Peak reddit

14  2019-07-19 by Welcome_to_Brotact


do not comment or vote in linked threads

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Yeah don't worry about that.

The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Peak reddit -,,

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I hate that I am hearing Maynard’s voice chanting “learn to swim” but honestly it’s appropriate.

upvote X so google shows it

has this ever worked

Supposedly it worked when r/circlejerk did it for Comcast.

I'm mostly getting stock photos. like this one

Daddy is finished!

WE NEED YOUR HELP, FUCKTHEALTRIGHT USERS! This is one of the few subreddits where the alt-right (i.e., neo-Nazis) and the groups that support and enable them are not given a voice (See Rule 1). We are here to condemn and mock them, not to dignify and legitimize their toxic nonsense with Reddit-brand Valuable Discussion. In order to maintain this Nazi-free space, the moderator team needs our users to report Nazis and trolls so that we can remove them at first opportunity. You can still abuse them when you see them, but remember our motto is Report, THEN Retort. Thank you, and FUCK THE ALT-RIGHT!

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Automod NO!!!

Look how they massacred our boy. For real though, I don’t think I could ever feel so self-righteous as to type those words. Reddit-brand Valuable Discussion. I’m stealing that.

"one of the few subreddits where nazis are not given a voice"


Can someone give me the actual number of alt right members or facists in the us?

at least 3

The 4 horseman of the alt right - Ben Shapiro , Dave Rubin , Lobster Daddy and Joe Rogan

Clearly the 4th Reich us upon us!

Do they really include Rogan or is just because "He gives them a platform".

There's a ton of alt-rights in America.

Fascists it depends on who is in office. Wait, no it doesn't, tea partiers were calling Obama fascist.

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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The alt-right is mostly an online movement, which makes it hard to measure. The three main alt-right hubs I know of are /r/altright, Stormfront, and 4chan’s politics board.

The only one that displays clear user statistics is /r/altright, which says that there are about 5,000 registered accounts. The real number is probably less – some people change accounts, some people post once and disappear, and some non-white-nationalists probably go there to argue. But sure, let’s say that community has 5,000 members.

Stormfront’s user statistics say it gets about 30,000 visits/day, of which 60% are American. My own blog gets about 8,000 visits/day , and the measurable communities associated with it (the subreddit, people who follow my social media accounts) have between 2000 – 8000 followers. If this kind of thing scales, then it suggests about 10,000 people active in the Stormfront community.

4chan boasts about 1 million visits/day. About half seem to be American. Unclear how many go to the politics board and how many are just there for the anime and video games, but Wikipedia says that /b/ is the largest board with 30% of 4Chan’s traffic, so /pol/ must be less than that. If we assume /pol/ gets 20% of 4chan traffic, and that 50% of the people on /pol/ are serious alt-rightists and not dissenters or trolls, the same scaling factors give us about 25,000 – 50,000 American alt-rightists on 4Chan.

Taking into account the existence of some kind of long tail of alt-right websites, I still think the population of the online US alt-right is somewhere in the mid five-digits, maybe 50,000 or so.

50,000 is more than the 5,000 Klansmen. But it’s still 0.02% of the US population. It’s still about the same order of magnitude as the Nation of Islam, which has about 30,000 – 60,000 members, or the Church of Satan, which has about 20,000. It’s not quite at the level of the Hare Krishnas, who boast 100,000 US members. This is not a “voting bloc” in the sense of somebody it’s important to appeal to. It isn’t a “political force” (especially when it’s mostly, as per the 4chan stereotype, unemployed teenagers in their parents’ basements.)

So the mainstream narrative is that Trump is okay with alienating minorities (= 118 million people), whites who abhor racism and would never vote for a racist (if even 20% of whites, = 40 million people), most of the media, most business, and most foreign countries – in order to win the support of about 50,000 poorly organized and generally dysfunctional people, many of whom are too young to vote anyway.

Caring about who the KKK or the alt-right supports is a lot like caring about who Satanists support. It’s not something you would do if you wanted to understand real political forces. It’s only something you would do if you want to connect an opposing candidate to the most outrageous caricature of evil you can find on short notice.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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The ferocity with which these people insist on this is directly proportional to the degree they looked done upon these "Americans" .

It's some subconscious impulse, some undiagnosed paranoia that drives these public displays of exceedingly pathetic empathy.

Wish I was that easily resolved as a human.


Blindly championing the one of the most polarizing and inconsequential members of the House will really connect with working class white voters. Glad they're making a difference, unlike the MAGA-cels that just attack anyone who enters Daddy's Twitter cross hairs.

Calling pelosi a racist to own the... libs?

Ironically Trump will win 2020 not because of his base but because of his most histrionic haters.

It’s the same reason shows like Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo get so popular.

Imagine being so privileged that you can hold obscure and alienating ideologically pure stances and dwell only those views. You'll ensure that you're able constantly have drama and be able to own the less fortune by derailing the political machine, so their affairs are always chaotic.

These "idealists" remind me of Dr. Phil: let's gawk at some outlandish shit and not actually change anything. "The catch me outside pill".

Locked because we were getting brigaded from asshats at r/drama

She's as American as any of us. End of discussion.


asshats of r/drama

all 12 of us and a decommissioned bot

we r legun

lmao jannies locked it


Lol you got cucked by Drama mods. How's it taste?!

I'm honestly convinced you have a severe learning disability. The poor reading comprehension, the inability to grasp points, the forming of strong opinions on subjects you have no understanding of.

It all adds up.

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like cum

Commies and cults of personality: Name a more iconic duo.