Wtf I love the Republicanoids now

238  2019-07-19 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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  1. Wtf I love the Republicanoids now -,

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Itโ€™s not out-of-the-question that child drag shows are part of an organized effort to defame the left. It would explain why the media promotes them despite overwhelming condemnation.

Why would the Jews actively campaign against themselves? I mean in this context.

What do you mean?

Gay marriage was overwhelmingly condemned once too, but media still promoted it. Look where we are now.

Sanitizing medical equipment was largely condemned once too. Look into it.

Oh shit you're right it's totally the same thing.

Muh feels

Should have named yourself Ragingcuck93, it's more appropriate.

Thats funny coming from a dude who named themselves after their asshole.


You are kinda new to reddit ,arent ya?

One advice: we dont really use emojis . We usw thwm only on those anti vax copypastas and this emoji:๐Ÿ—ฟ for jojos bizzare adventures part 4 memes like:


You are kinda new to /r/Drama ,arent ya? ๐Ÿ˜ค

One advice: we use emojis ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ all the time . We usw thwm especially on those pro ๐Ÿ‘bussy๐Ÿ‘ copypastas ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ‘ and this emoji:๐Ÿ˜ด for snooze posting like:


DON'T ๐Ÿ‘ YOU ๐Ÿ‘ SPEAK ๐Ÿ‘ TO ๐Ÿ‘ ME ๐Ÿ‘ LIKE ๐Ÿ‘ THAT ๐Ÿ‘

Don't talk to me or my bussy ever again.

Post it

The mad lad did it.

Oh this sub that's a good thing


Nah the people doing this are organic I met some

I donโ€™t mean that the shows arenโ€™t organic, I mean that one of (but not the only) reasons why the media is promoting could be that they wish to defame the left.

Pink news is literally the fucking largest most watched LGBT news platform lol. They are promoting what they are interested in.

I lived in the fucking gayborhood in my city. You have never seen such a wretched hive of villainy

I was just throwing out an idea.

How old are you? No troll just General age works? Zoomer? Early 20โ€™s?

PinkNews is a Britbong site for Britbong faggots lol. In America, the only country that actually matters, The Advocate shits all over them in terms of twitter followers and Alexa traffic.

I bet you can probably quote pre insurance PREP prices from memory

No I just googled "top lgbt sites" and compared Alexa traffic within the US. I also had to google prep because I'm not a degenerate queer who gets his neghole pozzed constantly. Why do rightoids like you always know more about fag shit than most fags anyway.

I was just googling


why do you know

It it literally says it lol

CBC (aka Canada's State media) is in on it, so I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

And the radicals in the democratic party are widely unliked. AOC has a 9% approval rating outside of her own district. Yet the media prop them up like figureheads to be adored.

The media bubble is radical, like them. Absolutely nothing like the general public.

At least child drag seems more honest compared to the beauty pageants.

this comparison gets made every thread and its so dishonest, child beauty pageants are trashy mothers who slammed headfirst into the wall trying to vicariously live through their children, thus torturing them

this shit is just pure degeneracy

trashy mothers who slammed headfirst into the wall trying to vicariously live through their children, thus torturing them

This isn't degeneracy?

its a different kind of degeneracy, just emotional exploitation rather than sexual exploitation

... Yeah no. Those things are lousy with "swimsuit" competitions and the like. I say arrest them all.

It is sexual in both cases.

If my 10 year old doesnโ€™t want to blow your dad, heโ€™d say something. Heโ€™s 10 not 8. This is an overreach

Why is the left so fixated on child drag shows? Iโ€™m pretty sure if Republicans would never parade kids around in dresses for pseudo political reasons. These people need to go to church!

Left-libertarian COPE

Why is the left so fixated on child drag shows?

they're not, afaik. this is like saying, "why is the right so obsessed with putting mexican kids in cages?"

You aren't always this much of a faggot. Take a break and get something to eat.

You aren't always this much of a faggot

But Obama did it first tho

And just like abortions they love them behind closed doors

Hold on, no way do Rs consume child drag, even behind closed doors. Their child brides might accidentally watch.

