Disneycels fight for over two years about how the worst thing about Disney World fireworks are all those damn kids

48  2019-07-18 by Nom_Chompy


I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


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Really, the polite thing to do would be to tap the kid on the shoulder, or as high as you can reach and tell the kid they should not be up there because their dad is a loser who might be a first time visitor and not know where to get a good view or know how crowded it can get and that the view would suck. Tell the kid they can see the show when they get a better dad or to come back when they are taller and that they should be in bed anyways because they have loser parents that keep them out past their bedtime anyways.


I can't find this post, is it serious or mocking?

It's sarcasm/mocking lol. Post #75 on page 4

Thank God. After reading some of the other posts I had my doubts

Whoops, I screwed up the link. Start at the beginning

It never even began dwarfs... And thats a good thing.

Lol, there's a moderator named "the mom" and she's scolding these adults like they're children.


I love it

They're disneycels, they pretty much are children.

I used to think chapos where the biggest bottom feeders in existence, now I think those perpetually stunted adults who’s whole personality is wrapped up in going to Disney every year are almost as bad as chapos.

The worst thing about Disney world is all the fucking fat people.

Amen, I don’t care about shitty kids or neckbeard adults but the landwhales waddling around at Disney world need to spend the $400 ticket on a gym membership instead.

Adults should not go to Disneyland unless they have children under 10 years old. Adults going to to Disneyland without kids are among the lowest of the low. Almost as bad as the British.

I went to Disneyland with a couple of friends when I was 18. I ate 6 hits of LSD. It was fun af.

I went with my ex when we were 17 or 18 and we ate a bunch of mushrooms.

I had never been before and she insisted. Was pretty cool.

they have alcohol.

I still maintain that Disney could make a killing if they had a few heavily advertised "No Kids Days" every year.

I don't understand. Why don't they just push the children over if they can't see?

Be very careful about who you get on the wrong side of. On one of my trips to Disneyland Paris during the nighttime show a guy nearby put his young daughter on his shoulders and blocked the view of another guy behind, the guy behind asked him to put his kid down and he refused so a heated back and forth started, the guy behind was so annoyed at this point he yanked the kid from the guy's shoulders and threw her to the concrete floor, and of course all hell broke loose. That could be your kids getting thrown to the floor one day so please be respectul to others around you to avoid this type of thing from happening.

Well-Known Member


Why would an adult even want to go if they don't have kids? Are these the same kind of "people" who still obsess over Harry Potter into their 30s?

I want to go. But only to angrily push kids over from atop their parents' shoulders.

Lol manlets