"He's not a whistleblower though. He got fired for being a shit mod."

27  2019-07-19 by SwiftOnEstradiol


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Jesus fucking christ gamers are pathetic

It's like they're competing to see who can be the most r-slurred. I think this is one of those rare cases where everyone really is a winner.

User reports

1: Brim was shit, but stay out of this and look for other drama.


How do you make custom reports?

There's an "other" option that lets you enter text

David was fucking right to take down that shithole

He was so close to glory. All he had to do was de-mod everyone and mod a bunch of 2Xr people or some maniacal shit like that. But I guess I shouldn’t expect too much critical thinking from the autist who created the fucking place to begin with.

He did the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Jannie fired from his unpaid position 😂