount on "tsuke-yaeba" for middle school and high school students (ID required


I think it's only an American thing to care about teeth symmetry. Lot of money going to some specific people in dentistry.

Base and antidentite-pilled

Next you're going to say they should have their own schools!

We all know the brits don't care

The story is slightly different in Japan, where "yaeba," or snaggletooth, are considered cute; with some men finding the imperfect smile they form endearingly childlike and attractive.

yeah we already know about their pedos and loli problems.

Yameteoniichanitai on suicide watch


Yamete was a nortorious pedo on reddit, arguably worse than Darqwolff. There was a massive post somewhere else on reddit with a bunch of his alts, spergouts and other shit put into an effortpost but I can't seem to find it.

Welp that's enough internet for me today

Japan it's always Japan

do it on purpose

Imagine making your teeth look all fucked up to please weak effiminate Haruto virgin betas.

"Hey I bet we can make this some weird pedo thing!" t. Japan on everything

Japan is a pedophile state

Looks like it's not her teeth that the problem but her jaw. She has an overbite, braces wouldn't help.

that bucktooth junglefaced rice farmer on the right would get the pump n dump

I mean, look at the vehicles they drive, they are obviously compensating for something.

Hog posted

Ya dude that’s totally accurate

I’m American and like 9 inches

As a transmasculine person, talking about front pole size makes me feel really unwelcome

Asian Women Belong to White Men

don't @ me, ricecels

can someone post an example of a good looking asian girl actually dating a white dude? asian guy here in a diverse area with plenty of these couples and i've never seen it. i have a pretty good idea of what asian girls with white guys look like and it's not flattering.

Keep coping chang

dont kid yourself squinty, you’re seething hard enough to power a rice cooker

I'm gonna steal this and I ain't even black

drama mayos dont like you mentioning that asian women who do fuck them are less educated and uglier

Says a lot that your slanty eyed ass can’t even pick up those less educated and uglier Asian chicks.

sorry for having standards

You should probably lower them so you can stop being a ricecel.

Lol imagine caring about gussy education level no wonder women run from you. Its like dating a father accountant

Good job being retarded, maybe you're meant for dumb asian whores given your lack of intelligence

Yeah you should try it then maybe you wouldnt be seen as a useless tiny dicked robot ATM

You must be in a tech hub. Those thirsty programmers will take any Asian woman that will spend his money.

All those words just to seethe. Stay angry Mr Ngyuen.

How the fuck do you even pronounce that? Nugoyyen?

Noo-win, you fucking monger.

Any Asian fetish/burlesce/stripper/porn star who is married.

You don't understand the concept of good enough. They look better than the mayo foids we have access to. The last noodle foid I had sex with looked like she would have been thin hillbilly if she wasn't Chinese. The best part is that even if we had a hapa female child, the kid would probably be average or better than the girls around her. The downside is that it could be a hapa manlet who would be mogged in looks by the supreme gentleman. It's unconscionable to inflict that fate on a young boy.

And Asian men belongs to other Asian men.😍

Why would you want that? Don’t you want more than something the size of a finger in your maintenance hole?

And Asian men belongs to other Asian men. 😍

What do they feed them in france

Import them from Angola.

We all know the Japanese measure from the base of the balls.

Cope, you can always read the study yourself

Japanese journal of sexology


Wow I wonder why a study on Japanese penis size is from a Japanese group

If I go to nippon,I’m sure to get a government assigned girlfriend.

Make sure you bring a machete to get through their Japanese pube jungle

asian men are coming out of the salarymen cubile to seeth over at livestreamfail

salarymen cubicle

It's like the cuck shed meme but it's super real and arguably more emasculating.

“10cm” imperialcels are a plagie to humanity

"Big white dicks YAY! little yellow dicks? BOO!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxXrxii7Kbg

Me Chinese

Me play joke

Seriously American men

Are hung like rope

The one on the right needs to take a trip to Korea and get some plastic surgery.

can't watch vid atm. can one of y'all fags tell me what it's about

Are Japanese virgin betas gonna run this guy out of the country?

There seems to be an entire genre on Twitch of sexpat streamers going to Japan and talking to Japanese girls on the street at night. This is like the fifth video of this kind that I've seen recently. Bizarre.