And not the other color so NATO think They have the authority to kill a minority

39  2019-07-18 by Seattle_Bussy_Lmao




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  1. And not the other color so NATO thi... -,

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Only wanting to be judged by a court of your fellow nationals = woke

Only wanting this because you think they're retarded = WOKEST

Someone was trying to tell me that whites shouldnt be put on juries with black defendants. I think this is why.

Seattle, walk me through this headline.

It was better in my head and with music

I appreciate the honesty.


It's N.W.A. you mayonnaise cracker.

Yeah but Turks are NATO and definitely not NWA approved.

Iceland is so white they cancel Turkey out

Based Filipino daddy.

Imagine being so woke that this recovering homosexual shares the same views as you. At least now when woketards cancel people duterte can dispose of them properly instead of sending them into the permanent underclass.

Once you go bussy, you never go gussy

Lol this same guy threatened war on Canada if they didn't remove their trash from their land

If your neighbor sent weekly tankers full of “recyclables” and dumped them on your front lawn you’d be mad, too

I know I just still find the idea of a war between Canada and the Philipines to be really funny

The Philippines colonizing Canada. We can make this reality.

My based president 🤩🤩🤩 Still waiting on the confirmation on the commie bounty so I can blow up the national university.

Your title game is on point.