Fucking fascists, telling everyone they can't fuck kids

Their body MY choice ๐Ÿ˜ค.

If the police don't show up withing 15 minutes, it's legal


If you are against 9-year-olds getting the opportunity to have an abortion, you're a fucking Republican POS.

8 year old abortions when ?

If you are against 9 year-olds getting the opportunity to be aborted, youโ€™re a fucking Republican POS.

This but unironically

87th trimester abortions when?

only free when they turn 18 ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค

I mean forcing a 9 year old to go through pregnancy is legit a pretty fucked up thing to do.

May Allah strike you with lightning for speaking such foolishness

Maybe, just maybe, you could stop with the Islamophobia.

Technically, its Islamodeimia

I'm pretty sure Muslims would agree with him.

You cant fuck em u til you marry em first. Thats why it is important to keep child brides legal. Jesus happily watches married coitus.

Libretarians rise up!

Hold on a second. They still fought for and reaffirmed child marriage so they still suck. This is one good thing they are doing but they are still terrible for that.

Replying to this so I can copy it for future use

Glad someone appreciates the compilation.

You only have a problem with it cause you hate gays. Child beauty pageants are totally fine with Republicans nazis.

I think the Overton window has shifted so far left Iโ€™m actually far right now I mean what the fuck dude.

Welcome to the current year + 4

but even twatter blue check marks are agreeing with republicans about this

Half of them agree with republicans

Half the Twitterites are pro sexy 11yo

child drags is weird because even most hardcore leftists hate it, yet the media is constantly pushing it as a good thing

hardcore leftists

the media

It's almost as if they're the same people... Chapocels think they deserve $100,000 for pouring $5 cups of coffee and "the media" think they deserve $100,000 and a job for life for writing hot takes on why the lion king movie is racist.

The media is hardcore left? Bitch, they go whatever way gets them the most money.

Drag kids are slaying the runway, one fierce look at a time

Hot Docs 2019: In Drag Kids, parents cheer as children slay gender norms

I guess promoting little bachi bazi boys dressed like prostitutes from 1987 dancing on stage while grown men throw them dollar bills is enlightened centrism?

they go whatever way gets them the most money right now.

That's not even close to being true. This country is split pretty much 50/50. Yet mainstream outlets cover le drumpf like 99% negative and push crazy shit like this.

A rare moment of honesty from CJR:

You think taking the radical left position on literally every issue is a money making tactic? You should check out CNN's ratings then.

No, rightoids are outnumbered by everyone else. It is simple.

Gold bars are outnumbered by mosquitoes.

If there were more rightoids than everyone else, Trump would have gotten the popular vote.

You are aware that FOX is the most watched network on cable and has been for years, right?

I am. That's because it's the ONLY conservative channel. It's almost as if pervasive media bias to the left was the entire reason fox news was created...

This country is split pretty much 50/50.

no it isn't lmao dude you are talking alllll the way our your ass in this thread

If only we had some kind of national poll of voters where voters get to pick between a republican and a democrat... We could call them elections. I think every four years sounds like a good timeframe...

If you don't vote you don't count.


The media's consumer base is not the same as people who vote. Trying to judge the former off the latter is idiotic

The media's consumer base is not the same as people who vote.

Right. That's why CNN gets lower ratings than the Food Network.

It's almost as if they're the same people...

I know, which is why it's surprising. It means journalists are even more hardcore than the hardcore leftists we're used to.

Well, they also do make money on outrage, they just push it all one way.

It's almost as if they're the same people

this is nonsense lol

What's "nonsense" about it?

I was a moderate Democrat in 2003 and haven't changed the majority of my political stances since, which by today's standards makes me a fascist pig.

meh even 2012 is pretty hitler-adjacent

I was unrionically pretty far left-wing in 2012, and now I'm frequently accused of being a rightoid.


I'm a social democrat and I'm frequently accused of being alt-right lmao

Well you did murder, rape and cannibalize Rosa Luxemburg

I am always endlessly amused by people who support the ideology of Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot pointing to a single woman killed by the freikorps in order to put down a violent uprising as the reason social democracy is a bad ideology.

