Janny drama in r/KIA.

36  2019-07-19 by Ghdust2


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Janny drama in r/KIA. - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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/r/drama now controls KIA.

If you want proof, simply state that you support pedophiles and after a brief stewing by the mod team (they will debate for hours whether this is some sort of brigade psy op) they will go on a crusade against pedos.

Get two birds stoned in one go: come out as a pedo, prove kia mods have drama derangement syndrome (like TDS but about drama) , make gamers rise up against pedos. No downies!

there are few types of redditors I would less rather be than a KiAtard. Even an MDEgenerate can be admirable, in the way a wounded and retarded animal can be admirable in its tenacity.

MDEfugees have a long and rich culture of being prosecuted. they are naturally (through brutal process of elimination and survival of the fittest) bred survivors, like cockroaches.

Ever since 9/10, those who are unable to find a new sub die, leaving only the hardiest MDEfugees. Yet there is a superior subspecies, who have existed in safety this whole time. Those are the people of /r/200acres.

Yet there is a superior subspecies, who have existed in safety this whole time

If the peaceful folk of /r/200acres have led a safe, comfortable existence this entire time then it probably means they have grown fat and complacent. Only the adversity of being hunted by the nazi jannies breeds the qualities of a survivor.

However they live in constant fear. They were the first private sub to get quarantined and they have a fair amount of backups off Reddit where they can regroup. They have become as paranoid as they are anti-semetic.


Are rightoids actually trying to claim that Asian beat by antifa was a journalist?

Are you questioning rightoids' retardation?

I know who he is. He's a right-wing media pundit, not a journalist.

Some retard writing op-eds for various media outlets does not a journalist make.

Can he not be both?

Dude even fucking Wikipedia of all places disagrees with you.

Well if wikipedia says it, I guess a right-wing news pundit that writes a few op-eds is now a journalist.

Pathetic that your take is that he's not a journalist. The proper understanding is that he is a journalist, all journalists are like, and they all deserve to be rounded up in dea

Being a right-wing media pundit does not make you a journalist.

If blue check marks on twitter can claim to be journalists can't gay Asian manlets do the same?


Both are wrong

They aren't journalists either.

He’s literally a journalist lmao

Don’t be a pedantic retard

Being a right-wing news pundit does not make you a journalist.

lol they've been having an absolute meltdown over their 007 whine threads being deleted

There's always Janny drama in KIA.

It's literally the only sub/forum I can think of that requires you to do mental arithmetic using a "points system" with every post you make.

That's not even the half of it.

There were literal years of AntonioOfVenice trying to get the sub to become an anti-SJW free-for-all. Every now and then, something crazy (but unrelated to videogames) would happen and dozens of posts would be purged for being off topic, and everyone would get mad and call the mods nazis and closet SJWs for stopping their free speech... often foisting Antonio as their leader, since he was the most prominent and loudest voice against the moderation team.

This came to a peak a few months ago when he formally split off and took a few thousand followers to /r/kotakuinaction2 to free themselves from the posting restrictions on KiA. I wasn't really paying attention at all, but I had heard every now and then that Antonio and the KiA mods were discussing things privately to try to reconcile, and I guess the split meant that they had finally stopped trying.

I don't know much about the fallout, since I started posting to /r/drama instead, but Antonio has become more and more scarce on reddit, leading to a couple meta posts wondering about his fate.

5 days ago, Antonio responds to a particularly desperate sounding meta post: https://www.reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction2/comments/ccw6zu/antonio_please_just_tell_us_what_is_going_on/

They've been nearing an end for two months or so now. The part where they are talking to me is done, and has been for a while. But they also have to agree among themselves, and people like Hatler want to really get it right - so they're taking their time. They're also very busy with some other things, which is why it's taking more.

So, Antonio knows that big things are in the works.

The next day, KiA blows up with a fucking huge meta thread about 007 posts getting removed. https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/cd59va/why_do_posts_about_the_new_007_movie_keep_getting/

Then, a great purge took place where one of the longest-standing mods stepped down voluntarily and purged a ton of other moderators, most notably Brimshae. Brimshae is the most right-leaning moderator, and the purge leaves things in the hands of Raraara (who everyone seems to hate for some reason I don't understand) and pinkerbelle (the resident foid who is literally always on, and if you ever have your post removed for being off topic, there's a 90% chance pinkerbelle is the one who did it). This is likely part of the Big Thing that Antonio heard about, but the sudden removal of Brimshae seems to have been completely out of the blue.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Pretty accurate. Kinda scary actually.

I'm from KiA originally. Only stopped frequenting this year.

I've been on the more restrictive side of this debate for ages. Including butting heads with Antonio in one of our rules meta threads in 2015.