DADDY is on the Case and uts because of Kim K and Kanye! As ASAP Rocky rots away in a swedish jail Trump and his team work tirelessly to free him

54  2019-07-18 by charming_tatum


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. DADDY is on the Case and uts becaus... -,,

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I swear to god the US has become a complete meme.

Kanye would make a great president though. He has no problem surrounding himself with talent and letting the more experienced people make decisions while he takes credit for them. If he ran under the campaign promise that he would stay on his meds I'd vote for him

If he ran under the campaign promise that he would stay on his meds I'd vote for him

Smh just like a politician... Making promises he on no way can keep

Got the aircraft carrier all matted out, and my admiral crashed it the first time she backed it out...

God damn...

Go to Iran, I might slam.

Pink Fur, got Kim Jong dressing like Cam, thank god for me!

Mayo hookers in my bedroom, thank God for pee.

West Kardashian 2024 Kardashian West 2024

We're gunna be the new Italy

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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lol thanks pizza, now what do you think of what Sweden has become?

hot take: sweden was always a dump

has become

Sweden peaked in the 1600's btw

What do you mean? Sweden is doing better than the US by pretty much every relevant metric I can think of.

are those metrics "number of car bombs per week" or "number of roving muslim refugees picking fights with tourists and locals"?

Would you like to compare violent crime in the US to Sweden?

It never ceases to amaze me how little American rightoids know about the world. They repeat random talking points they pick up on fox news or breitbart and actually take them seriously.

They have this image of these countries that are so detached from reality they might as well be ripped from the pages of a comic book. For example, Sweden's rape rate isn't that high, they classify rape differently than we do:

Enrico Bisogno is the chief of data development and dissemination at the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC). He says that variations in how different countries record different crimes can play a "huge role" in influencing the results of these comparisons.

"Differences in reported crime data across countries are usually related to different reporting rates by victims (and/or detection by the police), different definitions of criminal offences by countries, and different counting rules," he explained.

"For example, countries can count one 'case' or every single episode. This can make a big difference, especially in cases of domestic violence: is every episode of violence between partners counted, or only the report made by the woman/wife?".

In Sweden, each case of sexual violence is recorded as a separate incident. So for example, if someone says they were raped by a partner every day for a fortnight, officers will record 14 potential crimes. In other countries the claim could be logged as a single incident.

You are statistically safer in Sweden than you are in the united states.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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Also known as you just got bent the fuck over.

like a woman against her will in swedish muslim ghetto!

Is this how you cope with the fact you got bamboozled by Breitbart?

lol why the fuck should I believe any of your sources either?

both you and they do the same thing (that you project onto others because you're a compulsive schizo): agendapost bullshit.

fuck the media bro, I've heard this first hand from actual Swedish people.

lol why the fuck should I believe any of your sources either?

And stopped reading. You have 1 reply to point out what in the provided source is not factually correct.

Cope. All of it.

Have sex and dilate

Still waiting.

Nobody cares

Take a seat.

Not relevant since US doesn't use the cuck metric system.

also because it's black people that make that violence happen

Why’s he arrested?

He got in a fight with some Swede and his entourage ended up beating the shit out of him. Theres a question of whether it was self defense or not but the video looks like dude was asking for it but then they jumped him. Their laws are obviously was different than ours and I think any kind of aggression, even if provoked, is breaking the law

There’s a video on /r/PublicFreakout ... it’s probably the most surreal shit you could see. Black people don’t know how to handle pure autism.

Couldn’t find it, just the one where the two dorks follow them around about the headphones

For being so handsome

Kanye’s already a better politician than half of the senate lmao

Kanye for president but unironically

This is why I don't take life seriously anymore. I do literally whatever the fuck I want and keep getting away with it. That's the secret they don't want you figuring out in high school. The universe is fueled by comedy. Get weird with it

Edit: y'all a bunch of haters haha

Damn I wish I could ping someone this cool

Everybody gangster till they have to ask their parents for help with their attorney fees

At least people in that thread have a healthy perspective of where things are these days...

Kim kardashian has unironically done more for black people than al sharpton and Obama combined, and that’s not counting her auxiliary position as a basketball American shaft sleeve.

Doesn't matter. Trump is a piece of shit. Pompeo is a piece of shit. Kushner is a piece of shit. Bolton is a piece of shit. Mnuchin is a piece of shit.

They think sending someone out to Sweden to free Rocky will somehow not make them racist, warmongering, pieces of shits that try to throw millions of people off of healthcare on a daily basis while giving the richest people on the planet (like Kanye and Kim) tax cuts.

Fuck them. As Lupe said, "cash rules everything around these niggas, as classrooms all around me wither".

Seriousposting mayo teen rage.

As Lupe said, "cash rules everything around these niggas, as classrooms all around me wither".

Lmao rapper complaining about the state of schools and that people only care about money

Virgin NoI Lupe | Chad X-ian Kanye




This case is going to be interesting. A$AP Rocky and his crew basically beat and stomped some migrant Arab teens, a public service for racist Mayos, because they were bothering him.

Rocky had some interesting thoughts on BLM:

Why, because I'm Black? So every time something happens because I'm Black I gotta stand up? What the fuck am I, Al Sharpton now? I'm A$AP Rocky. I did not sign up to be no political activist

Pretty based, but he didn't stop there:

I don't wanna talk about no fucking Ferguson and shit because I don't live over there! I live in fucking Soho and Beverly Hills. I can't relate. I'm in the studio; I'm in these fashion studios; I'm in these bitches' drawers. I'm not doing anything outside of that. That's my life

I'm not black, I'm Rocky. I'm the hottest dude, I wear the tightest clothes, I fuck the hottest bitches.

Holy shit the chaddery

Based as fuck, showing swedish cuck how its done.

*a public service for all of Sweden



There are a lot of totally-not-white gangstas saving the baby migrants from Drumph in that thread

Being held in a Swedish jail is like being trapped in a 3 star hotel in a mid-sized city.