It is kinda shocking isn't it? Like she was a terrorist against the only elected republican government Germany ever had, and somehow she's a hero to leftoids.

She was trying to lead a violent communist uprising against the elected social democratic republic like of course they fucking shot her lmfao

I more they support ICE Molotov tranny still Hahahah

If it wasn't him, I'd do it for free.

Oyyy veyyy

(((she))) deserved it

Disgusting anti-Semitism, not the hot kind like Ilsa the She-Wolf of the SS

Probably cause you're Nazbol.

meh even 2012 is pretty hitler-adjacent

Pretty much.

Just remember that Biden used to be the greatest person right behind Obama for lefties and now he is basically Rudolf Hess.

Lol Biden was always trash. What are you even on about?

What are you even on about?

Remeber the spam from /r/bidenbro ?

Ok I will ask again, what makes you think "progressives" ever thought Biden was good at any point ever in history?

Reddit memes from random Redditors doesn't equal the left thinking a guy is good.

"progressives" ever thought

Who gives a fuck what "progressives" ever thought. We are talking about actual people.

Shut the fuck up retard. The whole point was a claim that Biden was seen as left and now he isn't.

you seem like a bad poster

What did I get idiot? The shit is quoted for you to read.

Damn Circo who pissed you off today

No patience for retarded people today.

ho gives a fuck what "progressives" ever thought.

your entire point is based on the idea that progressives ever liked biden

sorry ur a fuckin' pleb who only knew neolib dorks in 2012, but some of us have known that Biden sucks

this is autism

> instantly downvotes and responds with lame old le reddit response

this sub used to be interesting b4 your normie retards just morphed it into a copy of every other part of reddit

chapos out

now do, "Cope" or, "lol bussy" so you won't have to actually use your brain in any capacity

I'm trying to figure out which b& guy you are. you have the baseless confidence of pizza, but you're not nearly verbose enough

probably wewuzkangz if I had guess

which b& guy

I'm enby, bigot


No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Because the 2011 SJ tumblr boom happened and literally changed how the left works.

we should call it the Black Scare

Tbf I don't think even 2 % if dems support drag kids or whatever the name is

Imagine if they met a couple of GIs who bashed the Nazis.

But I keep reading on r/Politics that republicans have shifted far right

There's data showing that both parties have moved further to the extremes, but the left has moved much further left than the right has moved to the right.




Literally me. Knocking doors for Obama in 08, knocking for hitler in 2020.

Honest to God, if an actual unironic fascist ran for office, I'd vote for him. Politics are just so fucked worldwide we need some kind of global conflict to reset society.

Take the brakes off this bitch. I like it.

Don't worry mate, these next two decades will have you covered. It'll start with the sound of the Opening Bell.

The only non-retarded fascists were Francoists and that's just because Iberians are superior to krauts and spaghettis.

That's some Spaniard cope right there. Iberians are only good at getting drunk and doing nothing. Reminder that the lost the worlds largest empire to the britbongs and the frogs

The (((anglos))) sent storms to sink the glorious Castilian Fleet.


Knocking doors for Obama

this happen before or after you got jumped then raped, Paul Bunyan?

I have a shirt with chick Fil a lettering that says homophobia.

Now I have a fairly large collection of spooky bandanas

Funny how life turns out.

How is a kid playing dress up essentially "not for kids"?

We must purge the unclean

The Overton window is shifting so far and so fast to the left that people that stay current on lefty beliefs see everything thatโ€™s is left in the wake and think that means itโ€™s shifting to the right.

jesus christ im not alone thank god

Iโ€™m actually far right now

you say this as if you're not blatantly conservative lol

I see so many people who do this online: "oh man the left has gone crazy and lost le based centrism vote." and in like 99.999% of cases it's from people like you, who were never gonna' not vote republican in the first place


voting republican doesn't make me far right, it covers a range from moderately right of center to far right due to the way the two party system works.

I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012- I even had a rainbow Obama bumper sticker on my car.

