This ad is really annoying

23  2019-07-19 by charming_tatum


I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. This ad is really annoying -,,

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Use an ad blocker you mong.

They makes those for mobile?

Do you use an app?

I use the official app and redditisfun

I use the official app


Pay $3 for sync pro u dumb moid

Yeah but then I wouldn't have anything to blame my anger on...its the same reason I listen to music I hate

reddit is fun allows you to block ads

I know. I use the official app about 40% of the time because it's easier to interact with my inbox. Like if I'm just scrolling and looking at stuff or posting something I use redditisfun but if I'm talking to people or cross posting I'm using the official app


The fuck hahahaha

Like a black person has a mortgage 😂😂😂😂



Choose one

I wish I could be that happy

I'm sure if you were overweight and got a desk job you would be

I'm white skinny and work outside. This is why I'm unhappy (plz don't tell anyone about the white part)

Idk, I cant do desk jobs or sit in front of computers all day...I'll end up sleeping 50% of the time. I'd rather work outside or do something hands-on

I just want to smell that chair.

Homeowners on Reddit

Lol. Somebody shell out $50 and run this add on Chapo.

Wtf this is hilarious

The reason she needs government assistance to pay her bills is because she dances all day instead of working.