People change, friend. Then again, the NPCs in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 still say the same lines that they did when the game was first released, so clearly not everyone changes.

I even had a rainbow Obama bumper sticker on my car

why in the WORLD would you admit that, even on an anonymous forum? sheesh

I was a two time Obama voter. Now I'm Hitler reincarnate.

The world's most read and watched LGBT+ digital media publisher.

What are you crazy you bible thumping bigot? How could homosexual marriage could lead to legalisation of pedophilia? Slippery slope much?

โ€œChild drag shows arenโ€™t sexual.โ€

โ€œOpposing child drag shows is discriminatory toward the LGBT community.โ€

Which is it?

I hate to say it but he was right again

Oh really a maloch reference, didn't know he was so based.

Listen up Bigots, having a 11 yo dancing lasciviously on stage while strung up on ketamine ๐Ÿ’‰ as horny ๐Ÿ†gay ๐Ÿ‘…men ๐Ÿ’ฆmake it rain ๐Ÿ’ต is totally normal in the ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆCurrent Yearโ„ข ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ.

โ˜ญ Fascists out! โ˜ญ

Kids belong on stages, not in cages

Unless the cages are on stages.

This but reversed.

a 11 yo dancing lasciviously on stage while strung up on ketamine

god i wish that were me

Don't let your dreams be dreams sweaty ๐Ÿ˜˜





ITT: the target demographic for Toddlers and Tiaras blame gays for mainstream pedophilia.

Pedophilia is only a problem when the gays do it because diddling little boys turns them gay and we donโ€™t need anymore gays.

unironically thi

"Child drG shows are against God and testament to LIEberal degeneracy!"

"CLETUS! The preteen-beauty pageant and elementary school cheerleader convention is in chanel 3! Get the DVR!"

Ban them both

I was just thinking. Aren't child beauty pageants mostly a thing in states that lean republican?

When virtue signalling collapses into a virtue singularity.

The Republican party slowly becoming a post ironic meme

Why you trying to push me to vote republican

This but unironically. All the mainstream gay news sources have gone fucking insane.

Iโ€™m sorry I love Drag queens and I truly enjoy their shows. But thatโ€™s not for kids. The things they say and refer to itโ€™s definitely not a kids environment. Whatโ€™s wrong with u all? Take your fking kids to Disneyworld!

You know your shit is whack when a gay midget go-go dancer Big Brother contestant & drag aficionado tells you to tone it down.

That's a baby faced midget.

Anyone that starts a sentence with "just a reminder" should be shot

Gay activists and media sites are losing their fucking minds since people stopped giving a shit if you get gay married. Nothing to fight for to justify their existence and keep the money pouring in. It's going to be all queer shit all the time and is going to get crazy.

The FBI should investigate them.

Something tells me they are pretty fine with child pageants tho.

Pedophilia for me but not for thee!

I say ban all these creepy little kid dressup shows.


There was actually an episode that was cut from one of those child beauty pageant shows in which they had a few of the little girls dancing topless in some feather outfit during rehearsal.

Saw it on Youtube nearly a decade ago after someone linked it and immediately got all paranoid that I'd be put on a list.

Peen News does it again

Get on the right side of history, Conservitards ๐Ÿ˜ค

selective memory? I donโ€™t know...


This isn't what I wanted when I was marching for equal rights in university.

Please QUILTBAG stop being weird.

when I was marching for equal rights in university

check it out, it's a thing that definitely happened and isn't made up at all

unlike you zoomers I went to university before gay marriage was legal.

When I was in my early 20s lesbians like me were literally stoned to death in the streets by moderate republicans literally every hour of every day, over 500,000 died a year at the hands of the westboro baptist church.

the mere fact that you call it, "university" shows you're not american; for this reason, your opinion has been discarded

I'm American and most people I know call CCs college and 4 years university.

I'm American

No you're not.

most people I know call CCs college and 4 years university.

Even people who go to Ivy League schools still call it college retard.

Religious people are losing it over the child drag stuff.

The only rationalization I can think of is pointing out how some people are ok with Child Beauty Pageants cause thats basically the same thing for little girls(actual girls).